Holt Algebra 1: Chapter 1


A letter or symbol used to represent a value that can change.


A value that does not change.

numerical expression

An expression that contains only constants and operations. (ex. 5+7-2)

algebraic expression

A mathematical phrase involving at least one variable and sometimes numbers and operation symbols. (ex. x�4)

natural numbers

counting numbers 1,2,3,.....

whole numbers

the natural numbers and zero: 0,1,2,3,.....


whole numbers and their opposites: ...-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,....

rational numbers

Any integer that can be written (a/b) where a and b are both integers and b?0

terminating decimals

rational numbers in decimal form that have a finite number of digits: ex) 1.5,2.75, 4.0

repeating decimals

Rational numbers in decimal form that have a block of one or more digits that repeats continuously.

irrational numbers

Numbers that cannot be expressed in the form a/b including square roots of whole numbers that are not perfect squares and non-terminating decimals that do not repeat. (ex. ? 2,?11,?)

real numbers

Any number that can be represented on a number line.

absolute value

The distance from zero on a number line. Always positive. (ex. |2|=2; |?2|=2)

coordinate plane

Formed by the intersection of two
perpendicular number lines.

ordered pair

The horizontal component and vertical component of a point. [ex. (3, 4)]


Perpendicular number lines.


The point of intersection of each 0 on two perpendicular number lines.


The horizontal number line.


The vertical number line.


The first value in an ordered pair, which indicates the number of units to move right or left from the origin.


The second value in an ordered pair, which indicates the number of units to move up or down from the origin.


One of the four areas defined by the axes of the coordinate plane.


To find the value of an algebraic expression by substituting a number for each variable and simplifying by using order of operations.


two numbers that are the same distance from zero on a number line but in opposite directions. For example 6 and -6.

additive inverse

a number and its opposite. For example 3+-3 = 0.


two numbers whose product is 1: ex. 2/3 and 3/2

multiplicative inverse

a number and its reciprocal: �5 is equivalent to x 1/5


an expression written with an exponent and a base: ex. ?� = 3 to the second power or 3 squared.

square root

a number that when multiplied by itself equals a given number.

perfect square

a number whose positive square root is a whole number.

order of operations

which operation to perform first when evaluating an expression (PEMDAS)


(P) Perform operations inside grouping symbols such as parentheses (), brackets [] and braces {}
(E) Simplify powers (exponents)
(MD) do multiplication and division from left to right
(AS) do addition and subtraction from left to right


the parts to be added or subtracted in an expression

like terms

terms that contain the same variables raised to the same powers. Constants are also like terms


a number multiplied by a variable. Like terms can have different coefficients. A variable written without a coefficient has a coefficient of 1.


In y=10x+5, the value substituted for x


In y=10x+5, the value generated for y for a given value of x


A number that is raised to a power


A number that tells how many times the base should be multiplied by itself