Algebra Test 2018

Expression is equivalent to ?(147)
A. 3 ?(7
B. 7 ?(3)
C. 21 ?(7
D. 49 ?(3

7 ?(3)

A drummer and guitarist. They wrote a total of 46 songs together Which system of equations models this situation if the drummer wrote d songs and the guitarist, wrote g songs.

g = 2d-8
g + d = 46

which graph represents the solution of y <= to -4x

non-dotted diagonal line.

The graph of f(x)=x2 was transformed to create the graph of g(x)=(x-7.5)2. Which of these describes this transformation?

A horizontal shift to the right 7.5 units

A set of weights includes a 4lb barbell and 6 pair of weight plates. Each pair of plates weighs 20lb. If x pairs of plates are added to the barbell, the total weight of the barbell and plates in pounds can be represented by f(x)=20x+4.
What is the range o

{4, 24, 44, 64, 84, 104, 124}

The area of a rectangle is 54x9y8 square yards. If the length of the rectangle is 6x3y4 yards, which expression represents the width of the rectangle in yards?
A. 9x3y2
B. 48x6y4
C. 9x6y4
D. 60x12y12


The total number of seats in an auditorium is modelled by f(x)=2x2-6x, where x represents the rows of seats. How many rows are there in the auditorium if it has a total of 416 seats?
A. 32
B. 13
C. 20
D. 16


Which dashed line is an asymptote for the graph?
A. Line q
B. Line r
C. Line s
D. Line t

Line s

Which situation best represents causation?

When it rains several inches, the water levels of a lake increases.

The quadratic function is shown. Which function best represents by this graph?
A. f(x)= x2 + 3x - 4
B. f(x)= -x2 - 3x + 4
C. f(x)= x2 - 3x - 4
D. f(x)= -x2 + 3x + 4


What is the solution to 8x-3(2x-4)=3(x-6)
A. 6
B. 2
C. 30
D. No Solution


A lifeguard earns $320 per week. 40 hours plus $12 per hour worked over 40 hours. Which graph represents the lifeguard's weekly earnings when working h hours over 40.

The graph starting at $320 and it goes over 500.

A shoe company is going to close one of it's two stores.

(just remember the plus 15 over 4. And the 7 over 2 minus 4 over 5)

Points: (-6,4), (-3,-5), (-2,-4). What is the y-intercept of the graph of f?


A particular type of cell doubles in number every hour. Which function can be used to find the number of cells present at the end of h hours if there are initially 4 of these cells?
A. n=4(1/2)h
B. n=4(2)h
C. n=4+(2)h
D. n=4+(1/2)h


What is the slope of the line represented by
A. -2
B. 24/5
C. -12
D. 5/12


Which expression is equivalent to 6x2+13x+5?
A. (2x=5)(3x-1)
B. (2x-5)(3x+1)
C. (2x+1)(3x+5)
D. (2x-1)(3x-5)


A bus travels two different routes: the green route and the blue route. The routes are different lengths. What is the length of the Green route in miles?
A. 4.4 mi
B. 4.5 mi
C. 6.4 mi
D. 6.8 mi

4.5 mi

What does the correlation coefficient for the data indicate about the strength of the linear association between the height and the length of these rectangles?

Weak Postive correlation

The expression (x3)(x-17) is equivalent to xn. What is the value of n?


Population of Center City is modeled by exponential function f, where x is the number of years after the year 2015. The graph of f is shown on the grid?
A. x>=0
B. y>=250,000
C. 0 <= X <= 110
D. 250,000 <= Y <= 1,000,000

y >= to 250,000

A sequence can be generated by using a(n)=4a(n-1), where a(1)=6 and n is a whole number greater than 1. What are the first four terms in sequence?

6, 24, 96, 384

What is the equation in slope-intercept form of the line that passes through the points (-4,47) and (2, -16)?

(remember -21 over 2 and plus 5)

The graph of f(x)=x2 is transformed to create the graph of h(x)=2f(x). Which graph best represents f and h?

Both H and F lines start at the same point, and h is inside of f.

A student is ordering a flower arrangement. She can choose any combination of roses and carnations of her flower arrangement, and she does not want to spend more than $30.
If roses cost $3 each and carnations cost $2 each, which inequality represents all

3x+2y<= 30

Which of these represents the rate of change of the temperature with respect to altitude?
A. -6.5*C/km
B. -3.5*c/km
C. -0.29*c/km
D. -0.15*C/km


The value of y is directly proportional to the value of x. If y=35, when x=140, what is the value of y when x=70?


Which expression is equivalent to m2-13m-30?
A. (m-15)(m+2)
B. (m-10)(m-3)
C. (m+15)(m-2)
D. (m+10)(m+3)


If the graph of the second equation in the system passes through the points (-12, 20) and (4,12), which statement is true?
A. The only solution to the system is (10, 5)
B. The only solution to the system is (0, 14)
C. The system has no solution
D. The sys

The System has no solution

What is the domain of f(x)=9-x2?
A. f(x) => 9
B. All real numbers
C. -3 <= x <= 3
D. x <= 9

All real numbers

A student used f(x)=5.00(1.012)x to show how the balance in savings account will increase over time. What does the 5.00 represent?

The starting balance of the saving account.

Which ordered pair best represents the location of the y-intercept?
A. (1/3, 0)
B. (0, -2)
C. (0, 1/3)
D. (-2, 0)

(0, -2)

Which function can be used to find the thickness of the ice shelf in meters x days since the discovery?
A. t(x)=450-0.06x
B. t(x)=-0.06(x+450)
C. t(x)=450+0.06x
D. t(x)=0.06(x+450)


What is the positive solution to the equation 0=(1/3)x2-3?


The amount of fertilizer in a landscaping company's warehouse decreases at a rate of 3% per week. The amount of fertilizer in the warehouse was originally 78,000 cubic yards.
Which function models the amount of fertilizer in cubic yards left after w weeks


What is the equation of the line that passes through the point (-2, 7) and has a slope of zero?
A. x=7
B. y=-2
C. x=-2
D. y=7


Which ordered pair is in the solution set of y >=(1/3)x=4?
A. (-6,1)
B. (-1, 6)
C. (6, -1)
D. (1, -6)

(-1, 6)

Which table does NOT show y as a function of x?

x: -0.2, 0.6, -1.3, 1.0, -0.2
y: 5.8, -3.7, 4.4, -0.9, 8.1

A projectile is launched into the air from the ground. The table shows the height of the projectile, h(t), at different times. Based on the table which function can be best used to model this situation?
A. h(t)=99t^2 + 858
B. h(t)=-4.9t^2 + 295t + .06

h(t)=-4.9t^2 + 295t + 0.6

Which value of x makes the equation 0.75(x=20)=2+0.5(x-2)
A. 64
B. -64
C. 56
D. -56


Which expression is a factor of 18x2-15x+2?
A. 3x-2
B. 9x-1
C. x-2
D. 2x-1


The graph of a linear function g is shown on the grid. Points: (-8, 3) & (-3, -4.5). What is the zero of g?


Which quadratic function in vertex form can be represented by the graph that has a vertex at
(3, -7), and passes through the point (1, -10)?


The graph of part of linear function g is shown on the grid. Which inequality best represents the domain of the part shown ?


A student graphed f(x)=x and g(x)=f(x)+3 on the same coordinate grid. Which statement describes how the graphs of f and g are related?

The graph of f is shifted 3 units up to create the graph of g.

The graph of a quadratic function is shown o the grid. Which equation best represents the axis of symmetry?
A. Y=6
B. X=2
C. Y=4
D. X=0


If p(x)=5(x2+1)+16, what is the value of p(11)?


The graphs of lines k1 and k2 are shown on the grid. Which system of equations is best represented by this graph?

3x - y = 2
4x + 9y = 36

Which statement about the graph of y=1/3(2/3)x is true?

This graph decreases from left to right

The table represents some points on the graph of a linear function. Which equation represents the same relationships?


Which expression is equivalent to (7x3)2(x8)1/2
A. 14x^10
B. 49x^10
C. 14x^7
D. 49x^7

49x ^10

The function y=3.75 =1.5(x-1) can be used to determine the cost in dollars for a taxi ride of x miles. What is the rate of change of the cost in dollars with respect of to the number of miles?
A. 1.50 per mile
B. 3.75 per mile
C. 4.25 per mile
D. 5.25 per

$1.50 per mile

Which graph best represents a function with range of all real numbers greater than or equal to -6?

Line starts at -6, and goes up, not down.

What is the value of x in the solution to this system of equations?
y+2x = -1
A. 6/5
B. -2
C. -10/3
D. 3
