8th Grade Math Vocabulary

Terminating Decimal

A decimal that ends.

Repeating Decimal

A decimal in which a digit or a sequence of digits keeps repeating. The repeating decimal can be represented by putting a bar over the digit or the sequence of digits that repeat.

Irrational Number

______________________ are real numbers that cannot be expressed as fractions, terminating decimals, or repeating decimals. Rational Numbers are indicated by the symbol "I

Rational Number

___________________________ is a real number written as a ratio of integers with a non-zero denominator such as a/b where b can not be 0. All the repeating or terminating decimal numbers are considered to be these.


__________________ are the set of whole numbers and their opposites.
{. . . -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3 . . . } examples of an ______________.

Square Root

The ________________ of a number is a non-negative number which when multiplied by itself equals the given number..

Cube Root

The ________________ of a number is a number multiplied by itself three times as a factor.


The symbol �, which is used to represent the square root of a number, is called a ________________ . The number under the root symbol is called radicand.

Scientific Notation

________________ is a method of writing numbers as the product of two factors where the first factor is a number greater than or equal to 1 but less than 10 and the second factor is a power of 10.


An ________________ is a mathematical sentence that uses the equal sign (=) to show that two expressions are equal.

Whole Numbers

________________ is the set of all counting numbers plus zero.
Examples of the numbers in the set {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, . . . . } ________________ are not fractions, not decimals. Whole numbers are non-negative integers.

Natural Numbers

All the counting numbers 1, 2, 3,... are called ________________.


An ________________ is a mathematical phrase that combines numbers and/or variables using mathematical operations.
An ________________ is a representation of a value and it does not contain an equal sign.


An ________________ is a mathematical notation that implies the number of times a number is to be multiplied by itself.

Negative Exponent

A ________________ of a number equals to the reciprocal of positive exponent of the number. ________________ are used in scientific notation to designate a number smaller than one.


A mathematical sentence that uses symbols such as <, �, >, or � to compare two quantities.

Product of Powers Property

This property states that to multiply powers having the same base, add the exponents.

Quotient of Powers Property

This property states that to divide powers having the same base, subtract the exponents.

Power of Power Property

This property states that the power of a power can be found by multiplying the exponents.

Zero Power Property

This property states that any number raised to the zero power will always be one provided the base is not zero.

Constant Term

The ________________ in an expression or equation has a fixed value and does not contain variables. For ex., in the expression 2x + 6, 6 is the ________________.

Like Terms

________________ are monomials that contain the same variables raised to the same powers. They can be combined to form a single term. In the expression, 3x + 7 - 5x + 9, 3x and -5x are ________________.

Slope Formula

Slope Intercept Form

Volume of Cylinder formula

Volume of Cone formula

Volume of Sphere formula

Area of rectangle formula

Area of triangle formula

Alternate Interior Angles

Alternate Exterior Angels

Vertical Angles

Linear Pair

Corresponding Angles

Pythagorean Theorem