Algebra Properties

Commutative Property of Addition


Reflexive Property


Symmetric Property

If a=b then b=a
If x=9 then 9=x

Commutative Property of Multiplication

a x b=b x a
3 x 7=7 x 3

Distributive Property

a(b-c) = ab - ac
4(x-3) = 4x - 12

Associative Property of Addition


Associative Property of Multiplication

(6 x 4) 5= 6 (4 x 5)

Identity Property of Addition

a + 0= a
2 + 0= 2

Identity Property of Multiplication

a x 1= a
6 x 1= 6

Inverse Property of Addition

a + (-a)= 0
5 + (-5)= 0

Inverse Property of Multiplication

a (1/a)= 1
6 (1/6)= 1

Distributive Property

a(b+c)= ab+ac
6(x+4)= 6x + 24