-Chapter 13 Key Concepts

How do forces affect the motion of an object?

A force can cause a resting object, or it can accelerate a moving object by changing the object's speed or direction. When the forces on an object are balanced, the net force is zero and there is no change in the object's motion. When an unbalanced force

What are the four main types of friction?

There are four main types of friction: static friction, sliding friction, rolling friction, and fluid friction.

How do gravity and air resistance affect a falling object?

Gravity causes objects to accelerate downward, whereas air resistance acts in the direction opposite to the motion and reduces acceleration.

In what direction does Earth's gravity act?

Earth's gravity acts downward towards the center of the Earth.

Why does a projectile follow a curved path?

The combination of an initial forward velocity and the downward vertical force of gravity causes the ball to follow a curved path.

How does Newton's first law relate change in motion to a zero net force

According to Newton's first law of motion, the state of motion of an object does not change as long as the net force acting on the object is zero.

How does Newton's second law relate force, mass, and acceleration?

According to Newton's second law of motion, the acceleration of an object is equal to the net force acting on it divided by the object's mass.

How are weight and mass related?

Mass is a measure of the inertia of an object; weight is a measure of the force of gravity on an object.

What is Newton's third law of motion?

According to Newton's third law of motion, whenever one object exerts a force on a second object, the second object exerts an equal and opposite force on the first object.

What is needed for an object to have a large momentum?

An object has a large momentum if the product of its mass and velocity is large.

How is momentum conserved?

In a close system, the loss of momentum of one object equals the gain in momentum of another object�momentum is conserved.

What force can attract and repel?

Electric force and magnetic force are the only forces that can both attract and repel.

What force holds the nucleus together?

Two forces, the strong nuclear force and the weak nuclear force, act within the nucleus to hold it together.

What is Newton's law of universal gravitation?

Newton's law of universal gravitation states that every object in the universe attracts every other object.