Scale Drawings

On a scale drawing, the scale factor is 1/12. A plum tree is 7 inches tall on the scale drawing. What is the actual height of the tree?

84 inches

On a road map, the distance between 2 citites is 2.5 inches. The map scale is 1 inch = 30 miles. What is the actual distance between the cities?

75 miles

In a photograph, a sculpture is 4.2 cm tall and 2.5 cm wide. The scale is 1/16. How tall is the actual sculpture?

67.2 cm

In a photo, a sculpture is 4.2 cm tall and 2.5 cm wide. The scale is 1/16. How wide is the actual sculpture?

40 cm

Ms. Jackson is driving from South Bend to Indianapolis. She measures a distance of 4.3 cm between the cities on her map. What is the actual distance between the cities if the map scale is 1 cm = 30 miles?

129 miles

On a scale drawing, a tree is 6 3/4 inches tall. The scale factor is 1/20. Find the height of the actual tree.

135 inches

On a road map of Virginia, the distance from Alexandria to Roanoke is 7.6 cm. What is the actual distance between the cities if the map scale is 2 cm = 50 miles?

190 miles

The scale on a road map is 1 cm = 500 miles. If the distance on the map between New York City and Memphis is 2.2 cm, what is the actual distance between the two cities?

1,100 miles

There are several different scales in model railroading. Trains designated as O gauge are built to a scale factor of 1:48. To the nearest hundredth of a foot, how long is a model of a 50 foot boxcar in O gauge?

1.04 feet

For a school project, LeeAnn is making a model of the Empire State Building. She is using a scale of 1 cm = 8 feet. The Empire State Building is 1,252 feet tall. How tall is her model?

156.5 cm

The scale factor for Maria's dollhouse furniture is 1:8. If the sofa in Maria's dollhouse is 7 1/2 inches long, how long is the actual sofa?

60 inches

Josh wants to add a model of a tree to his model railroad layout. How big should the model tree be if the actual tree is 315 inches and the scale is 1:90?

3.5 inches

The scale on a wall map is 1 inch = 55 miles. What is the distance on the map between 2 cities that are 99 miles apart?

1.8 miles

On a blueprint, the scale is 1/2 inch = 10 feet. What is the actual height of the living room which is 9/20 inch on the blueprint?

9 feet

If 1 inch = 55 miles on a map, then how many inches will represent 1595 miles on the map?

29 inches

If a building's actual length is 34 feet, what would it's size be on a scale drawing? The scale is 1 inch = 8 feet

4.25 inches

The Empire State Building is 1250 feet tall. How tall would the building be on a scale model if the scale is 1 inch = 50 feet?

25 inches

The Eiffel Tower is 312 meters tall. How tall would the building be on a scale model if the scale is 1 cm = 12 m

26 cm