
less than 90 degrees

Acute Angles

Exactly 90 degrees

Right Angle

Between 90 degrees & 180 degrees

Obtuse Angle

Between 180 degrees & 360 degrees

Reflex Angle

Angles on a straight line add up to 180 degrees

Angle on a Straight Line

Angles in a triangle add up to 180 degrees

Angles in a Triangle

Angles at a point add up to 360 degrees

Angles at a Point

Vertically opposite angles are equal

Vertically opposite angles

Corresponding angles are equal (f angles)

Corresponding Angles

Alternate angles are equal (z angles)

Alternate Angles

Allied angles add up to 180 degrees (c angles)

Allied Angles

Vertically opposite angles are equal (x angles)

Vertically Opposite Angles

To divide the line in half

Line Bisector

B- Brackets
I- Indices
D- Division
M- Multiplication
A- Addition
S- Subtraction


square number is when you times a number by its self

square Numbers

prime number is when 1 and its self goes into it.

prime numbers

Data that i collect is called primary data

Types of Data

Data that has been collected by other people is called secondary data

Types of Data

Median- list the number in order, find the middle one
Mode- most common number
Mean- average to do this add all the number and divide by the number there are
Range -what the difference between the smallest and the biggest number

Median, mode, mean and range

height * length = area
