Pharmacology and medication administration


The agency that controls who may administer and use specific drugs is the


Which of the following is not included in the rights of drug administration

Right physician

drugs that can be purchased over-the-counter are classified as schedule


Parenteral administration of medication generally means that the medication is


To convert grams to milligrams

multiply by 1,000

Information found on a prescription include the following except

Patient's date of birth

Which of the following is an appropriate task for a medical assistant or administrative medical specialist

call a drug renewal to a pharmacy

The prescription directions "ii grr q4h" mean

Two drops every four hours

Which of the following classifications of medication is used to control high blood pressure


Of the following drugs which one can be dispensed only with a written prescription


The method of administration of medication under the tongue is


The physician orders 300 mg of medication TID x 10 days. The medication is available in 150 mg capsules. How many capsules will the patient need to complete the course of therapy


The agency that controls the drugs that are acceptable for safe use in sale in the United States is the


The equivalent of 5 cubic centimeters is:

5 millimeters

The physician orders 2.5 mg of Compazine IM. available is Compazine 5 mg/mL provided in a 10 mL a multidose vial. How many milliliters will you give the patient

0.5 mL

The classification of drugs that prevent or decrease clotting is


The proper angle of the needle to the skin when administering an intramuscular injection is


The muscle used for injection in the thigh is the

vastus lateralis

Which of the following is the proper technique when administering a tuberculin skin test

leave the injection site uncovered

The physician orders ampicillin 0.5 Gm. Available is ampicillin 250 mg/mL. How many milliliters will you give the patient

2 mL

A subcutaneous injection is injected into

fatty tissue

A solution administered through the ID method is:

Tuberculin solution

imferon An iron preparation is administered by which method


A subcutaneous injection is given using which technique

45 degree angle, 25-gauge needle

The reason for aspirating before injecting a medication is to ensure that the

needle is not in a blood vessel