Data Analysis Final 6

What degrees of freedom for a contingency table that has 10 rows and 11 columns?


Which of the following Pearson results indicates the strongest correlations?


Which of the following Pearson results indicates a direct relationship between the variables (as one goes up so does the other)?


Correlations are only measured on Ordinal scales.
(true or false)


Chi-square tests are typically used for what level of data?


According to the text, a value of the coefficient r between 0.00 and 0.19 would indicate which of the following?

Very weak correlation

Using appendix 3 of your text, determine if the following is statistically significant. A goodness of fit test is being performed with 10 categories. The calculated X2=17.00 at 95% confidence interval. (yes or no)


Using appendix 3 of your text, determine if the following is statistically significant at 99% confidence interval: x^2 (14) = 22.50 (yes or no)


If a researcher is looking for a CORRELATION between math anxiety (as measured by the MARS assessment inventory) and physics test scores when comparing students who have passes college algebra and those who have not, which test would be used?

Pearson's correlation

Positive correlations are also referred to as direct correlations. (true or false)


The correlation coefficient r has no meaning in regression unless sample units have been obtained randomly and observations are normally distributed on both axes. (true or false)


Using appendix 2 of your text, determine if the following is statistically significant. A two-tailed t-test is being performed with 28 related participants. The calculated t=2.10 at 95% confidence interval. (yes or no)


Degrees of freedom values are used to look up which of the following on a statistics table?

critical score

Using Appendix 3 (p. 189) of your text, determine if the following result is statistically significant at the 99% confidence interval: X2 (14) = 22.50 (note: p value is intentionally left off so as not to give the answer).


Parametric correlation coefficients include the Product moment Correlation Coefficient and the Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient. (True/False)
