NRSG 121 - Exam 1 EAQ

A nurse is assessing a patient's hearing ability. Which findings would indicate compromised hearing?

The patient is lip reading
The patient asks to have certain words repeated
The patient fails to respond to questions when not looking directly at the nurse

The nurse is performing an assessment of a patient's ear with an otoscope and finds that the light reflex is fuzzy. How does the nurse interpret this finding?

Retraction of the tympanic membrane

A patient is due for rotary chair testing to assess vestibular function. What action by the nurse is most appropriate?

Observe the patient for vomiting

Rotary chair testing

Done to evaluate the peripheral vestibular system. Testing is usually done in the dark; therefore, in order to ensure safety, the nurse should not leave the patient alone. The patient should be advised to eat a light meal before the test to avoid nausea.

The nurse is testing a patient for hearing acuity using a whisper test. Which actions by the nurse are appropriate?

After exhaling, speak in a low whisper
Ask the patient to repeat numbers or words
Whisper loudly if the patient does not respond correctly

Testing hearing acuity

The nurse should stand 12 to 24 inches to the side of the patient and, after exhaling, speak in a low whisper. Ask the patient to repeat numbers or words or answer questions. Use a louder whisper if the patient does not respond correctly. Test each ear se

A patient seeks assistance from the primary health care provider because of episodes of vertigo. Which diagnostic test will determine whether the vertigo is related to a problem of the inner ear?

Caloric stimulus test

Caloric stimulus Test

Cold or warm water is inserted in the ear canal to stimulate the semicircular canals in the labyrinth of the inner ear. The response to the stimulation causes nystagmus (eye ball jerking movement), nausea and vomiting, and vertigo, and is used to determin


Is the sensation that one is whirling in space and often is associated with nausea and vomiting.


Is a screening test for hearing acuity and determines the severity and type of hearing loss.


Is used to diagnose middle ear effusion (fluid in the middle ear), which causes noncompliance and conductive hearing loss.

When interviewing a patient with hearing loss about past and present medications, which medications should the nurse ask the patient about directly?

Antimalarial agents
The nurse should ask the patient specifically about salicylates, aminoglycosides, and antimalarial agents, because they may cause ototoxicity and lead to hearing loss.

The nurse is interviewing a patient diagnosed with glaucoma. What question is most relevant to the patient's condition?

Do you have a history of cardiac or pulmonary disease?

Why is it important to ask patients with glaucoma about history of cardiac or pulmonary disease?

Glaucoma is often treated with beta-adrenergic blockers, which may decrease heart rate, decrease blood pressure, and exacerbate asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

The nurse is assessing a patient's ears. What normal findings should the nurse document?

TM is pearly gray, shiny and translucent
The handle of the malleus and its short process are visible through the TM
The TM is concave or dome shaped normally

A nurse is assessing the pupillary function of a patient. Which steps should be performed when assessing accommodation?

Ask the patient to look at the nurse's finger
Ask the patient to focus on a distant object
The nurse places a finger at a distance of 3 inches from the patient's nose

Auditory evoked potential

Is conducted in a darkened room and electrodes are placed over the mastoid process, vertex, and forehead to isolate auditory activity from other activities.


records electrical activity in the cochlea and auditory nerves


in which specific eye movements are recorded, is used to diagnose diseases of the vestibular system.

Ototoxic drugs

chemotherapy drugs
antimalarial drugs

A patient tells a nurse, "I'm becoming more and more sensitive to loud noises." Which auditory system change does the nurse suspect?

The brain is the main component of the auditory system, filtering unwanted and unnecessary sounds. A patient with increased sensitivity to sound will have changes in the brain.

Inner ear

is involved in reception of sound, balance, and body orientation

Impaired Middle ear

conductive hearing loss

Damaged external ear

will result in collapse of the ear canal and potentially hearing loss

A patient is advised to undergo a caloric test stimulus. How should a nurse explain the test to the patient?

You will be sitting or lying down for the test
The test involves pouring cold or warm solution into your ears
The test may result in nausea and vertigo after stimulation of semicircular canals

An adult patient has been treated for an ear infection. The nurse plans to examine the ear using an otoscope. What intervention should the nurse employ to lessen anxiety and discomfort associated with the examination?

Gently palpate the tragus and move the auricle, noting sensitive areas

A patient is found to have acoustic neuromas. Which diagnostic test will the nurse prepare the patient for to aid in assessment?

Auditory brainstem response. This test is used to assess the inner pathway of the ear or detect tumors in the inner ear.

Acoustic neuroma

A tumor that develops in the nerve of the inner ear


is a balance test, useful in assessing vestibular function

Pure tone audiometry

useful in diagnosing conductive and sensorineural hearing loss
Carried out in a soundproof room
The patient will hear varying sounds through earphones

Lipid deposition on the sclera

may result in yellowish discoloration of the sclera

Thin sclera

will have a bluish tinge

Subconjunctival hemorrhage

Will have the appearance of a blood spot on the sclera

indication of having diplopia

Patient hold head in a skewed or oblique position


double vision

A patient has undergone a fluorescein angiography. The nurse should observe for what side effects of the procedure?

Yellowish discoloration of the skin and urine
Nausea and vomiting after the procedure

Damage to the inner ear or damage to the vestibulocochlear nerve that lines the inner ear results in

sensorineural hearing loss

An increase in cerumen will result in

central hearing loss because the auditory canal is blocked

impairment of the tympanic membrane is associated with

impaired transmission of sound waves

Which abnormality is associated with the chronic exposure of the eye lens to ultraviolet light?


A patient expresses concern about the effect of vision loss on reading. This is an example of which component of a visual health history?



an asymmetric eye position


associated with redness, swelling, and crusting along the lid margins


an infection of the sebaceous gland of the eyelid where the patient may have a superficial nodule along the lid margin


is associated with redness or swelling of conjunctiva; it is a bacterial infection.

A patient is to undergo an Amsler Grid test. What instructions about the test should the nurse provide to the patient?

-Hold the test card at a comfortable distance
-Report any abnormality like lines appearing wavy
-Focus on the center dot that is present on the card

While assessing a patient, the health care practitioner comments that the vestibular apparatus has been damaged. The nurse expects to find what clinical manifestation?

Loss of balance of the body.
The vestibular apparatus is a structure present in the inner ear. This structure is responsible for maintaining balance and body orientation.

A patient has a milky white and grayish ring encircling the periphery of the cornea, and the laboratory reports of the patient reveal a total serum cholesterol of 220 mg/dL. Which condition is present?

Arcus senilis
Arcus senilis is an abnormality of the eye associated with high cholesterol levels.

Snellen chart distance

20 feet or 6 meters

The nurse is conducting an assessment for a patient with hearing loss. Which cranial nerve is associated with the processing of sound?

Cranial nerve VIII


visual field test used to diagnose glaucoma