Human Growth and Development chpt 9 (Dr. Kipp)

Research on the ability of infants to understand words indicates that infants:

They can understand words before they are able to produce them.

The "ch" sound in church or change is an example of a:


Which of the following statements about language development is TRUE?

Infants understand words before they speak them.

Telegraphic speech is characterized by:

short, precise words without grammatical markers.

When a child struggles with speech and language development, the professional who provides therapeutic intervention is a(n):

speech/language therapist

Research comparing the approaches of whole-language and phonics has shown that:

Phonics would be beneficial for teaching children how to read, but whole-language instructions is also beneficial

The ability to produce an endless number of meaningful sentences with a finite set of words and rules is:

infinite generativity

Which language approach stresses that reading instruction should parallel a child's natural language learning?


Natalie has just turned 2 years old. About how many words are in her speaking vocabulary?


The use of correct rules for conversation is part of the definition of:


In social situations, 4- to 5-year-olds will:

use shorter sentences when speaking to a 2-year old

Children's ability to make an initial connection between a word and its referent after only a limited exposure to the word is called:

fast mapping

Knowing that letters represent sounds in language refers to:

the alphabetical principle

At what age can Emily expect her child to say, "Get shoes"?

18-24 months

Metalinguistic awareness improves considerably in the elementary school years and allows children to:

define words.
think about their language.
understand what words are.

The fact that people create novel sentences, and that children learn the syntax of their native language even if they are not reinforced for doing so are indications of weakness in which language acquisition view?


What is true of child-directed speech?

Language is spoken in a higher pitch with simple words and sentences.
It is generally automatic.
It captures the infant's attention and maintains communication.

The use of irony, derision, or wit to expose folly is known as:


According to Hart and Risley, which group of parents talked less to their young children, talked less about past events, and provided less elaboration?

Welfare parents.

Chomsky's Language Acquisition Device suggests that:

humans are biologically prewired to learn language at a certain time in a certain way.

An implied comparison between two ideas that is conveyed by the abstract meaning contained in the words used to make the comparison is a:


The basic unit of sound in a language is a:


Brocca's and Wernicke's areas are predisposed for language functioning and are located in which part of the brain?

left hemisphere

Although very few aids are necessary for learning language, what can greatly facilitate a child's language development (Beatty & Pratt, 2011)?

intensive drill and practice

When is the easiest time to learn a second language?

It varies across different language systems