PSY 207: Lifespan Development: Chapter 1-2

Erik Erikson's developmental theory consists of _____ stages that last from the first year of life to:

eight; late adulthood

_____ age is an individual's adaptive capacities compared with those of other individuals of the same chronological age


According to Urie Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory, a person's family, peers, school, and neighborhood constitute his/her:


In the nature-nurture issue, nature refers to an organism's _____, nurture to its:

biological inheritance; environmental experiences

The longitudinal method of research consists of studying:

the same individuals over a long period of time.

Scientists had thought that humans had as many as 100,000 or more genes, but recent research indicates a figure of approximately:


During the process of _____, the cell's nucleus�including the chromosomes�duplicates itself and the cell divides resulting in the formation of two cells.


_____ is the way an individual's genotype is expressed in observable and measurable characteristics.


Which of the following is an example of chromosomal abnormality that occurs when whole chromosomes do not separate properly during meiosis?

Down syndrome

Gwendolyn is having a prenatal test where her doctor uses high-frequency sound waves directed into her abdomen to check her fetus. She is most likely having a(n) _____.

ultrasound sonography