PSY 207: Lifespan Development: Chapter 14

Research relating to individual temperaments has indicated that children with easy temperaments at age 3 to 5:

are more likely to be well adjusted as young adults

Amy is not overly stressed out about her relationship with her boyfriend Danny. She trusts him and is sure that if there are any problems, they can talk it through and come to an understanding. Which of the following best describes Amy's attachment style?

Secure attachment style

The matching hypothesis says that we choose partners:

who are close to our level of physical attractiveness

According to Erik Erikson, which of the following is the sixth developmental stage?

Intimacy versus isolation

Which of the following is true about gender differences in adult friendships?

Adult male friendships are more competitive than those of women

According to Robert J. Sternberg's triarchic theory of love, _____ is the cognitive appraisal of the relationship and the intent to maintain the relationship even in the face of problems.


Bob worships his colleague Anne. He loves her from afar but there is no intimacy or closeness between them. Sternberg would characterize this as _____ love.


There has been _____ in the number of cohabiting U.S. couples since 1970.

a dramatic increase

Most divorces occur in the _____ year of marriage.

fifth to tenth

According to E. Mavis Hetherington, the _____ were mostly females who "grew more competent, well-adjusted, and self-fulfilled" following their divorce.
