Y&C CH17 Development C-A

LO 17.1 Describe major theories of human development:

Many theories have evolved to describe human growth and development in cognitive, psychosocial, sexual, behavioral, and spiritual dimensions. Most of these theories outline developmental tasks and/or stages through which the person progresses toward highe

LO 17.2 Explain human development from conception to birth:

Conception occurs with fertilization and implantation. The zygote is known as an embryo after 3 weeks and then as a fetus after 8 weeks. Rapid development and cell differentiation occur during the early weeks of pregnancy. The fetus continues to grow and

LO 17.3 Identify the primary developmental tasks of the newborn:

The primary developmental tasks in the newborn period (birth to 1 month) involve adaptation to life outside the uterus and include learning to eat, developing sleep-wake patterns, and laying the groundwork for trust by having needs consistently met by the

LO 17.4 Outline infant developmental milestones:

The infant period (1 month to 1 year) is marked by rapid growth. Primary developmental tasks include developing trust, adapting to the environment, and beginning refinement of fine and gross motor skills.

LO 17.5 Describe the physical, psychosocial, and cognitive development of the toddler:

The toddler attains control of bowel and bladder function, increases mobility, refines development of fine and gross motor skills, and expands language acquisition. Safety concerns in the toddler period include protection from injury as the child gains in

LO 17.6 Summarize growth and development during the preschool years:

Preschoolers develop a sense of initiative as they continue to refine gross and fine motor skills. Safety concerns in this period include protection from injury as preschoolers become more active.

LO 17.7 Discuss development that occurs during the school-age years:

The school-age child grows in stature and weight and becomes capable of logical thought. Peer relationships exert a greater influence on the school-age child than on children in previous stages. Health and safety concerns in the school-age years include p

LO 17.8 Articulate physical, psychosocial, and cognitive adolescent development:

Adolescents go through many physical changes. Peers become very important, and adolescents often try to isolate themselves from their parents. Teens make decisions based on the context of the situation and can understand much of what is happening when hos

1. Which action by a 3-month-old infant would the nurse interpret as an example of Piaget's sensorimotor stage of primary circular reaction?
a. Deliberately placing the thumb into the mouth
b. Accidentally kicking a ball
c. Searching for an object under a

1. Answer: a
The deliberate action of placing the thumb in the mouth elicits a pleasurable effect. Accidentally kicking a ball is not a deliberate action. Searching for objects and shaking a rattle occur at later stages.
LO: 17.1

2. The mother of a 5-month-old infant is concerned because her child is not yet sitting on his own. What is the nurse's best response to her concerns?
a. Informing the mother that this is not normal and recommending further evaluation
b. Telling the mothe

2. Answer: b
7-month-olds will first sit with help and then sit on their own. A 5-month-old is not expected to sit alone. Although sit-ups may help muscle development, the child's neurologic system must develop enough to maintain a sitting position. Askin

3. A 1-year-old child grabs an Easter egg and attempts to throw it across the room. The nurse knows that the child is exhibiting which scheme according to Piaget?
a. Adaptation
b. Assimilation
c. Accommodation
d. Equilibration

3. Answer: b
Assimilation occurs when the child attempts to use a new object in the same fashion as for a more familiar object. Adaptation is the process of adjusting schemes to new applications. Accommodation occurs when the child understands that the ob

4. A preschooler's mother is concerned because her child behaves in a mean fashion toward her younger brother. The mother states, "She acts like she has no sympathy for him!" What is the nurse's best response?
a. "She is very young to exhibit sibling riva

4. Answer: d
A characteristic of preschool thought is that it is egocentric. That is, preschoolers are not yet able to see a situation from another's point of view. Sibling rivalry commonly appears in the preschool period. The brother's behavior has no be

5. A 2-year-old child insists on having a drink of water and having a story read to him and says, "Good night, sleep tight" at bedtime every night. The nurse knows the child is exhibiting which type of behavior?
a. Controlling
b. Ritualism
c. Obsession

5. Answer: b
Ritualism offers the toddler a sense of security and comfort. The child is not trying to control his behavior with the ritual. Obsession and compulsion are terms commonly used in patients in older age groups and describe maladaptive behaviors

6. How is the toddler's need for autonomy best met?
a. The parents' consistently meeting the child's needs
b. Encouraging imaginative play
c. Allowing the child limited choices
d. Promoting experimentation to determine cause and effect

6. Answer: c
The toddler's need for autonomy can best be supported by allowing the child choices within limits. Parents consistently meet the child's needs during the infant period. In later developmental stages, imaginative play is encouraged, and experi

7. The nurse is performing a health assessment on a 15-year-old female patient. Which is the best way to obtain accurate information regarding her sexual activity?
a. Ask the mother about the girl's sexual activity.
b. Privately ask the girl about her sex

7. Answer: b
Privately asking the girl about her sexual activity in an open and nonjudgmental fashion is the best way to obtain accurate information. Asking the mother about the girl's sexual activity may be embarrassing for the teen and her mother and ma

8. When an injury to a child is suspicious for abuse, which is/are important to document? (Select all that apply.)
a. Size and location of bruising
b. Distinguishing characteristics of injuries
c. Height and weight of the child
d. Time of last meal
e. Gen

8. Answers: a, b, c, e
The size and location of the bruising, distinguishing characteristics of injuries, height and weight of the child, and the general state of health of the child all are considerations in determining possible child abuse or neglect. T

9. What is the best activity for a hospitalized school-age child to encourage continued appropriate development?
a. Watching favorite television shows for 2 hours per day
b. Keeping a journal of feelings while in the hospital
c. Working on a paint-by-numb

9. Answer: c
The school-age child is in Erikson's stage of industry. He needs to work on projects that build a sense of accomplishment. A painting project that can be completed in one afternoon gives a sense of accomplishment. Although the other options a

10. A teenage girl faces a long hospitalization after surgery. How can the girl's continued development be fostered?
a. Encourage her to write her feelings in a journal.
b. Divert her attention by playing video games.
c. Encourage her to work on craft pro

10. Answer: a
Teenagers are capable of abstract thought and often find it helpful to verbalize their feelings either by talking or by journaling. Diverting her attention by playing video games and encouraging her to work on craft projects are measures tha

1. A kindergartner's mother is concerned because the child has had two bouts of respiratory infections in the past 3 months since school started. What is the nurse's best response?
a. "His immune system should be stronger by now; I think we will need to d

1. ANS: C
The kindergartner is exposed to more pathogens when he/she enters school. It is not unusual to see an increased rate of infections when the child begins school. It is not an indication of immune system compromise in an otherwise healthy child. A

2. A 14-year-old male is upset because he is shorter in stature and smaller in build than the other boys in his class. He is concerned about never growing. How would the nurse address his concern?
a. Reassure him that everyone grows at his own rate.
b. Re

2. ANS: B
In males, the adolescent growth spurt usually begins sometime between the ages of 10 to 16 years of age and often does not end until 18 to 20 years. Although everyone grows at his/her own rate, it does not specifically address this boy's concern

3. A parent of a preschool child is concerned because his teachers have complained about his aggressive behavior toward other children. Which of the following pieces of information is most important in helping the parent determine possible sources of this

3. ANS: D
Media sources, including television programs, often show aggressive behavior that the child will imitate. It is important to determine the amount and types of television programs the child watches daily. The child will often emulate these behavi

4. The nurse is caring for an 11-year-old girl in a hospital. The nurse finds a bunch of gum wrappers in her bedside stand. Which is the most appropriate action by the nurse?
a. Tell the girl this might attract bugs.
b. Quietly clean up the mess and throw

4. ANS: C
School-age children enjoy sorting and categorizing objects of different sorts, which manifests itself in collecting objects. This patient is collecting gum wrappers. The other options would be upsetting to the child and are unnecessary.
LO: 17.7

5. A 16-year-old patient has been involved in a motor vehicle crash. Every time the nurse enters the room, there are at least 4 to 5 friends laughing and talking with the patient. The nurse is frustrated in trying to get things done. What is the nurse's b

5. ANS: B
Teenagers have strong bonds with peer groups, and this continues even with hospitalization. The best approach is to plan activities so as to minimize interruptions. Respecting the teen's need for socialization encourages better communication and

6. A father is upset because his preschool son has told him he wishes he were gone and pushes him and his wife apart whenever they are together. What information does the nurse give the father?
a. This is normal at this age and should resolve on its own.

6. ANS: A
In the preschool years, feelings of resentment toward the parent of the same sex often occur as the child develops a strong bond with the parent of the opposite sex. As the child matures, these feelings usually resolve on their own. This is not

7. A toddler's parents express frustration over trying to get a toddler to bed at night. They state they have "tried everything." What question or statement will provide the nurse with the most pertinent information?
a. "Are there other children in the ho

7. ANS: B
Toddlers often benefit from a set routine at bedtime, which meets the need for comfort and security. The nurse would first ask about the bedtime routine. The other questions may or may not be appropriate, depending on the information the nurse g

8. A newborn's mother is concerned about Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). What would the nurse advise her is the best way to prevent SIDS?
a. To breastfeed exclusively
b. To allow the infant to sleep in mom's bed
c. To place the infant prone to sleep

8. ANS: D
The best way to prevent SIDS is to place the infant on its back to sleep. Breastfeeding has not been definitively shown as a link to prevention of SIDS. Sleeping in bed with adults has been linked to infant death in that the parent may inadverte

9. In examining a 3-month-old infant, you would expect to see all of the following except:
a. raising chest and head when prone.
b. responding to own name.
c. social smile.
d. bringing hand to mouth.

9. ANS: B
The child responds to his/her own name at about 7 months. The other selections are all behaviors seen at or before 3 months of age.
LO: 17.4

10. Which developmental task or stage is correctly connected to age?
a. Wants to avoid punishment: preschool.
b. Questions the status quo: school-aged.
c. No sense of good or bad behavior: toddler.
d. Judges actions by intentions: adolescent.

10. ANS: A
The preschool aged child does not understand the rationale behind rules but wants to avoid punishment. Questioning the status quo happens in the adolescent stage. Not having a sense of what constitutes good versus bad behavior describes the inf