Unit 1 Vocabulary


Esteem for a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, personal quality or ability or something considered as a manifestation of a personal quality or ability


The ideas, beliefs and attitude about what is important that guide the way you live


The intentional use of unfriendly or offensive behavior


Signals that tell your mind and body how to react


the act of intentionally taking ones own life

stress management

ways to deal with or overcome the negative effects of stress


putting yourself in someone else's shoes to understand how they feel

hierarchy of needs

a ranked list of needs essential for human growth and development

i message

statement in which a person describes how they feel using the word "I

Decision making process

steps that enable you to make a healthy decision

short term goals

a goal you can reach in a short period of time

refusal skills

communication strategies help you to say no when you are urged to take part in unsafe situations

interpersonal communication

exchange of thoughts or feelings between 2 or more people


people the same age as you who share similar interests


prolonged feeling of hopelessness, helplessness and sadness


feeling isolated and separated from everyone


feeling uneasy or worried about what may happen


feature or traits that form the individual nature of some person or thing

role model

someone whose success or behavior serves as an example for others

mental/emotional health

how you deal with demands and challenges you meet in life


bouncing back from disappointment or difficulty or crisis


reliance on the character, ability, strength or truth of someone or something


one whose concerned primarily with one's own interests, benefits, welfare etc...

shared interests

a group of people whose attention, concern or curiosity is engaged by the same thing


Something you aim for

Long term goal

A goal that you plan to reach over an extended period of time


The ways in which you send and receive messages from others

common goals

group of people aimed toward the completion of a task

cluster suicide

A series of suicides occurring within a short period of time and involving several people in the same school or community


A person who gives advice


A person's feelings which might be easily offended or hurt.