NCE Human Growth and Development

Freud's stages are psychosexual while Erik Erikson's stages are


In Freudian theory instincts are emphasized. Erik Erikson is an ego psychologist. Ego psychologists

believe in man's powers of reasoning to control behav

The only psychoanalyst who created a developmental theory which encompasses the entire life span was

Erik Erikson.

The statement, "the ego is dependent on the id," would most likely reflect the work of

Sigmund Freud.

Jean Piaget's theory has four stages. The correct order from stage 1 to stage 4 is

sensorimotor, preoperations, concrete operations, formal operations.

Some behavioral scientists have been critical of the Swiss child psychologist Jean Piaget's developmental research inasmuch as

his findings were often derived from observing his own children.

A tall skinny pitcher of water is emptied into a small squatty pitcher. A child indicates that she feels the small pitcher has less water. The child has not yet mastered


In Piagetian literature, conservation would most likely refer to

volume or mass.

A child masters conservation in the Piagetian stage known as

concrete operations�ages 7 to 11.

______ expanded on Piaget's conceptualization of moral development.

Lawrence Kohlberg

According to Piaget, a child masters the concept of reversibility in the third stage, known as concrete operations or concrete operational thought. This notion suggests

one can undo an action, hence an object can return to its initial shape.

During a thunderstorm, a 6-year-old child in Piaget's stage of preoperational thought (stage 2) says, "The rain is following me." This is an example of:


Lawrence Kohlberg suggested

three levels of morality.

The Heinz story is to Kohlberg's theory as
a. a brick is to a house
b. Freud is to Jung
c. the Menninger Clinic is to biofeedback
d. a typing test is to the level of typing skill mastered

a typing test is to the level of typing skill mastered.

The term identity crisis comes from the work of

Erik Erikson

Kohlberg's three levels of morality are

preconventional, conventional, postconventional

Trust versus mistrust is

Erik Erikson's first stage of psychosocial development.

A person who has successfully mastered Erikson's first seven stages would be ready to enter Erikson's final or eighth stage,

integrity versus despair

In Kohlberg's first or preconventional level, the individual's moral behavior is guided by


Kohlberg's second level of morality is known as conventional morality. This level is characterized by

a desire to live up to society's expectations and a desire to conform.

Kohlberg's highest level of morality is termed postconventional morality. Here the individual

has self-imposed morals and ethics.

According to Kohlberg, level 3, which is postconventional or self-accepted moral principles

is the highest level of morality. However, some people never reach this level.

The zone of proximal development

was pioneered by Lev Vygotsky.

Freud and Erikson

could be classified as maturationists

John Bowlby's name is most closely associated with

bonding and attachment

In which Eriksonian stage does the midlife crisis occur?

generativity versus stagnation

The researcher who is well known for his work with maternal deprivation and isolation in rhesus monkeys is

Harry Harlow.

The statement: "Males are better than females when performing mathematical calculations" is

true according to research by Maccoby and Jacklin.

The Eriksonian stage that focuses heavily on sharing your life with another person is

intimacy versus isolation�ages 23 to 34.

We often refer to individuals as conformists. Which of these individuals would most likely conform to his or her peers?

a 13-year-old male middle school student.