key people Combo with Chapter 9: Language Development and 1 other


Language is most accurately defined as a system of _______ that allow for communication with others. (forms of communication, whether spoken, written, or signed, based on system of symbols)

Infinite Generativity page 275

Someone with a vocabulary of only 200 words can still combine the words in different ways to say thousands of different things. This aspect to language is referred to as: ______________ _______________ (ability to produce an endless number of meaningful s

Genie,Wild Boy of Avyron raise questions about ___ of language.


Phonology pg 276

the sound system of language is refered to as ____________.; how the sounds are used, combined)

Phoneme page 276

smallest unit of sound


_____________ refers to units of meaning involved in word formation

Pointing to a tree, young Ramal says, "bird flied away." Ramal's inaccurate use of the "ed" word ending shows that he is trying to learn the ___________ rules of language.


Jean Berko

Children can apply language rules to novel situations. ( figure 9.5 page 281)


A word ending in ing is an example of ______________.

Joe is a native English speaker. He is having a hard time learning to speak Spanish because he intuitively wants to put adjectives before nouns. Joe is having a problem with: _________



ways words are combined to form acceptable phrases ans sentences

Which aspect of language deals with the meaning of words and sentences?



Appropriate use of language in context; can be very complex

Crying present at


Cooing occurs at

2-4 months of age

Babbling begins at about

6 months

Gestures begin at

8-12 months

Infants recognize __ sounds. "citizens of the world


Newborns recognize sound ___.


Infants recognize own language sounds at

6 months

First words receptive __ spoken vocabulary.


Receptive vocabulary

words the child understands

Spoken vocabulary

words the child uses

Asian child learns __ earlier than child learning English.


Referential style

frequently using words that refer to objects. Describe events, people, animals, and food

Expressive style

a greater use of pronouns and socially linked words; Examples-hello, bye bye

Overextension of words

to apply a word to objects that are inappropriate for the words meaning. saying "dada" to every man they see

Underextension of words

to apply a word too narrowly
; when children fail to use a word to name a relevant event or object. a child might use the word "boy: to describe a 5yr old neighbor but not apply the word to a male infant or to a 9 year old male.

Telegraphic Speech

the use of short, precise words without grammatical markers such as articles,auxiliary verbs, and other connectives.

Complex sentences at


Welfare parents talk __ to their children


Maternal language and literacy skills positively related to child's vocabulary; ___ talkativeness,


Better conversationalist at

6 years old

Young children start using extended discourse

learn cultural rules, politeness, and become sensitive to adapting their speech to the setting.

Ages 4-5 can change speech style at will

more polite, formal when with adults.

Ages 6-11 how many words are known?


Betty Hart and Todd Risley pg 283

Professional parents talk to their children more than welfare parents do.

Development of mentalinguistic awareness

knowledge about language; improves considerably during elementary school years.

Yoshi is learning that there are many different ways to say "thank you" in Japanese. It depends on several things, such as the gender and social status of the recipient. This use of appropriate conversation demonstrates:


In adolescence most know rules for appropriate __use.


Vocabulary development linked to


Whole language approach

-instruction to parallel child's natural language
-learning; reading should be whole, meaningful

Basic Skilss and phonics approach

-instruction should teach phonics and its basic rules
-reading should involve simplified materials

2-3 year olds emerge from scribbling to begin __ letters.


Most 4 year olds can print their __.


Most 5 year olds can reproduce


Adults should encourage __ writing.


Native-like accent best learned before age


Adults learn ___than children. attainment not as high as children's


U.S students lag behind students in developed countries in learning a __ language.



implied comparison of unlike things


use of irony, derision, or wit to expose folly or wickedness


variety of language distinguished by vocabulary, grammar, or pronunciation



Vocabulary often continues to throughout adult years until late adulthood.


Tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon

individuals are confident that they can remember something but just can't quite seem to retrieve it from memory.

Human language acquired

100,000 years ago

Wernicke's area

brain's LEFT hemisphere involved in language comprehension

Broca's area

brain's left FRONTAL LOBE involved in speech production

If broca's area damaged fluent ___ speech produced.



language disorder resulting from brain damage; loss of ability to use words


humans biologically prewired for language

Language acquisition device (LAD)

chomsky's term that describes a biological endowment that enables the child to detect certain features and rules language, including phonology, syntax, and semantics.

Chomsky theoretical, not ___ part of brain.


Evidence of __ in language milestones across languages and cultures.


Behavioral View

language is reinforced chain of responses; a complex skill that is learned

Criticisms of environmental influences

-cannot explain creation of novel sentences
-children learn syntax of native language without reinforcement

Janellen Huttenlocher page 102

the size of a child's vocabulary is positively correlated with the talkativeness of his or her mother.

Patricia Kuhl pg 292

babies are universal linguists until about 6 months of age

Behavioral view no longer considered a

viable explination

Roger Brown page 292

Parents did not directly or explicitly reward or correct the syntax of most children's utterance.

Interaction view

children interested in their social worlds

Noam Chomsky pg. 291

Humans are biologically prewired to learn language.

Child directed speech

language spoken in a higher pitch than normal with simple words and sentences


rephrasing a statement that a child has said, perhaps turning it into a question, or restating a child's immature utterance in the form of a fully grammatical sentence


restating, in a linguistically sophisticated form, what a child has said


identifying the names of object.

Naomi Baron page 294

provided many ideas to help parents facilitate their child's language development.

Language has strong __ foundations.


Acquisition influenced by __;enriched environments have more positive effects.



language milestones reached about the same age

Children acquire __ language without explicit teaching;some without encouragement



stresses roles of parents and teachers help construct a language acquisition support system.

What is the correct sequence in which a babies produce sounds and gestures during their first year?

Crying-cooing-babbling- gestures

An infant's first word is usually spoken, on average, at about _________ months of age


Is least to be the first word of a child born in the US?

a verb

A child's expansive vocabulary is directly correlated with:

maternal language and literacy skills.

The ability to think about language is called:

metalinguistic awareness.

the following approach to reading instruction includes learning complete words or entire sentences?

Whole language approach

In the depate over whether the whole language approach or the basic -skill-and-phonetics approach is the better one for teaching children to read:

Researchers have not been able to document that either approach is better.

researchers have found that bilingual education programs:

allow children to successfully learn academic subject while slowly learning English.

The optimal time for learning a second language is: (read page 287)

can not be defined by age. where it be early to middle childhood, late childhood, or adolescence

Edward's says to his teacher, "All the world's a Stage". He is using :

a metaphor

individual's begin to understand metaphors and satire at:


Caricatures are an example of a


a language disorder resulting from brain damage that involves a loss of the ability to use words is


The concept of the language acquisition device is an example of how:

biological evolution influenced human language acquisition.

Chomsky's theory of language development emphasizes:

biological Mechanisms.

____________ believed/said that children are bathed in language from a very early age.

Michael Tomasello

3 criticisms of the behaviorist view of language acquisition? does not explain how people create novel sentences, 2. children learn the syntax of language, even if that are not reinforced for doing so. 3. Parents do not correct children's syntax.

Aunt Alice is speaking in normal tones until she is handed her new baby niece. Aunt Alice's voice immediately changes into a higher pitch, and she begins using baby-talk phrases like " goo-goo" and "ba-ba" . this change in aunt alice's language behavior i

child-directed speech

3 ways parents facilitate their infant's language development:

1. talk as if the infant understands what they are saying 2. be an active conversational partner 3. use a language style they are comfortable with.

Little lisa points to a ball and says"Color dat ball". Her Father responds with " what color is the ball?" this an example of


Andrew sees a cat on the lawn and says to his mother, " Kitty run" . His mother resonds, " yes, the kitty is running" . This is an example of _________>



A form of communication, whether spoken, written, or signed, that is based on a system of symbols.

infinite generativity

The ability to produce an endless number of meaningful sentences using a finite set of words and rules.


The sound system of a language�includes the sounds used and how they may be combined.


Units of meaning involved in word formation.


The ways words are combined to form acceptable phrases and sentences.


The meanings of words and sentences.


The appropriate use of language in
different contexts.

telegraphic speech

The use of short, precise words without grammatical markers such as articles, auxiliary verbs, and other connectives.

fast mapping

A process that helps to explain how young children learn the connection between a word and its referent so quickly.

metalinguistic awareness

Knowledge about language.

whole-language approach

A teaching approach built on the idea that reading instruction should parallel children's natural language learning. Reading materials should be whole and meaningful.

phonics approach

A teaching approach built on the idea that reading instruction should teach basic rules for translating written symbols into sounds.


An implied comparison between two
unlike things.


The use of irony, derision, or wit to expose folly or wickedness.


A variety of language that is distinguished by its vocabulary, grammar, or pronunciation.

Broca's area

An area of the brain's left frontal lobe that is involved in producing words.

Wernicke's area

An area of the brain's left hemisphere that is involved in language comprehension.


A loss or impairment of language processing resulting from damage to Broca's area or Wernicke's area.

language acquisition device (LAD)

Chomsky's term that describes a biological endowment that enables the child to detect certain features and rules of language, including phonology, syntax, and semantics.

child-directed speech

Language spoken in a higher pitch than normal, with simple words and sentences.


Rephrasing a statement that a child has said, perhaps turning it into a question, or restating a child's immature utterance in the form of a fully grammatical sentence.


Restating, in a linguistically sophisticated form, what a child has said.


Identifying the names of objects.