Human Development Final Exam- Forrest

Zack is having a conversation with his friend Ben in a crowded room. Despite the presence of many voices around him, Zack focuses on what Ben is saying. This is an example of _____ attention


Identify the region of the human brain in which neurogenesis has been documented in adults

Olfactory bulb and Hippocampus

Improvements in _____ memory in older adults were linked to sustained engagement in cognitively demanding, novel activities


Which of the following is the probable reason for the decline in working memory in older adults?

Increased distractibility

Which of the following constitute dense deposits of protein that accumulate in the blood vessels?

Amyloid plaques

Remembering where you went on vacation last summer is an example of _____ memory


Visually encoded _____ memory was linked to older adults' mobility


The concept of _____ emphasizes that changes in cognitive activity patterns might result in disuse and consequent atrophy of cognitive skills

Use it or lose it

A person's knowledge about the world is called _____ memory


An example of _____ attention is the ability to focus on one voice among many in a crowded room or a noisy restaurant


The stress of caring for a spouse who has a chronic disease can:

Place demands on intimacy

Studies on the Big Five factors of personality found that transition into late adulthood was characterized by increases in the aspects of impulse control, reliability, and conventionality. To which Big Five personality factor do these aspects belong?


Which of the following is TRUE regarding altruism and volunteerism in older adults?

Older adults are focused on contributing to the public good

For 60- to 80-year-olds, the death of a partner was a stronger indicator of loneliness:

For men than for women

According to a recent study, maximization of which psychological resource was linked to a higher quality of life in the future?


A 12-year longitudinal study revealed that older adults who had persistently low or declining feelings of usefulness to others had:

An increased risk of earlier death

Which theory gained support by the finding that as individuals grow older they had fewer peripheral social contacts but retained close relationships with people who provided them with emotional support?

Socioemotional selectivity theory

It is observed that respect for older adults is greater in _____ cultures than in _____ cultures

Collectivistic; individualistic

Why, according to the socioemotional selectivity theory, do older adults deliberately increase the time spent with close friends and family members?

They place a high value on emotional satisfaction

Josue has incurable cancer. However, he promises to lead a reformed life dedicated to God if God will spare his life. Josue is in which of K�bler-Ross' stages of dying?


Which of the following is K�bler-Ross' third stage of dying?


A "good death" involves all of the following EXCEPT:
A) Support from loved ones
B) Not feeling like a burden to others
C) Acceptance
D) Appropriate medical care

B) Not feeling like a burden to others

_____ can be used to avoid the destructive impact of shock by delaying the necessity of dealing with one's death


Delilah lost her husband Hendricks to a bloody highway accident. Being just three years into marriage, she was devastated. Four months later, she was hassled by problems such as intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, nightmares, sleep disturbance, and problems i

Post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms

According to your text, grief encompasses all of the following EXCEPT:
A) Despair
B) Relief
C) Depression

B) Relief

Active euthanasia is legal in:

The Netherlands and Uruguay

Jamie lost his wife of many years. He is still experiencing enduring despair a year after her death. Holly Prigerson and her colleagues would label this as:

Prolonged grief

Most psychologists believe that it is best for dying individuals to:

Know that they are dying

Selective Attention

Ability to focus attention on a selected stimulus for a prolonged period of time
-Older adults perform as well as middle-aged and younger adults

Explicit Memory

Memory of facts and experiences that individuals consciously know and can state
-Episodic and semantic memory are forms of explicit memory

Implicit Memory

Memory without conscious recollection
-Implicit memory is less likely to be adversely affected by aging than explicit memory

Episodic Memory

Retention of information about the where and when of life's happenings
-Younger adults have better episodic memory than older adults
-Episodic memory declines more than semantic memory

Semantic Memory

Person's knowledge about the world
-Older adults often take longer to retrieve semantic information, but can ultimately retrieve it
-Ability to retrieve very specific information, such as names, usually declines in older adults


Expert knowledge about the practical aspects of life that permits excellent judgement about important matters
-High levels of wisdom are rare
-Factors other than age that are critical for wisdom to develop to a high level
-Personality-related factors are


Global term for neurological disorders in which primary symptoms involve deterioration of mental functioning
-Often lose the ability to care for themselves and may become unable to recognize familiar people or surroundings
-23% of women and 17% of men 85

Alzheimer Disease

Progressive, irreversible brain disorder characterized by deterioration of memory, reasoning, language, and eventually, physical functioning
-Estimated 5.4 million in the US have Alzheimer disease
-Women are more likely to develop Alzheimer disease becaus

Integrity vs. Despair

Erikson's 8th and final stage of development, which individuals experience during late adulthood
-Reflecting on the past and either piecing together a positive review or concluding that one's life has not been well spent

Reminiscence Therapy

Discussing past activities and experiences with another individual or group

Activity Theory

The more active and involved older adults are, the more likely they are to be satisfied with their lives

Socioemotional Selectivity Theory

Older adults become more selective about their social network
-Spend more time with familiar individuals with whom they have had rewarding relationships
-Challenges stereotypes of emotional despair due to social isolation


Prejudice against others because of their age, especially prejudice against older adults

Social Convoy Model

Throughout life, individuals are embedded in a personal network to whom they give and from whom they receive social support
-Social support helps individuals of all ages cope with life's challenges

Brain Death

Neurological definition of death which states that a person is brain dead when all electrical activity of brain has ceases for a specified period of time
-Flat EEG reading


Painless ending of life of those suffering from incurable disease or severe disability
-Sometimes called "mercy killing

Passive Euthanasia

Withholding available treatments

Active Euthanasia

Death is deliberately induced by injecting a lethal dose of a drug

Good Death

Involves physical comfort, support from loved ones, and appropriate medical care


Program committed to making end of life as free from pain, anxiety, and depression as possible

Kubler-Ross' stages of Dying

Divided the behavior and thinking of dying persons into five stages:
-Denial and Isolation

Mild Cognitive Impairment

Represents a transitional state between the cognitive changes of normal aging and very early disease
-fMRI shows smaller brain regions involved in memory for individuals with MCI

Selective Optimization with Compensation Theory

Successful aging is related to 3 main factors; selection, optimization and compensation


Older adults have a reduced capacity and loss of functioning, which require a reduction in performance in most life domains


Possible to maintain performance in some areas through continued practice and the use of new technologies


When life tasks require higher level of performance than older adults' capacity

Palliative Care

Goals contrast with hospital care, reduced pain and suffering, helping die with dignity

Assisted Suicide

-Legal in 4 European Countries
- No official US policy, decision left up to each state; Oregon, Washington, and Montana

Denial and Isolation

First stage of dying: the dying person denies that she or he is really going to die


Second stage of dying: the dying person recognizes that denial can no longer be maintained


Third stage of dying: the dying person develops the hope that death can somehow be postponed or delayed


Fourth stage of dying: the dying person comes to accept the certainty of death


Fifth stage of dying: the dying person develops a sense of peace, an acceptance of one's fate, and in many cases, a desire to be left alone


Emotional numbness, disbelief, separation anxiety, despair, sadness, and loneliness that accompany the loss of someone we love

Complicated Grief/Prolonged Grief Disorder

Enduring and unresolved despair over an extended period of time

Forms of Mourning


_____ attention, which consists of focusing on a specific aspect of experience that is relevant while ignoring others that are irrelevant, generally decreases in older adults.


Which of the following is a region of the adult human brain where neurogenesis has been documented?


Why are older adults more likely to forget what items they wanted to buy at a grocery store (unless they write them down on a list and take it with them) than they are to forget how to drive a car?

Implicit memory is less likely to be adversely affected by aging than explicit memory.

Which of the following statements about the relationship between semantic memory and aging is TRUE?

Episodic memory declines more than semantic memory in older adults.

Visually encoded _____ memory was linked to older adults' mobility.


Which of the following statements about cohabiting older adults is TRUE?

Research indicates that middle-aged and older adult cohabiting men and women reported higher levels of depression than their married counterparts.

The model of selective optimization with compensation proposes that successful aging is related to three main factors. Which of these factors is based on the concept that, in old age, there is a reduced capacity and loss of functioning that mandate a redu


For a terminally ill person, which of the following can be the most useful benefit of denying one's imminent death?

Denial can help to insulate the dying person from coping with intense feelings of anger.