Human Growth and Development Midterm Part 3

The psychologist Robert Siegler has argued that

cognitive development does not occur in stages, but rather in a sequence of rules that emerge from experience.

The most frequent cause of school absence for 6- to 12-year-olds is


Which of the following involves learning to give specific responses without thinking about them?

Experiential intelligence

A standardized test is one that

compares an individual's score to the average score from a large sample of similar individuals.

A culture that encourages competition rather than cooperation is considered


Improvement of fine motor skills such as writing, playing musical instruments, and cutting are all made possible by

maturation of the wrist.

__________ is/are more common among 5- to 9-year-olds than among 10- to 14-year-olds.

Injuries due to falls

When a child can think about more than one variable of a situation at a time, the child has developed the cognitive ability called


Howard Gardner has criticized the use of IQ tests to predict achievement because he maintains that

they fail to provide a complete picture of mental abilities.

Which educational intervention shows promise for children with learning disabilities?

Reciprocal teaching

In a comparison of the effectiveness of various programs for children with limited English proficiency,

any structured program fosters higher achievement than submersion programs.

The ability to make efficient use of short-term memory capacity is known as

processing efficiency.

Children who have a( n ) _________________ style fit better with the expectations of a typical classroom.


Which of the following is an example of a mnemonic?

You can remember the points of the compass by remembering the phrase "Never Eat Shredded Wheat.

An Amish child knows a great deal about how to care for animals. In Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence, this child is strong in

contextual intelligence.

Which of the following statements about excessive weight gain is true?

It is a pattern in which children gain more weight in a year than is appropriate for their height, age, and sex.

A higher percentage of African American, Hispanic American, and Native American children have a relational style. This may help to explain

why they have poorer grades on achievement tests and school tests.

Which method appears to be the most reliable and valid for grouping children together for instruction?

IQ tests

________ include(s) information-processing skills that allow a person to devise and carry out alternative strategies for remembering and solving problems.

Executive processes

When children with limited English proficiency receive instruction in both their native language and their new language, they are participating in

bilingual education.

Both teachers and parents are more likely to attribute

girls' failure in mathematics to lack of ability.

One difference that has been observed in American and Asian classrooms is that

Asian teachers craft "master lessons" that are organized around a single concept or idea.

Approximately what percentage of American children is homeschooled?


A child who has a learning disability has difficulty mastering a specific skill

but has normal intelligence and no physical or sensory handicaps.

Many children with ADHD are treated with

stimulant medication.

Children whose body mass index for their age and gender is at the 95th percentile or above are considered


One of the most significant skills in early literacy is

phonological awareness.

The term ________ is often used when reading is a problem skill.


For doctors, the first step in treating asthma in children is to

educate the child and parents about how to identify and avoid irritants that trigger attacks.

A child who is an expert on dinosaurs will

categorize information about that topic in complex and hierarchical ways.

The term learning disability is

used to label children who have difficulty in mastering a specific academic skill despite normal intelligence and no physical or sensory disabilities.

According to Piaget, children in the concrete operational stage

are not good at reasoning about hypothetical situations.

When you can name the current President of the United States or name the days of the week without giving it much thought, you are demonstrating


Anthony scores at the 97th percentile of the BMI-for age. Which of the following is a risk associated with Anthony's childhood obesity?

Social isolation

One explanation for ethnic differences in school achievement is that a higher proportion of Asian Americans and European Americans have a( n )

analytical style.

Critics of achievement tests have suggested that the best way to assess actual school learning is to

compile comprehensive portfolios of children's school work.

In international studies of school achievement, which of the following do North American parents and teachers emphasize to their children and students?

Innate ability, which is assumed to be unchangeable

The psychosocial crisis of middle childhood, according to Erik Erikson, is the crisis of

industry versus inferiority.

During middle childhood, the __________ self is added to the child's categorical, social, and emotional selves.


Bullying accompanied by other antisocial behaviors, such as deceitfulness and theft, may be diagnosed as

conduct disorder.

Girls in middle childhood are more likely to

play in small, fairly exclusive groups that play indoors.

Children who believe that the rules of games cannot be changed because they are determined by authority figures are in what stage?

moral realism stage

The preference for friends of the same gender

increases substantially across middle childhood.

Children who are bullies

view negative adult and peer responses to them as unjust.

As children's understanding of the difference between intentional and accidental actions grows,

retaliatory aggression increases.

The negative effect of growing up in poverty is

reduced by the presence of a variety of protective factors.

Self-esteem is

stable in the short term, but less so in periods over several years.

For preschoolers, the basis of friendships is ________, but by middle childhood the basis of friendships is ________.

playing together; reciprocal trust

The trait perspective states that during middle childhood

stable patterns of responding to situations emerge.

Children who are often disruptive and uncooperative but who believe that their peers like them are

aggressive and rejected children.

Which of the following descriptions of a friend would be most typical of a 10-year-old child?

Margie is very nice and kind to people.

You see a group of 10-year-olds playing a strange game of baseball. After the batter hits the ball, she hops around the bases on one foot. If the child puts her foot down, everyone starts shouting "You're out. You're out." These children are clearly at Pi

moral relativism.

Research suggests that children who watch violence on television

are more apt to engage in acts of violence as adults.

Which of the following statements would be the most accurate description of aggression?

Physical aggression remains both relatively high and constant over childhood in all-boy pairs or groups.

Which of the following statements about aggression and peer status is true?

Among boys, aggression may result in either popularity or rejection.

Bandura's belief in one's capacity to cause an intended event to occur or to perform a task is called


Which type of social status describes children who are aware that they are disliked by their peers?

Withdrawn/rejected children

Behavior aimed at damaging the other person's self-esteem or peer relationships is called

relational aggression.

Some poor children develop along the same lines as their more economically secure peers and are known by developmentalists as

resilient children.

_____ is a complex form of aggression in which a person routinely aggresses against one or more habitual victims.


The child poverty rate

declined from 28% in 1959 to 22% in 2011.

In research studies, children who play violent video games

show increases in general levels of emotional hostility.

Overall, poor families live in

more chaotic environments.

Freud's theories have been instrumental in

modern-day research on peer rejection and other emotional aspects of middle childhood.

The most important categorical variable in the selection of friends between the ages of 6 and 12 is


Children who are highly creative are often ________, and children who have difficulty controlling their emotions are often ________.

rejected; rejected also

As parents allow children in middle childhood to engage in more activities without direct parental supervision, ____________ parents have less confidence in the self-regulatory abilities of younger school-aged children than White parents do.


One important lesson that friendships help children to learn

is related to managing conflicts.

Most developmentalists believe that interventions designed to reduce aggression

should target the behavior of other children (such as the victims) as well as the aggressors.

Brain-imaging studies that looked at the long-term effects of viewing a great number of violent television programs during childhood

revealed altered patterns of neural activity that suggest emotional desensitization.

The major personality dimensions that are known as the "Big Five

are stable across time.

Sally jumps rope faster than Mary" is a( n )

behavioral comparison.

Surveys indicate which of the following?

Nearly half of inner-city elementary and high school-age children have witnessed at least one violent crime in the past year.

Compared to girls' friendships, friendships among boys involve ________ groups, are ________ accepting of newcomers, and play over a ________ area.

larger; more; larger

Changes in the reticular formation during middle childhood contribute to

the ability to control attention????

According to Piaget, what stage of cognitive development do we transition into during middle childhood?

Concrete Operational stage????

Howard Gardner proposed a theory of

multiple intelligences????

The most frequent reason for homeschooling is

concern about the school environment????

Self-esteem is the

global evaluation of one's own worth????

After age 8, Piaget says that children enter the moral relativism stage in which they realize that

people can agree to change the rules if they want to????

The psychologist Robert Siegler has argued that

cognitive development does not occur in stages, but rather in a sequence of rules that emerge from experience.

The most frequent cause of school absence for 6- to 12-year-olds is


Which of the following involves learning to give specific responses without thinking about them?

Experiential intelligence

A standardized test is one that

compares an individual's score to the average score from a large sample of similar individuals.

A culture that encourages competition rather than cooperation is considered


Improvement of fine motor skills such as writing, playing musical instruments, and cutting are all made possible by

maturation of the wrist.

__________ is/are more common among 5- to 9-year-olds than among 10- to 14-year-olds.

Injuries due to falls

When a child can think about more than one variable of a situation at a time, the child has developed the cognitive ability called


Howard Gardner has criticized the use of IQ tests to predict achievement because he maintains that

they fail to provide a complete picture of mental abilities.

Which educational intervention shows promise for children with learning disabilities?

Reciprocal teaching

In a comparison of the effectiveness of various programs for children with limited English proficiency,

any structured program fosters higher achievement than submersion programs.

The ability to make efficient use of short-term memory capacity is known as

processing efficiency.

Children who have a( n ) _________________ style fit better with the expectations of a typical classroom.


Which of the following is an example of a mnemonic?

You can remember the points of the compass by remembering the phrase "Never Eat Shredded Wheat.

An Amish child knows a great deal about how to care for animals. In Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence, this child is strong in

contextual intelligence.

Which of the following statements about excessive weight gain is true?

It is a pattern in which children gain more weight in a year than is appropriate for their height, age, and sex.

A higher percentage of African American, Hispanic American, and Native American children have a relational style. This may help to explain

why they have poorer grades on achievement tests and school tests.

Which method appears to be the most reliable and valid for grouping children together for instruction?

IQ tests

________ include(s) information-processing skills that allow a person to devise and carry out alternative strategies for remembering and solving problems.

Executive processes

When children with limited English proficiency receive instruction in both their native language and their new language, they are participating in

bilingual education.

Both teachers and parents are more likely to attribute

girls' failure in mathematics to lack of ability.

One difference that has been observed in American and Asian classrooms is that

Asian teachers craft "master lessons" that are organized around a single concept or idea.

Approximately what percentage of American children is homeschooled?


A child who has a learning disability has difficulty mastering a specific skill

but has normal intelligence and no physical or sensory handicaps.

Many children with ADHD are treated with

stimulant medication.

Children whose body mass index for their age and gender is at the 95th percentile or above are considered


One of the most significant skills in early literacy is

phonological awareness.

The term ________ is often used when reading is a problem skill.


For doctors, the first step in treating asthma in children is to

educate the child and parents about how to identify and avoid irritants that trigger attacks.

A child who is an expert on dinosaurs will

categorize information about that topic in complex and hierarchical ways.

The term learning disability is

used to label children who have difficulty in mastering a specific academic skill despite normal intelligence and no physical or sensory disabilities.

According to Piaget, children in the concrete operational stage

are not good at reasoning about hypothetical situations.

When you can name the current President of the United States or name the days of the week without giving it much thought, you are demonstrating


Anthony scores at the 97th percentile of the BMI-for age. Which of the following is a risk associated with Anthony's childhood obesity?

Social isolation

One explanation for ethnic differences in school achievement is that a higher proportion of Asian Americans and European Americans have a( n )

analytical style.

Critics of achievement tests have suggested that the best way to assess actual school learning is to

compile comprehensive portfolios of children's school work.

In international studies of school achievement, which of the following do North American parents and teachers emphasize to their children and students?

Innate ability, which is assumed to be unchangeable

The psychosocial crisis of middle childhood, according to Erik Erikson, is the crisis of

industry versus inferiority.

During middle childhood, the __________ self is added to the child's categorical, social, and emotional selves.


Bullying accompanied by other antisocial behaviors, such as deceitfulness and theft, may be diagnosed as

conduct disorder.

Girls in middle childhood are more likely to

play in small, fairly exclusive groups that play indoors.

Children who believe that the rules of games cannot be changed because they are determined by authority figures are in what stage?

moral realism stage

The preference for friends of the same gender

increases substantially across middle childhood.

Children who are bullies

view negative adult and peer responses to them as unjust.

As children's understanding of the difference between intentional and accidental actions grows,

retaliatory aggression increases.

The negative effect of growing up in poverty is

reduced by the presence of a variety of protective factors.

Self-esteem is

stable in the short term, but less so in periods over several years.

For preschoolers, the basis of friendships is ________, but by middle childhood the basis of friendships is ________.

playing together; reciprocal trust

The trait perspective states that during middle childhood

stable patterns of responding to situations emerge.

Children who are often disruptive and uncooperative but who believe that their peers like them are

aggressive and rejected children.

Which of the following descriptions of a friend would be most typical of a 10-year-old child?

Margie is very nice and kind to people.

You see a group of 10-year-olds playing a strange game of baseball. After the batter hits the ball, she hops around the bases on one foot. If the child puts her foot down, everyone starts shouting "You're out. You're out." These children are clearly at Pi

moral relativism.

Research suggests that children who watch violence on television

are more apt to engage in acts of violence as adults.

Which of the following statements would be the most accurate description of aggression?

Physical aggression remains both relatively high and constant over childhood in all-boy pairs or groups.

Which of the following statements about aggression and peer status is true?

Among boys, aggression may result in either popularity or rejection.

Bandura's belief in one's capacity to cause an intended event to occur or to perform a task is called


Which type of social status describes children who are aware that they are disliked by their peers?

Withdrawn/rejected children

Behavior aimed at damaging the other person's self-esteem or peer relationships is called

relational aggression.

Some poor children develop along the same lines as their more economically secure peers and are known by developmentalists as

resilient children.

_____ is a complex form of aggression in which a person routinely aggresses against one or more habitual victims.


The child poverty rate

declined from 28% in 1959 to 22% in 2011.

In research studies, children who play violent video games

show increases in general levels of emotional hostility.

Overall, poor families live in

more chaotic environments.

Freud's theories have been instrumental in

modern-day research on peer rejection and other emotional aspects of middle childhood.

The most important categorical variable in the selection of friends between the ages of 6 and 12 is


Children who are highly creative are often ________, and children who have difficulty controlling their emotions are often ________.

rejected; rejected also

As parents allow children in middle childhood to engage in more activities without direct parental supervision, ____________ parents have less confidence in the self-regulatory abilities of younger school-aged children than White parents do.


One important lesson that friendships help children to learn

is related to managing conflicts.

Most developmentalists believe that interventions designed to reduce aggression

should target the behavior of other children (such as the victims) as well as the aggressors.

Brain-imaging studies that looked at the long-term effects of viewing a great number of violent television programs during childhood

revealed altered patterns of neural activity that suggest emotional desensitization.

The major personality dimensions that are known as the "Big Five

are stable across time.

Sally jumps rope faster than Mary" is a( n )

behavioral comparison.

Surveys indicate which of the following?

Nearly half of inner-city elementary and high school-age children have witnessed at least one violent crime in the past year.

Compared to girls' friendships, friendships among boys involve ________ groups, are ________ accepting of newcomers, and play over a ________ area.

larger; more; larger

Changes in the reticular formation during middle childhood contribute to

the ability to control attention????

According to Piaget, what stage of cognitive development do we transition into during middle childhood?

Concrete Operational stage????

Howard Gardner proposed a theory of

multiple intelligences????

The most frequent reason for homeschooling is

concern about the school environment????

Self-esteem is the

global evaluation of one's own worth????

After age 8, Piaget says that children enter the moral relativism stage in which they realize that

people can agree to change the rules if they want to????