DHO-chapter 8 Human Growth and Development


The final stage of Death and Dying where the patient understands and accepts the fact that they are going to die.


Period of development from 12 to 20 years of age; teenage years.

Alzheimer's diseases

Progressive, irreversible disease involving memory loss, disorientation, deterioration of intellectual function, and speech and gait disturbances.


Feeling of displeasure or hostility; mad. Occurs when a patient is no longer able to deny death

anorexia nervosa

Psychological disorder involving loss of appetite and excessive weight loss not caused by a physical disease.


Hardening and/ or narrowing of the walls of the arteries


Occurs when the patients accept death and want more time to live. Often turn to religion and spiritual beliefs


Psychological condition in which a person eats excessively and then uses laxatives or vomits to get rid of food


Psychological condition in which a person alternately eats excessively and then fasts or refuses to eat.

chemical abuse

Use of chemical substances without regard for accepted practice; dependence on alcohol or drugs


defense mechanism involving situations of one goal or another goal to achieve success


Defense mechanism of escape; dream-like musing while awake

defense mechanism

Physical or psychological reaction of an organism used in self-defense or to protect self-image


Declaring untrue; refusing to believe. Occurs when a person is first told of a terminal illness and can't escape the reality of death


Psychological condition of sadness, melancholy, gloom, or despair. Occurs when patient realized death will come soon and the will no longer be with their families or be able to complete their goals


Changes in the intellectual, mental, emotional, social, and functional skills that occur over time


Defense mechanism in which feelings about one person are transfered to someone else

early adulthood

Period of development from 20 to 40 years of age.

early childhood

Period of development from 1 to 6 years of age


Pertaining to feelings or psychological states


Place a high value on; respect


Measurable physical changes that occur throughout a person's life


Program designed to provide care for the terminally ill while allowing them to die with dignity


Period of development from birth to 1 year of age

late adulthood

Period of development beginning at 65 years of age and ending at death

late childhood

Period of development from 6 to 12 years of age

life stages

Stages of growth and development experienced by an individual from birth to death


Pertaining to the mind

middle adulthood

Period of development from 40 to 65 years of age


Stimulated into action; incentive to act


Lack of something required or desired; urgent want or desire


Of or pertaining to the body

physiological needs

Basic physical or biological needs required by every human being to sustain life


Defense mechanism in which an individual places the blame for his or her actions on someone else or circumstances


Period of growth and development during which secondary sexual characteristics begin to develop


Defense mechanism involving the use of a reasonable or acceptable excuse as an explanation for behavior


A defense mechanism that involves retreating to a previous developmental level that provided more safety and security than the current level the individual is experienced


Defense mechanism involving the transfer of painful or unacceptable idea, feelings, or thoughts into the subconscious


A legal right under the Patient Self-Determination Act that allows an individual to determine whether or not to accept medical care to continue life


The need to be free from anxiety and fear, and the need to feel secure in the environment


Feeling of pleasure or fulfillment


People have obtained their full potential, or they are what they want to be


People's feelings concerning their masculine/feminine natures, their ability to give and receive love and affection, and their roles in reproduction of a species.


The interactions and relationships with other people


Killing oneself


Defense mechanism used by an individual who is aware of unacceptable feelings or thoughts but refuse to deal with them

terminal illness

A disease that cannot be cured and will result in death


Defense mechanism in which an individual either ceases to communicate or physically removes self from situation


progression from self-centeredness concept to recognition of others in evnironment

Older Adulthood

Ego Integrity versus Despair


social development usually involves spending less time with family and more time with peer groups

Early Adulthood

frequently the most productive life stage with physical development basically complete


trust versus mistrust

Late Adulthood

physical development is on the decline, and all body systems are usually affected


autonomy versus shame and doubt

Early Childhood

learn bladder and bowel control

young adulthood

intimacy versus isolation

Late childhood

most of their primary teeth are lost, and permanent teeth erupt

Middle Adulthood

Generativity vs. Stagnation


secondary sexual characteristics develop in both males and females

School Age

Industry veruses Inferiority

Early Adulthood

deals with independence, makers careers choices, selects a marital partner, and starts a family

Middle Adulthood

females experience menopause, and males may experience the male climacteric


Identity vs. Role Confusion


Initiative vs. Guilt

Moro Reflex (startle reflex)

reflex to a loud noise or sudden movement

Rooting Reflex

a slight touch on the cheek causes the mouth to open

sucking reflex

caused by a slight touch to the lips

grasp reflex

infants can grasp an object placed in the hand


means that people have obtained their full potentials, or that they are what they want to be (know who you are)