Media Power in Politics, "News Coverage Effects on Public's Opinion of Crime

Growing reach of local news

Contributed to increased support for punitive remedies aimed at youth offenders

Reality of violent crime in mid-1990s

...Was that an individual's age and ethnicity could realistically be considered "threatening" attributes


People become more fearful of crime and more committed advocates of punitive measures for dealing with violent crime when the news media frame the issue in ways that highlight the juvenile and non-white attributes of perpetrators

Two relevant characteristics of individual perpetrators

Race and youth

Super predator hypothesis

States that minority offenders are especially threatening to the public

How is that people are more fearful of crime but at the same time are less willing to favor punitive measures when presented with youthful offenders?

- reasoned that preadults should not be held individually accountable for their actions
- gangs are collectives, making it difficult to pinpoint responsibility

Women and blacks

Two groups that were particularly fearful of crime, keeping in literature with victimization and fear of crime

juvenile criminals

individuals felt must less likely to punish such group when placed in the context of gang activity


Word which appears to associate crime with violence and youthful perpetrators

Criminal sentencing

Most severe in cases with black perpetrator and white victim

Visual and semantic cues

Condition public attitudes on crime