Diabetes Mellitus PP

What are the four places that glucose is stored?

-fat tissue

What happens when insulin helps glucose to move into liver and store it as glycogen?

glycogen breakdown is inhibited

What happens when insulin helps glucose move into the muscle and store it as glycogen?

protein breakdown is inhibited

What happens when insulin helps glucose move into adipose tissue and stores it as fatty acids and triglycerides?

breakdown of fat is inhibited

What happens when it helps amino acids move into cells?

breakdown of protein is inhibited

Storage of glucose in the liver as glycogen is called?


Describe glycogenolysis

pathway by which glycogen is converted to glucose

Describe gluconeogenesis

synthesis of new glucose fron non-carbogydrates (amino acids and fat)

What happens when not enough insulin is produced?

-glucose stays circulating in the blood
-metabolism of CHO, fats, and proteins is altered
-symptoms of 3 P's

How is the metabolism altered in the liver and muscle?

glycogen is converted to glucose

How is the metabolism altered in fat?

breakdown of fats for energy will liberate ketone bodies

How is the metabolism altered in a cell?

-protein depletion
-muscle wasting

Describe insulin resistance

-fasting blood glucose more than 100mg/dL
-abnormal GTT

Describe central obesity

-waist circumference more than 35 inches in women
-more than 40 inches in men

Describe dyslipidemia results

-triglycerides >150 mg/dL
-HDL <50 mg/dL (women)
-HDL <40 mg/dL (men)

Describe type 1 diabetes

-insulin dependent
-pacreatic beta cells are destroyed= no insulin produced
-before age 30
-required long lide insulin infections (exogenous)

Discuss type 1 DM S/S

-weight loss
-increased frequency of infection
-rapid onset
-insulin dependent
-peak incidence from 10-15yrs

Describe type 2 diabetes

-decreased sensitvity to insulin
-decreased insulin production

Describe gestational diabetes

-during pregnancy (2nd or 3rd trimester)
-apparent during 24-28th wks of pregnancy
-glucose intolerance

Discuss risk factors of gestational diabetes

-materanal age over 30yo
-family hx of diabetes
-delivery of a baby over 9 pounds

Describe polyuria

-secondary fluid loss resulting from osmotic diuresis
-fluid move from ICF to ECF where they excreted by kidneys

Describe polydipsia

-compensatory response to polyuria to maintain hydration
-thirst center in the anterior hypothalamus is stimulated

Describe polyphagia

-secondary to insulin deficiency
-glucose can't be used by the cells for energy
-prottina/fats are catabolized for energy

Discuss intracellular hypoglycemia

-glycogenesis and glyconeogenesis
-breakdown fats
-high levels of ketones
-diabetic ketoacidosis

Discuss extracellular hyperglycemia

-hyperosmotic plasma
-dehydration of cells
-hyperglycemic coma
-osmotic diuresis