Pathophysiology test 3


Identify a component of the blood which cannot move across normal intact endothelium lining capillaries


Identify one long term consequence of uncontrolled primary HTN (don't answer death)


The vasoconstriction which is present in HTN increases (preload or afterload) on the heart

SA node

Identify the normal pacemaker of the heart

Increased HR

Identify an effect of sympathetic stimulation on the heart

Increased contractility

Identify one compensation for heart failure

increased SV

How is that compensation beneficial to the individual

puts strain on the heart

How is that compensation harmful to the individual

glucose synthesis

identify a role for the liver in energy metabolism

Converts chylomicron remnants

Identify a role for the liver in lipid metabolism

Decrease glycogen synthesis

identify one response of the liver to insulin

Helps decrease glucose levels

Identify the effect that your response has on blood glucose concentration

beta cells

Identify the cell type in the pancreas responsible for the synthesis and secretion of insulin

amino acids

Identify one stimulus for the secretion of insulin other than blood glucose

Lipolysis (triacylglycerols)

Identify the response of adipose cells to insulin

Cataracts or glaucoma

Identify one long term consequence of diabetes. (don't answer hyperglycemia or ketoacidosis)

Hyposecretion of insulin

Identify the etiologic cause of diabetes type I

Hyposensitivity to insulin

Identify the etiologic cause of diabetes type II

esterified cholesterol

identify one component of HDL


identify one component of LDL


High LDL represents excessive (endogenous or exogenous Lipid)


Identify one risk factor for atherosclerosis


Identify a transport protein responsible for transport of glucose

Production of angiotensin II

identify a stimulus for the secretion of renin as might occur in heart failure

Increased fluid retention

identify a consequence, or result, of the secretion of renin

Increased HR

Identify an effect of sympathetic stimulation on the heart


identify the term, or characteristic of the heart, used to describe the depolarization which leads to action potentials in the heart

SA node

identify a tissue in the heart in which that depolarization occurs

ectopic pacemaker

identify a proposed physiologic mechanism for the generation of arrhythmias


identify the organ, or tissue, which secretes renin


Identify the organ, or tissue, which secretes insulin


Identify the organ, or tissue, which secretes VLDL


Identify the organ, or tissue, which forms chylomicrons


Identify an organ, or tissue, which responds to glucagon


What does the R-R interval on an ECG indicate


A: triacylglycerol content of chylomicrons
B: Triacylglycerol content of chylomicron remnants


A: Total peripheral resistance in a normotensive pt
B: Total peripheral resistance in a hypertensive pt


A: extracellular osmolarity associated with normal blood glucose concentrations
B: extracellular osmolarity associated with hyperglycemias


A: incidence of primary HTN
B: incidence of secondary HTN


A: resistance of blood flow through arterioles of organs in absence of heart failure
B: resistance of blood flow through arterioles of organs in presence of heart failure


A: Hydrostatic pressure in the capillary (Pc) if the arteriole feeding the capillary is dilated
B: Hydrostatic pressure in the capillary (Pc) if the arteriole feeding the capillary is constricted


A: Rate of filtration from a capillary if hydrostatic pressure in the capillary (Pc) is high
B: Rate of filtration from a capillary if hydrostatic pressure in the capillary (Pc) is low


A: Atrial rate during sinus bradycardia
B: Atrial rate during sinus tachycardia


A: Ventricular rate during sinus bradycardia
B: ventricular rate during sinus tachycardia


A: time available for ventricular filling during sinus tachycardia
B: time available for ventricular filling during sinus bradycardia


A: ventricular rate during atrial tachycardia without heart block
B: ventricular rate during atrial tachycardia with 2:1 heart block

B or C???????

A: efficacy of treatment of HF with preserved ejection fraction
B: efficacy of treatment of HF with reduced ejection fraction


A: incidence of DKA with type I diabetes
B: incidence of DKA with type II diabetes


A: excretion of glucose in the urine during fasting in a normal pt
B: excretion of glucose in the urine following a glucose load in a normal pt


A: Excretion of glucose during fasting in a diabetic (type I) pt
B: excretion of glucose following a glucose load in a diabetic (type I) pt


A: Fasting blood glucose concentrations in a normal pt
B: fasting blood glucose concentrations in a diabetic (type I) pt


A: blood pH when blood ketone concentrations are low
B: blood pH when blood ketone concentrations are high


A: glucagon concentrations when insulin concentrations are low
B: glucagon concentrations when insulin concentrations are high


A: Glycated hemoglobin A (HbA1c) in normal pt
B: Glycated hemoglobin A (HbA1c) in pts with type I diabetes


A: cholesterol content of VLDL
B: Cholesterol content of LDL