Units of Measure (5th Grade)

inch (in.)

customary unit of length

foot (ft)

customary unit of length equal to 12 inches

yard (yd)

customary unit of length equal to 36 inches

mile (mi)

customary unit of length used to measure long distances


how much something weighs


a synonym for weight

ounce (oz)

A customary unit of weight.

pound (lb)

A customary unit of weight. 16 ounces equal 1 pound

ton (T)

A customary unit of weight equal to 2000 pounds

gram (g)

metric unit of weight


the amount of liquid a container can hold.

fluid ounce (fl oz)

customary unit of capacity
8 fl oz = 1 cup

cup (c)

customary unit of capacity

pint (pt)

customary unit of liquid capacity equal to 2 cups

quart (qt)

customary unit of capacity equal to 4 cups or 2 pints

gallon (gal)

customary unit of capacity equal to 4 quarts

liter (L)

Basic unit of liquid volume in the metric system