EP #02- Abort/Barrier Engagement, Hot Brakes GK Questions

How many emergency brake applications are allowed with full nitrogen?


Where do you find the chart on brake energy limitations?

Sec 5 of the -1

What is the normal pressure of the brake system accumulator and what is its function?

900 +/- 50 PSI,
it stabilizes hydraulic pressure during fluctuations of the hydraulic system.

What is the definition of S1?

The takeoff is committed at indicated airspeeds above S1. If an engine
failure occurs prior to obtaining S1, and action is taken to stop the aircraft before obtaining S1, take-off abort capability is assured. In take-off planning, S1 is equal to or greate

What is the most likely cause of nose wheel steering failure and what should you do?

The torque link
pin is not installed. STOP!

If barrier engagement after an aborted takeoff is imminent, how should you engage the MA-1A type

Attempt to engage the barrier perpendicular and in the middle half at the slowest speed possible.

Is it necessary to extend the speed brakes during an abort situation? Why?

Yes. It allows for the
maximum amount of weight possible to be on the main gear to enhance braking.

What should you do if you expect hot brakes?

Notify ground, taxi to the hot brakes area, and park the
aircraft facing the wind. Do not set the parking brake.

If a malfunction in the anti-skid system occurs with an associated loss of brakes, immediately do

Place the anti-skid switch to the off position and attempt braking from both the pilot's and copilot's

What occurs at 8.1 million foot-pounds of brake energy?

Thermal fused plugs may release, resulting in
flat tires.

What occurs at 14.8 million foot-pounds of brake energy?

Brake damage or failure may occur.

With a failed EFC, what type of throttle movement should be avoided and why?

Rapid throttle
movement should be avoided to prevent possible engine surge.

Matching the throttles using the engine with the EFC off may cause what?

Over boosting the other

What happens to engine spool up time with a failed EFC?

Spool up time is increased and power
requirements must be anticipated ahead of time.

The maximum thrust loss due to EFC failure could be up to what percent?


When conducting Category 3 runway operations, what is the relationship between runway available
and critical field length?

CFL exceeds runway available

What is the definition of Maximum Braking Speed?

It's the maximum speed from which the aircraft
can be brought to a stop without exceeding the maximum brake energy limit (14.8 Million foot-pounds).

What is the definition of Refusal Speed?

Refusal speed is the maximum speed that can be attained, with
normal acceleration, from which a stop may be completed within the available runway length.

What happens to refusal speed when there is a wet runway environment?

Refusal speed goes down
due to reduced braking effectiveness.

When are you required to accomplish an acceleration check?

S1 does not equal Vrot. Must be at
least 10 KIAS below S1.

What are the different brake modes?

Manual mode- engines off and no hydraulic pressure, have to pump the brakes to get pressure.
Power Brake Mode- Normal hydraulic pressure available with positive pressure in the brake system.
Anti-skid Power Brake Mode- Power Brake mode with anti-skid on.

How much energy is absorbed by the brakes per mile of taxi, assuming flat surface?

Up to 0.5 million

How much energy is absorbed by the brakes per mile of taxi, with a downhill grade?

Up to 2.0
million foot-pounds.

How much does your brake energy increase for every 1% of downhill gradient?


For 30 degree flap, decrease brake energy by 4% when brake energy is greater than?

2 million foot pounds.

If a malfunction in the anti-skid system occurs with an associated loss of brakes, immediately do

Place the anti-skid switch to the off position and attempt braking from both the pilot's and copilot's

How many emergency brake applications are allowed with full nitrogen?


Where do you find the chart on brake energy limitations?

Sec 5 of the -1

What is the normal pressure of the brake system accumulator and what is its function?

900 +/- 50 PSI,
it stabilizes hydraulic pressure during fluctuations of the hydraulic system.

What is the definition of S1?

The takeoff is committed at indicated airspeeds above S1. If an engine
failure occurs prior to obtaining S1, and action is taken to stop the aircraft before obtaining S1, take-off abort capability is assured. In take-off planning, S1 is equal to or greate

What is the most likely cause of nose wheel steering failure and what should you do?

The torque link
pin is not installed. STOP!

If barrier engagement after an aborted takeoff is imminent, how should you engage the MA-1A type

Attempt to engage the barrier perpendicular and in the middle half at the slowest speed possible.

Is it necessary to extend the speed brakes during an abort situation? Why?

Yes. It allows for the
maximum amount of weight possible to be on the main gear to enhance braking.

What should you do if you expect hot brakes?

Notify ground, taxi to the hot brakes area, and park the
aircraft facing the wind. Do not set the parking brake.

If a malfunction in the anti-skid system occurs with an associated loss of brakes, immediately do

Place the anti-skid switch to the off position and attempt braking from both the pilot's and copilot's

What occurs at 8.1 million foot-pounds of brake energy?

Thermal fused plugs may release, resulting in
flat tires.

What occurs at 14.8 million foot-pounds of brake energy?

Brake damage or failure may occur.

With a failed EFC, what type of throttle movement should be avoided and why?

Rapid throttle
movement should be avoided to prevent possible engine surge.

Matching the throttles using the engine with the EFC off may cause what?

Over boosting the other

What happens to engine spool up time with a failed EFC?

Spool up time is increased and power
requirements must be anticipated ahead of time.

The maximum thrust loss due to EFC failure could be up to what percent?


When conducting Category 3 runway operations, what is the relationship between runway available
and critical field length?

CFL exceeds runway available

What is the definition of Maximum Braking Speed?

It's the maximum speed from which the aircraft
can be brought to a stop without exceeding the maximum brake energy limit (14.8 Million foot-pounds).

What is the definition of Refusal Speed?

Refusal speed is the maximum speed that can be attained, with
normal acceleration, from which a stop may be completed within the available runway length.

What happens to refusal speed when there is a wet runway environment?

Refusal speed goes down
due to reduced braking effectiveness.

When are you required to accomplish an acceleration check?

S1 does not equal Vrot. Must be at
least 10 KIAS below S1.

What are the different brake modes?

Manual mode- engines off and no hydraulic pressure, have to pump the brakes to get pressure.
Power Brake Mode- Normal hydraulic pressure available with positive pressure in the brake system.
Anti-skid Power Brake Mode- Power Brake mode with anti-skid on.

How much energy is absorbed by the brakes per mile of taxi, assuming flat surface?

Up to 0.5 million

How much energy is absorbed by the brakes per mile of taxi, with a downhill grade?

Up to 2.0
million foot-pounds.

How much does your brake energy increase for every 1% of downhill gradient?


For 30 degree flap, decrease brake energy by 4% when brake energy is greater than?

2 million foot pounds.

If a malfunction in the anti-skid system occurs with an associated loss of brakes, immediately do

Place the anti-skid switch to the off position and attempt braking from both the pilot's and copilot's