Charlotte's web

Why is Mr. Arable going to kill one of the pigs?

He's a runt

What is a runt?

Smaller and weaker than the rest

Who is first to save Wilbur's life?


What does Fern decide to call the pig?


Who raised Wilbur at the beginning of his life?


Who bought Wilbur when the pig was 5 weeks old?

Uncle Homer (Mr. Zuckerman)

How much was spent to buy Wilbur?

Six dollars

Why does Wilbur feel that he's tired of living?

He's bored

How does Wilbur feel when making his escape by pushing on the loose boards?

He felt "queer" which means strange

What does Wilbur conclude about his brief taste of freedom?

He'd rather be penned up

How old was Wilbur when he had this adventure?

Less than 2 months

Who was Templeton?

A rat living under Wilbur's trough

What ruins Wilbur's plan for the day and what does he do?

It rained and he complained

Wilbur hears a voice coming from the darkness. What does it say to him?

Do you want a friend, Wilbur? I'll be a friend to you. I've watched you all day and like you.

What is on Wilbur's mind all night long after hearing the voice?

All the sounds in the barn and the mysterious potential friend.

Who was the source of the voice that had spoken to him?

A spider named Charlotte A. Cavatica

What does Charlotte do that Wilbur finds "bloodthirsty" and "cruel"?

Drinking the blood of insects

What happens to the goose's rotten egg?

Templeton takes it

According to the goose, what will happen to Wilbur around Christmastime?

Kill him and turn him into meat

What does Charlotte promise Wilbur?

She will save him from being butchered

How did Fern's mother feel about her spending so much time at the barn?

She's worried because Fern talks about how the animals talk to her.

How did Fern's father feel about it?

He thinks it's fine, and that maybe they actually do talk to Fern

How many sections did Charlotte say each of her legs had?


What did Wilbur boast?

That he could spin a web like Charlotte

What did Wilbur use as a dragline? Did it work?

A piece of string...No

What 2 things did Wilbur lack to build a web?

A set of spinnerets and knowledge of how to do it

What was Charlotte's opinion of the people's web (a bridge)?

That they weren't as good as a spiders

What did Wilbur say he'd rather be doing?

Looking for roots and leaves in a forest

How did the lambs remark make Wilbur feel?


What happened at about twilight time on the farm? How did these events make Fern and Wilbur feel?

Soft sounds...this made them feel comfortable and happy at first and then thoughtful

When Avery spots Charlotte in her web, what does he intend to do?

Capture Charlotte

How is Charlotte saved?

Avery loses his balance

In the morning what was written in Charlotte's web?


What happened when news got out about Wilbur?

Many people came to see it

How does the minister explain the miracle?

He said the words on the spiders web prove that humans need to be on the watch for the coming of wonders

Why does Charlotte call a meeting of the barnyard animals?

She needed new ideas for her web

How does the old sheep convince Templeton to help?

He reminded him that if Wilbur dies then Templeton wouldn't get to eat out of his trough

What does Mr. Zuckerman decide to do with Wilbur after the word TERRIFIC appears in the web?

Take him to the county fair

What was the story Charlotte told Wilbur about her cousin?

How that spider caught a fish

Why does Mrs. Arable go to see Dr. Dorian?

She's worried about Fern

How does Dr. Dorian reassure Mrs. Arable that Fern will be fine?

He asks if she is eating and sleeping well and when he finds out she is he says she's a normal 8 year old interested in animals

Why did Charlotte think it was best for her to stay home from the Fair?

It's egg laying time

Why do you think she changed her mind about going to the fair?

She didn't know if Wilbur would need or or not

Who did Charlotte insist needed to go with them and how did the sheep help convince him?

Templeton, by telling him a fair is a rats paradise

When the Zuckermans are loading Wilbur into his crate what does he overhear that causes him to feel faint?

That there is still a plan to kill him for meat and the plan isn't complete