6 grade Unit 3 Bible

Jesus showed grace to an adulterous woman

To whom did Jesus show grace by forgiving her sins?

The Pharisees

A group of legalistic Jews who were sometimes quick to judge and condemn.

We may think that we deserve judgment and punishment because society has trained us to believe that sinful acts deserve consequences.

Why is it sometimes difficult to receive God's grace?

We would rather get revenge or see others get what they deserve, especially if we have received the same punishment. We want life to be fair.

Why is it difficult to give away God's grace to others?

A metaphor

A literary device that equates an unfamiliar item with a familiar item without using the word "like" or "as

Jesus says that He is the gate for the sheep

What metaphor does Jesus use for himself with regard to the parable of the good shepherd and the thief?

The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.

In the parable of the good shepherd and the thief, what does the shepherd do for his sheep?

Jesus is the gate and heaven is the pen. We are the sheep who need to have Jesus lead us into heaven.

What is the significance (meaning) of the gate, the pen, and the sheep metaphors in this parable?


descendants of intermarriages between foreigners and the Israelites remaining in the land after the 10 tribes, and later the people of Judah, had been exiled.

The Jews avoided Samaria and the Samaritans because they represented, in their minds, the fall of Israel. Jews considered themselves to be defiled or ceremonially unclean if they came into contact with a Samaritan.

Why did the Jews avoid Samaria and the Samaritans?

The Good Samaritan stopped to help a Jewish man who had been beaten and robbed and left to die along the road.

In the parable of the Good Samaritan, what significant action did the Good Samaritan take?

Jesus says that we are to exalt this Samaritan to the honor and appreciation of all future ages.

What does Jesus say in reaction to the story of the Good Samaritan?

Mary was excited to see Jesus and spent her time sitting at His feet, hanging on to His every word. However, Martha was distracted by her meal preparations and resented her sister for failing to help out.

When Jesus arrived in Bethany to visit Mary & Martha, what were the sisters' reactions?

Jesus teaches Martha to be still and pay attention in his presence and to place the highest priority upon time spent with God.

What lesson does Jesus teach Martha during his visit with them?

Busyness can cover up a fear of stillness or silence. We may be trying to avoid the truth that our spiritual life is hollow or empty.

What might be some underlying reasons for our nonstop busyness?

He calls Him Father

How does Jesus address God in prayer?


the expression if ourselves to God, as well as an attentive listening for God's voice within our hearts.

Prayer gives us the opportunity to change our view of God, of our priorities, and of ourselves

What is the importance of prayer for our spiritual posture?

These verses ask for our commitment to Jesus as our highest priority.

Read Luke 14:25-27. What do these verses ask of us?

Jesus uses the metaphor of salt.

What does Jesus use as a word picture for our effectiveness as disciples?


seeing the needs of others as we look them through Jesus's eyes. The key is having one's heart broken on behalf of someone else.

Jesus meant that more people would believe after he demonstrated his power over death.

In John 11:4, what did Jesus meant when he said, "It is for God's glory so that God's son may be glorified through it."?

Jesus wanted to show that death is not final and to help his disciples see that for him waking someone from death is no different from waking someone from sleep.

In John 11:11 Jesus describes death. Why do you think Jesus described death in this way?

More people believed, and the chief priests and Pharisees thought they had to get rid of Jesus because he had become a still greater threat to their power.

What happened as a result of the raising of Lazarus from the dead?

Anointing could indicate that a person had been chosen for an important task. The practice was also used in times of great joy or sorrow, as well as in burial.

What was the significance (important reason) behind anointing?

Foot washing was normally done by servants, not friends. Also, Mary let her hair down, an act that could have been considered inappropriate for a woman in Jesus's time and she used extravagantly expensive perfume.

Why was Mary's act of anointing so unusual?

Mary poured ointment on Jesus's feet rather than upon his head.

How did Mary combine feet washing and anointing?


A disease caused when bacteria attacks the nerves in various parts of the body, causing them to go numb. If left untreated, permanent damage can occur, partly as the result of injuries that go untreated because they are not felt.

People with leprosy were considered social outcasts. They were forced to live in isolation, away from healthy people.

Why was contracting leprosy so awful?

The 9 former lepers did not offer thanks or praise for being healed.

Why was Jesus disappointed with 9 of the 10 lepers he had healed?

He gave him the gift of salvation

What did Jesus give the Samaritan leper who expressed his gratitude?


a story that equates something unfamiliar or abstract, such as the kingdom of God, with a familiar object, scene or event from everyday life.

The widow was persistent, patient and persevering in terms of her requests for justice. We are to model these traits in our own prayer life.

What is significant (important) about the parable of the persistent widow?

God have mercy on me, a sinner.

In Luke 18:9-14, what did the tax collector say to God?

He paid them all the same wage, even though some of them had worked much longer than others.

In the parable of the landowner and the workers in the vineyard, what was surprising about the way the landowner paid his workers?

They were jealous and began to grumble about how unfair their wages were.

After receiving their wages, what was the reaction of the vineyard workers who had worked all day?

Jesus was teaching that it isn't up to people to judge or attempt to controls. The landowner had the right to reward each of the workers, according to his agreement with, for doing their part

What is the lesson Jesus was teaching in the parable of the landowner and the workers in the vineyard?