Section 3- Lecture 9 Grazing intensity & Stocking rate

How much history should be used when determining a lands capacity?

3 years

What is herbage?

forage plus browse

What is intensity?

The cumulative effects of grazing animals over a defined period of time

What is utilization?

the amount of current years herbage production consumed or destroyed by the herbivores

What are intensity survey used for?

check severity of defoliation, correctness of stocking rate, livestock distribution patterns, wildlife food and cover, soil cover

What are utilization estimates and surveys used for?

evaluation of "actual" utilization matches "proper" utilization, if changes need to be made during grazing periods (adjust stocking rates)

How is range condition measured?

The percentage of climax vegetation remaining

How is range health classified?

excellent, good, fair, and poor

What is excellent range health?

When 76-100% of vegetation is remaining

What is good range health?

When 51-75% of vegetation is remaining

What is fair range health?

When 26-50% of vegetation is remaining

What is poor range health?

When <25% of vegetation is remaining

Preferred designation of range systems rather than range health?

Sustainable or unsustainable

How is sustainable or unsustainable evaluated?

amount of soil protection versus erosion

If a land is deemed unsustainable, what is occurring?

conditions of accelerated erosion and degraded plant communities are occurring

What is the most important management decision of all grazing decisions?

Stocking rate

What is the stocking rate?

the amount of land that will be allocated for each animal unit for a grazeable period of time

How is animal unit expressed?


What is an AU equivalent?

1000 lb cow

What is an AUM?

animal unit month

What is the grazing capacity (aka carrying capacity)?

the max stocking rate achieved without causing any damage

What will heavy grazing prevent?

Desirable forage species ability to maintain themselves

What will moderate grazing allow?

palatable forages will maintain but will be unable to increase production

What will light grazing allow?

palatable species will be maximized because of increases in production capacity

What are the economic impacts of grazing intensity?

there will be a decrease in livestock production as grazing intensity increases

Consistent heavy stocking causes:

downward trend in ecological conditions

Light stocking causes:

upward trend in ecological conditions

Which stocking rate will yied the greatest forage production?

light stocking

Moderate stocking causes:

a slight upward trend in ecological conditions

Where does heavy grazing yield the highest net return?

North-central Tx

What is the shift in determining stocking rates today?

more focused on quality and quantity of forage

What must be accepted as part of the quality and quantity of forage model in stocking rates?

the drought cycle

What are some stratigies for stocking?

conservation of stocking at all times, high stocking rates that equal to good year capacity, constant avergage stocking, prn stocking

What is the recommended use of forage in an arid region?


What is the recommended use of forage in a semi-arid region?


What is the recommended use of forage in a humid region?


What needs to be noted about western ranges in comparison to ranges across other parts of the country?

much of the western ranges can only be used during certain parts of the year

What is the goal for impact?

to maximize utilization and minimizing negative results

What is the safe point?

when plant growth cycle is at a point not to result in permanent damage and soil is dry enough to prevent deep tracks

What is the range utilization by cattle if water is within 1 mile of water?


What is the range utilization by cattle if water is withing 1-2 mi of water?


What is the range utilization by cattle if water is greater than 2 miles away from water?


Which species will use land greater than 2 miles away from water?

sheep and goats

Why will sheep and goats use land that is farther away from water?

they do not need water daily

Goats compare well to which animal when evaluating water turnover rate?


How much utilization of land will cattle use if slope is 0-10%?

S 100%

How much utilization of land will cattle use if slope is 11-30%?

S 70%

How much utilization of land will cattle use if slope is 31-60%?

S 40%

How much utilization of land will cattle use if slope is greater than 60%?

S 0%

How much slope will be tolerated by sheeps and goats before loss of utilization occurs?

greater than 45%

What needs to be considered when determining the stocking rate for a piece of land?

land size, annual forage production, forage demand, distance from water, slope, and harvest coefficient

What is the rule of thumb for forage demand by cattle?

2% of BW/ day

What is the rule of thumb for forage demand by horses and donkeys?

3% of BW/day

What is the common harvest coefficient used?

50%- take half leave half

What is the harvest coefficient?

the percentage of total forage production allotted to animals for consumption

What is an ice cream plant?

highly palatable plants but are very scarce

A forage species that serves as an indicator of overall forage consumption that is identified and monitored:

key indicator plant

What should be abundent, productive, and palatable?

the key plant indicator chosen

What has been highly effective at monitoring range vegetation?

key plant monitoring

Portion of range that serves as an indicative sample of range condition?

key area monitoring

How is a key are determined?

location and grazing or browsing value,

What is a major objective to specialized grazing systems?

Minimize the size of sacrificed areas and allow periodic opportunity for recovery

What is common use?

When more than one species grazes the same land at the same time or during different times of the year

When is rangeland the most efficient and healthiest?

when it is used by multiple species with different dietary preferences

What happens to overlap when there is high quality and high percentage of forage?

increases overlap

What happens to overlap when there is high diversity of forages?

decrease overlap