APES Chapter 3 Review

It is estimated that only ___% of the available energy is passed from one level of the trophic pyramid to another.


The best example of a tertiary consumer would be a
a. mouse
b. grasshopper
c. sheep
d. cactus
e. coyote


A decomposer would recycle _____ back to a ____

nutrients, producer

Which of the following trophic levels has the most biomass?
a. Producers
b. Primary consumers
c. Secondary
d. Decomposers


Based on the picture, on average to support 100 lbs of bass requires:
a. 100 lbs perch
b. 90 lbs
c. 1000 lbs water fleas
d. 10,000 lbs of water fleas


All of the following are examples of heterotrophs except:
a. Vulture
b. Bacteria
c. Moss
d. Human
e. Coyote


The major sources of nitrogen & sulfur in the biosphere are correctly identifies by which of the following

Atmosphere, Rocks

Which major cycle does not contain a gaseous phase ?
a. Nitrogen
b. Phosphorus
c. Carbon
d. Water


The process by which microbes recycle nitrogen gas back into the atmosphere is called


The part of the earth that is occupied by living things
a. Lithosphere
b. Atmosphere
c. Hydrosphere
d. Biosphere


All forms of water make up the :
a. Lithosphere
b. Atmosphere
c. Hydrosphere
d. Biosphere


Global warming has been linked to humans altering which cycle
a. Nitrogen
b. Phosphorus
c. Carbon
d. Water


Carbon dioxide is being added to the Earth's atmosphere in all the following ways except:
a. combustion
b. Cellular Respiration
c. Volcanism
d. Decomposition
e. Photosynthesis


Nodules would most likely be found in the roots of what plant species ?
a. Grasses
b. Oaks
c. Legumes
d. crysanthemums


The nodules spoke of in the question above are important for what cycle ?
a. Nitrogen
b. Phosphorus
c. Carbon
d. Water


Of the following which has the greatest permeability ?
a. Clay
b. Loam
c. Sand
d. Silt
e. Humus


The most abundant gas in Earth's atmosphere is ?
A. Nitrogen
B. Oxygen
C. Water Vapor
D. Carbon Dioxide
E. Hydrogen


lowest trophic level


Elements that cycle in the biosphere that have a gaseous state some point include the following: I- Carbon, II- Phosphorus, III- Sulfure


Fresh liquid water %

.025 %

Which of the following will result in acceleration in eutrophication when introduced introduced into a body of water ?
a. Bacteria
b. Pesticides
c. Herbicides
d. Phosphates
e. Acid Rain


The two major processes involved in the carbon cycle are

Photosynthesis and Respiration

The rapid rate of this process in tropical forests results in low nutrient soils


The process in which glucose is synthesized


The process by which a soil nutrient is reduced and released is reduced and released into the atmosphere as a gas


Ammonia is converted to nitrite, then to nitrate


Plant roots absorb ammonium ions and nitrates for use in making molecules such as DNA and proteins


Nitrate ions and nitrite ions are converted into nitrogen gas


Which of the following best helps to explain why phosphorus is often a limiting factor in many ecosystems ?
a. There is usually a gaseous in phase in the cycle
b. Phosphorus cycles very quickly through environments
c. Under many conditions, phosphorus for


Which of the following is a process that indirectly removes carbon from Earth's atmosphere ?
a. Formation of carbonate deposits
b. Out gassing by volcanoes
c. Respiration by mammals
d. Anaerobic bacteria
e. UV light


Many scientist maintain that a rise in sea level has occurred in the last hundred years as a result of global warming. If this is true, which of the following factors best explains such a rise ?
a. increased precipitation
b. increased cloud cover
c. incre


One solution for reducing the amount of atmospheric CO(2) would be to :
a. Increase oceanic temperatures to enhance photosynthesis
b. Increase the rate removal of tropical rain forests
c. Decrease the total area of grasslands
d. Decrease the use of fossil


Which of the following is the usual cause of cultural eutrophication in the surface waters ?
a. lack of proper filtration devices for such things such as power plants
b. introduction of cyanobacteria to streams and rivers
c. run off of metal ions in bodie


If mean global temperatures keep on increasing as predicted, which of the following is most likely to happen ?
a. There will be fewer insect pests and disease causing organisms
b. Specialist species living in fragile ecosystems will risk extinction
c. The


Photosynthesis is the major source of which of the following gases in the Earth's atmosphere?
a. Carbon Dioxide
b. Water Vapor
c. Oxygen
d. Hydrogen
e. Nitrogen



organisms that resemble one another in appearance, behavior, chemical makeup, and processes and genetic structure


group of individuals organisms of the same species living in a particular area


variety of ecosystems and functions of energy flow and matter cycling needed for the survival of species and biological communities

primary consumer

eats plants or other producers

secondary consumer

feeds on primary

third or higher level



organic matter produced by plants and other photosynthetic producers, total dry weight of all living organisms


capture and store energy as biomass

Range of Tollerance

range of physical and chemical conditions for populations to stay maintained and species to grow, live, develop, and function normally

Limiting Factor Principle

too little or too much of any abiotic factor can limit or prevent population growth , even if at optimal range of tolerance

Distribution/ Range

area over which species can be found

biogeochemical cycles

recycle nutrients in various chemical forms from nonliving to living then back to nonliving environment

Processes in water cycle

surface run-off

Processes in carbon cycle

fossil fuels

Soil Types


Soil layers

O - topsoil, waste
A - weathered rock
B - organic and leached material
C - bedrock


spaces ( think pores = holes in skin )


ease of moving thru


transporting water from upper layers to lower layer

which of the following is not a particle size used to determine soil texture


levels smallest to largest

organism - population - community - ecosystem - biosphere

the factor for which a pop might have a range of tolerance could be
a. light
b. temp
c .pH
d. salinity
e. all


a community of living organisms interacting with one another and the physical environment is called
a. species
b. ecosystem
c. pop
d. community
e. lithosphere


ecological efficiency problem

20 , 4

natural ecosystems achieve sustainability through :
a. recycling solar energy
b. use of renewable energy
c. making life forms more complex and reversing law of thermodynamics
d. use of the one way flow of energy
e. making life more less complex by reversi


to which is guano an important component
a. phosphorus
b. carbon
c. hydrologic
d. sulfur
e. rock


2 ways humans have most interfered with the carbon cycle

burning of fossil fuels and deforestation

most of the energy input in a food chain is
a. converted to heat
b. converted to biomass
c. recycled
d. degraded into low quality energy not usable by living things
e. converted into the carbon cycle


the zone of which no member of a pop can live

zone of intolerance


flows only in one direction

the major plant nutrient most likely to be a limiting factor is
a. phosphorus
b. calcium
c. potassium
d. nitrogen
e. carbon


soil is a complex mixture of
a. mineral nutrients
b. eroded rock particles
c. air and water
d. decaying organi material
e. all above


top soil contains all the following except
a. plant roots
b. humus
c. freshly fallen leaves
d. some inorganic minerals
e. bacteria



can live with heterotrophs

the hydrologic cycle is driven primarily by
a. solar energy and gravity
b. solar energy and the moon
c. solar energy and mechanical energy
d. mechanical and chemical energy
e. chemical and solar energy


humans strongly strongly affect the hydrologic cycle through all the following except
a. aquifer withdraw in heavily populated areas
b. clearing land
c. paving roads and parking lots
d. creating housing developments
e. all are ways humans affect the cycle


the dissolving of material from upper layers of the soil and its movement to lower horizons is called


if you were a farmer which type of soil would you use for your crops


all the brown spotted frogs and green tree frogs living in the same area would be apart of the same population


a deer is both primary and in the second trophic level


plants utilize a portion of their own GPP for respiration and growth
