COM 249 Final Quiz Questions

The news about Michael Jackson's death first broke on:

the TMZ website is a part of a growing type of online media known as which of the following?

social networking

_________ is a mass communication channel.

The World Wide Web

Mass communication is an example of which type of one-on-many communication?

one sender to many receivers

A message being sent through the media must be ______ before it can be transmitted.


Which of the following was the world's first major communication network?

the Roman Catholic church

Which communication technology was first experimented with in the 1960s and 1970s?

computer networks

There are approximately _______ daily newspapers in the United States.


The Big Four television broadcast networks earn _____ percent of all television advertising revenue.


In the late 1970s and early 1980s, the yellow ribbon was a symbol for which of the following causes?

remembering the U.S. embassy hostages in Iran

According to the Generation M study, U.S. children spend an average of ______ hours a day using media.


A e-mail that you send to your mother telling her you got a perfect report card would be called which of the following types of communication?

intrapersonal commuincation

Clemens is reading the latest novel by Stephen King. He is engaging in which of the following types of communication?

mass communication

The ________ model of mass communication looks at the process of mass communication by considering each of the elements of how a mass media message is sent and received.


The _______ model of mass communication looks at how audience members use the mass media to create a shared experience.


The ________ model of mass communication looks at how media messages are used to draw attention to an individual or issue.


The ________ model of mass communication looks at how audience members derive and create meaning out of media content.


What was the first medium to allow ideas to easily move beyond the place where they were initially created?


An audience member's skills at decoding the intellectual meaning of an argument presented in a newspaper editorial involves the _________ dimension of media literacy.


Which of the following is the medium that emphasizes the interchangeability of the sender and receiver?


An audience member's skills at decoding the meaning of the menacing music in a horror movie involves the _________ dimension of media literacy.


An audience member's skills at decoding the underlying message of an action show that force is the proper solution to all problems involves the _________ dimension of media literacy.


An audience member's skills at decoding the artistic success of a new novel involves the _________ dimension of media literacy.


Which of the following best describes the findings of the People's Choice study from 1940?

Audiences are indirectly affected by media campaign messages.

Fears that media messages would have strong, direct effects on individuals grew out of propaganda campaigns during which of the following conflicts?

World War I

The _______ model says that a candidate's success depends in part on how well his basic message connects with voters' preexisting feelings.


The _______ model says that a candidate's success depends in large part on how the candidate's opponent responds to the candidate's campaign messages.


The journalistic value of _______ represents the idea politicians should serve the public good and not their own interests.

altruistic democracy

A media scholar is looking at why so many Americans are watching House, M.D. on television. What kind of effects is this scholar looking for?

active audience effects

A media scholar is trying to find out if children who watch Sesame Street do better in second grade than children who watch SpongeBob Squarepants. What kind of effects is he looking for?

message effects

A media scholar is trying to find out whether radio or television political ads are more persuasive. What kind of effects is he looking for?

media effects

A media scholar is trying to find out if the editorial focus of a newspaper changed after it was purchased by a large media conglomerate. What kind of effects is he looking for?

ownership effects

A study that looks whether press coverage of budget deficits made audiences talk more about government spending would be an example of which of the following?

agenda setting

A study that looks at why teenagers like to go to horror movies like Hostel or Saw would be an example of which of the following?

uses and gratifications theory

A study that looks at how children acquire new behaviors by watching movies on television would be an example of which of the following?

social learning

A newspaper runs stories that suggest that most people in the country support cutting taxes. After reading the stories, people who support raising taxes tend to keep quiet because they think their neighbors all support tax cuts. This would be an example o

spiral of silence

The co-founder and CEO of Apple is the largest single stockholder in which major media company?


Radio stations started carrying national news starting in which of the following decades?


_________ is where a media company uses its combined properties to promote each other and add value to the company.


According to media scholar and critic Ben Bagdikian, in 2004 approximately ____ corporations owned a majority of media outlets in the United States.


According to media scholar and critic Ben Bagdikian, in 1983 approximately ____ corporations owned a majority of media outlets in the United States.


The majority of the cable television music video channels are owned by which of the following?


________ has raised the question of whether bigger really is better by spinning off its major online service and its residential cable television provider division.

Time Warner

________ owns media properties on every continent except Antarctica.

News Corporation

________ is the largest publisher in the English language.


________is one of the leading new media companies in the world.


The biggest owner of direct broadcast satellite services around the world is which of the following?

News Corporation

What company is currently working to purchase NBC Universal?


The largest owner of radio stations in the United States is which of the following?

Clear Channel Communications

The media in the United States are typically owned by which of the following?

private industry

The largest publisher of newspapers in the United States is which of the following?

Gannett Corporation

Viacom and CBS split into two separate companies for which of the following reasons?

They wanted to give investors two separate stocks to invest in

Short head media excel at delivering which of the following?

a limited amount of content to a large audience

When a movie studio changes the ending of a movie based on focus group research, this is likely due to the influence of which of the following?


Golfer Tiger Woods has agreed to be the subject of a cover story for Golf magazine, but he will only do the interview if the publisher lets him approve the writer and the photographer. This is an example of a/an ___________ controlling the content of the

news source

If Disney were to tell ABC News not to report on problems with its theme park business, this would be an example of the influence of which of the following?


People with low levels of media literacy would assume that the most powerful force controlling the media are which of the following?


Which of the following was the earliest form of writing?


A writing system where abstract symbols stand for an object or idea is which of the following?


Printing was invented by which of the following?

Chinese prior to 200 AD

The first edition of the Oxford English Dictionary took approximately _____ years to produce.


_____ was an important newspaper, magazine and book publisher in colonial and revolutionary America.

Benjamin Franklin

What invention directly led to the production of inexpensive dime novels?

the steam powered rotary press

Which of the following was the most important effect of the printing press and movable type?

Ideas could spread rapidly beyond the communities where they originated

The primary function of a book publisher is which of the following?

buy manuscripts from authors and turn them into books

Which of the following is true about the majority of book authors?

They make a modest income from their books

_________ is best known for his/her covers of Vanity Fair and Rolling Stone magazines.

Annie Leibovitz

_________ is best known for his/her photography for Life and Fortune magazines.

Margaret Bourke-White

Which of the following was the first truly national magazine with a large circulation published in the United States?

The Saturday Evening Post

_________ was a pioneer in photojournalism with her/his photos of the Civil War.

Matthew Brady

Magazines that are targeted at specific industries and carry ads for people who are in that business are known as which of the following?

trade magazines

Magazines such as Harper's, The Atlantic, and the National Review are known as which of the following

literary and commentary magazines

Who was the target of a major investigative journalism series written by Ida M. Tarbell for McClure's magazine in the early 1900s?


Helen Gurley Brown was the long-time editor of which of the following?


_______ largely created the idea of the modern woman's magazine as editor of Godey's Lady's Book.

Sarah Josepha Hale

Magazines such as Cosmopolitan, Glamour, and Vogue are known as which of the following?

FBL Magazines

Which of the following best describes Matthew Brady's greatest contribution to photojournalism?

idea that photos could be documents that preserve history

Which of the following is the biggest circulating magazine in the United States?


The National Review is a magazine that is trying to appeal to which of the following audiences?

intellectuals interested in conservative political ideas

Magazine circulation is climbing in the United States for which of the following reasons?

growing rates of literacy

Which of the following are true of successful magazines today?

They target narrower audiences

The first English-language papers were published in Amsterdam starting in which of the following years?


Which paper is regarded as the first newspaper in the colonies?

Publick Occurrences

Which paper was published by Benjamin Franklin?

The Pennsylvania Gazette

Edward R. Murrow is best remembered for which of the following?

His accounts from London in World War II

Which of the following events helped bring CNN to prominence?

The Persian Gulf War

Most American newspapers are owned by which of the following?

large corporate chains

Which of the following was the newspaper responsible for breaking the Watergate story in 1972?

The Washington Post

Colonial newspapers could be characterized by which of the following?

intensely partisan opinion writing

The change to objective reporting that took place in the 1800s was driven by which of the following reasons?

the rise of a literate working class

Reporter Nellie Bly's style of reporting from the yellow journalism era would best fit in today at which of the following newspapers?

the New York Daily News

Which one of the following newspapers most clearly defines what will be news in the United States?

the New York Times

What medium did Guglielmo Marconi help invent?


Which of the following developments occurred during World War I?

The military took over radio broadcasting

Which of these is Akio Morita famous for?

inventing the Walkman

What is Barry Gordy Jr. best known for?

founding Motown records

Which of these was the producer who worked on recordings for Johnny Cash, the Dixie Chicks, and the Red Hot Chili Peppers?

Rick Rubin

The method of recording sound that involves storing it in a series of numbers is called which of the following?

digital recording

Which of the following is the federal agency charged with regulating telecommunications, including radio and television broadcasting?


William S. Paley, the first president of the CBS network, saw radio as which of the following?

an excellent tool for advertising products and services

Which of the following was first major movie with multiple scenes and a plot?

The Great Train Robbery

Who developed the earliest portable movie cameras?

Lumiere brothers

Who was the director of Birth of a Nation, the controversial silent film about the Civil War?

DW Griffith

In the 1930s and 1940s, the studios required theaters to schedule a large number of lesser movies in order to get one or two major films. This practice was known as which of the following?

block booking

Movie attendance peaked in which year?


The large number of smaller theaters grouped together that replaced the large Art Deco movie palaces are known as which of the following?


The film that created the idea of the summer blockbuster was which of the following?


As of 2006, approximately ____ percent of all households had DVD players.


Which of the following movies proved the value of Internet promotion?

The Blair Witch Project

Once it was introduced, almost every movie made used which of the following technologies?


The blacklist of the 1940s and 1950s was driven by which of the following?

the fear of communism

Philo T. Farnsworth invented which of the following?

the basic technology for television

All U.S. television broadcasting became digital in which year?


Which of the following created the Public Broadcasting System?

Public Broadcasting Act of 1967

The major company doing television ratings in the United States is which of the following?

Nielsen Media Research

What are telenovelas?

Spanish language television soap operas

When HBO first went on the air in 1975, the broadcast networks made which of the following responses?

they largely ignored it

Television networks are now showing more diverse programming for which of the following reasons?

they want to attract a larger audience

Twitter was originally created so people could share their answers to the question:

What are you doing?

Paul Baran's idea of cutting messages into small pieces and sending them on the easiest route was known as which of the following?

packet switching

Which of the following is the address for where Web pages are located?


The first Web browser that could handle graphics was called which of the following?


The New York Times, the Washington Post, and USA Today could all be considered _________ media outlets.

click and mortar

William Paley became convinced of the potential of radio advertising rights after he did which of the following?

He used radio advertising for his family's cigar company.

The innovation in the way Pears' soap marketed its product was that it was the first to use which of the following?

a brand name

The advertising agency department responsible for deciding where to place the advertising is which of the following?

media planning

The advertising agency department responsible for deciding on the target market for the advertising is which of the following?

research and planning

The advertising agency department responsible for developing the actual advertisements is which of the following?

creative activity

In advertising, the cost of reaching 1,000 consumers with a particular advertisement in a particular medium is known as which of the following?


The biggest advertising medium in the United States for which audience size is measured is which of the following?


Until the recession of 2009, the fastest growing advertising media type in the United States was which of the following?


Broadcast television networks carry an average of _________ of advertising and promotion clutter per hour.

15 minutes

British television viewers see an average of _____ commercials per week.


In 2008, companies spent ______ a year advertising to children.

17 billion

The social process by which people go from having the identities they are born with, to being able to decide who they want to be is which of the following?


The process of going from having work done by muscle to being done by machines is which of the following?


The first major mass medium to be supported primarily by advertising in the United States was which of the following?


An advertisement designed to reach an audience in a set of southern suburbs of Minneapolis would be called ______ advertising.


An advertisement designed to sell soda to a young hip audience would be called ______ advertising.


The person most responsible for creating the fair use doctrine for American copyright law is:

Barbara Ringer

The belief that Americans should be allowed to freely express themselves originated with which of the following?

The First Amendment

The John Peter Zenger case established which of the following?

truth as an absolute defense against libel

The law passed by Congress following the 9/11 attacks which expanded the ability of the FBI to look into people's media use and tap their phones is known as which of the following?

USA Patriot Act

Truth is not always an effective defense against libel for which of the following reasons?

it is not always clear what truth is

Which of the following cases established that the actual malice standard in libel law applied to public figures as well as public officials?

Gertz vs Roberts

In which of the following cases did the court ruled that a cable news channel could be stopped temporarily from broadcasting tape recordings of conversations between a criminal defendant and his lawyer?

United States vs Noriega

Which of the following cases established that reporters have a legal obligation to keep a verbal promise made to a source?

Cohen vs Cowles

Which of the following cases established that reporters have a right to publish truthful information even if it was obtained using deception?

Food Lion vs ABC

Several newspapers were initially prevented from printing the Pentagon Papers through the government's use of which of the following?

prior restraint

The first U.S. copyright law permitted authors and artists to protect their work for how long?

28 years

The First Amendment does not protect people from being sued for statements that are which of the following?
