Fundamentals of Speech Communication Exam 3

While many people in the United States may emphasize the "_____" and the value of hard work, others prefer the "_____" and the importance of experiencing life.

doing mode; being mode

The _____ model of relationship development occurs in ten staircase steps.

Knapp's stage

The communication function of organizations that is used to accomplish tasks is called _____.


Truthfulness in your communication with a group includes _____ and _____.

being accurate; avoiding exaggeration

Instituting a suggestion box at an organization is an example of the _____ function of organizations.


The extent to which less powerful members of institutions and organizations within a culture expect and accept an unequal distribution of power is referred to as _____.

power distance

Nagging, criticizing, complaining, and teasing are all examples of _____.

aversive communication behaviors

When Chris and Pat first met, Pat was really attracted to Chris because of her spontaneous and carefree nature. However, later Pat broke up with Chris because she perceived that Chris was irresponsible and unpredictable. This is an example of _____.

a fatal attraction

_____ describes supervisors who are willing to share their ideas as well as listen to others in a way that avoids conveying negative or disconfirming feedback.


Improved communication and understanding between countries and ethnic groups may help to solve some of the world's political problems. This can be achieved through _____, which works to ensure disputes don't escalate into violence.


When you need to deliver a negative message to a friend or romantic partner, you can minimize the degree of hurtfulness by _____.

expressing your intentions

Most of one's daily interactions are _____ in nature, meaning that one's communication occurs with culturally different people.


Amara owns her own textile company. She makes an effort to lead her employees by being aware of what is going on in the company, listening to her employees' concerns, and emphasizing collaboration and trust. Amara is exemplifying _____ leadership theory.


People feel jealous when they _____.

perceive a threat

When one suggests that a leader can acquire communication skills and leadership behavior over time, one is following the _____ theory.


When a foreign exchange student returns home after having spent a significant amount of time immersed in another culture, he or she may experience _____.

reverse culture shock

When a culture is concerned with possessing one fundamental truth, like Christianity, that culture is _____ orientated.


Wilona continually encourages her team to work independently from her, the group leader. She does this by encouraging group cohesion. Wilona is a(n) _____ leader.


Your relationship with the cashier at a store is considered _____ because it is often role-based and superficial.


Studies show that racially integrated _____ institutions and _____ institutions provide the best opportunities for intercultural friendships.

religious; educational

What is one disadvantage of working in a group?

It can be time consuming compared to making decisions as an individual.

During a meeting, Ming-Na pipes up and says, "Now that we know what our needs are, I think our goal should be to submit a comprehensive strategic plan by the end of the month." What type of relational role is Ming-Na filling?

standard setter

Carl is an elementary school teacher who is expected to both nurture his students and enforce strict policies. When Jimmy acts out and breaks the rules, Carl knows it is because he has trouble at home. Discipline only causes him to act out more. Carl feel

role conflict

Which upward communication tactic would Sheila be using with her boss by offering suggestions adamantly without being rude?


The shared expectations group members have regarding each individual's communication behavior in the group is known as _____.

group roles

The use of coercive power is usually _____ because group members resent the threats and may use coercive power themselves, leading to poor decision making.


The _____ model of relationship development describes people's relationships as changing based on important positive and negative events in the relationships.

turning point

Jeremiah forgot to go to the first meeting for his group's presentation. In class the next day, he was told that the group members who were present had collaborated and unanimously agreed on who would fill each specific role. In this instance, the group h

consensus decision-making style

Suzanne and her girlfriend Carmen have been living together for a few months. Suzanne thinks everything is going well and believes they are both happy, but one day Carmen sits her down and says that she has been unsatisfied for a while and wants to move o

sudden death

Which of the following has been found to ease culture shock and make a person more successful at adapting to a new culture?

having a strong social support network

We get to know people through self-disclosure, which occurs across three dimensions: breadth, depth, and frequency. The theory that explains this process is known as _____ theory.

social penetration

A food company that levels forests to create more space for raising cattle to slaughter as meat would emphasize the view that _____.

humans control nature

Which of the following information-seeking tactics is a passive strategy that new employees can use when assimilating to an organizational culture?


Diversity influences _____ because having various perspectives and various information sources can broaden members' perspectives.


In 75 percent of Black-White marriages, the husband is _____, and in 75 percent of White-Asian marriages, the husband is _____.

Black, White

Bakari and his family fled their home in Sudan to escape the warzone. They are _____ type of border dwellers.


Leslie decided to work for a credit union rather than a traditional for-profit bank because she felt her values would overlap with those of a credit union, not a bank. This is an example of _____.

organizational identification

People are often only willing to engage in _____ when they are angry or emotional.


The _____ theory emphasizes that our guesses about future interactions as positive or negative determine our likelihood of talking with someone and forming a relationship.

predicted outcome

Viewing ethical failures as the result of specific people within an organization is taking a(n) _____ perspective.


The difficulty that men and women face managing their home/personal lives and their work lives is known as _____.

work-life conflict

Julie discovered that her boyfriend has been having lunch and talking on the telephone with his ex-girlfriend. Which turning point in developing relationships are they experiencing?

external competition

Lauren has been a firefighter in California for 13 years. She recently was the first responder to a fatal car accident in which her close friend was a victim. Since then, she has been feeling like no matter what she does, she can't make a difference in th


Cersie, a Republican, is married to Robert, a Democrat. They are border dwellers through _____.


When Manuel tells Patricia that he thinks his coworkers are cooperative and that the office is always a vibrant place to work, he is describing the _____.

organizational climate

When group members experience uncertainty and wonder how the group is going to function, the group is experiencing _____ tension.


Ezra is arguing with his friend Fernando about watching a movie. While Fernando believes they can find a film they both enjoy, Ezra asserts they either watch his favorite film or he will go home. Ezra is using what kind of thinking?


Brad and Carla are getting married this weekend. Which of Knapp's stages of romantic relational development are they experiencing?


A person who is skilled in effective communication will _____.

ask more informed questions about organizational practices

In order to have small group communication, the group must have _____.

connection with each other

How does friendship dissolution differ from courtship dissolution?

Friendships can end without either person being dissatisfied with the relationship, unlike romantic relationships.

Sean checked the clock and saw that it was 10:00 a.m., which was the time the group had agreed upon to start the meeting. Clearing his throat to get the attention of his coworkers, he jumped right into explaining the project. Sean is taking on which role?


When Google released Google+ in an attempt to build a social networking site to compete with Facebook, Facebook promptly made changes within just a few days and more within a few weeks. This competitiveness reflects _____ organizations.


In Susan's role as a psychologist, she must remain calm and supportive even when her clients become abusive or hostile to her. This job requirement is known as _____.

emotion labor

Cho and Lana are roommates with very little in common. Nevertheless, because they were roommates they became friends based on their _____ to one another.


Joe tends to prefer spending his Friday nights unwinding alone with a movie. His partner, Ted, likes to spend Fridays cooking dinner together and playing games. Joe wants his quiet time but also wants to spend time with Ted. Which dialectical tension is h


Successful group relationships require cohesion and trust. What is an effective method of building cohesion in a group?

Focus on strengths of all group members.

In a(n) _____ culture, children are raised to be autonomous and live on their own by late adolescence.


No matter how many hours he puts into his job, Lawrence feels like he's not doing enough. Slowly, he begins showing up less and less for work and does the least amount of work expected of him. Lawrence is experiencing which characteristic of burnout?


The _____ approach can counteract stereotyping by recognizing that things need not be perceived as "either/or," but may be seen as "both/and.


Lucas is part of a small group at work in which all members are seen as partners. Every group member shares responsibility for the work they complete. What type of leadership is Lucas's group experiencing?

shared leadership

In hierarchically structured organizations, communication between peers is called _____ communication.


Trait theory assumes that leaders are _____.


Which of the following tactics is an effective method for improving intercultural communication?

Navigate the borderlands by recognizing the strength of being "in between.

According to research, couples who engage in situational couple violence are _____.

lacking in fundamental communication skills

Which of the following has been reported as the most effective, often only, solution to bullying in the workplace?

leaving the organization

In the United States, how do societal factors influence negative aspects of romantic relationships?

Men who are abused are often stigmatized.

The term _____ was coined in light of fiascoes such as the Bay of Pigs Invasion to describe a process where members bow to peer pressure and fail to voice their useful but sometimes contradictory opinions.


Gary is unsure whether his boss wants memos written in a specific format, so he asks a fellow employee for clarification. Gary is engaging in what type of information-seeking tactic?


Chris appreciates Kim's frequent contributions to class discussion and thinks she is very smart. When the time comes to work on a group project, he plans to ask her to work with him. This is an example of a _____ type of attraction.


Sansa's fighter pilot squadron is being deployed to Iraq for five months. She is a(n) _____ type of border dweller.


Lisa and four of her colleagues have been tasked with improving sales for her company. While trying to solve the problem, they spend months gathering data from reports and surveys. They spend a lot of time discussing the results and coming up with new sur

analysis paralysis

Rory visits South America, and while he explores the cities he visits, he watches the locals and notices differences between them and people from his hometown, finding some of their practices odd or some even distasteful. He does not interact with anyone,


The communicative, behavioral, and cognitive processes that influence individuals to join, identity with, become integrated into, and (occasionally) exit an organization is called _____.


Which stage of the problem-solving agenda involves brainstorming to generate as many ideas as possible without critiquing those ideas?

step 3: identify alternative solutions

Arya, who is nine, often asserts her freedom and looks forward to the day where she can live on her own and do as she pleases. Which aspects of cultural values does Arya characterize?

individualist orientation

Homogeneity refers to a high degree of _____ between individuals.


Jon does not enjoy eating liver, but he does so whenever he visits his grandparents. His grandparents believe that it is a good way for Jon to connect to his heritage. Which dialectic may help Jon understand this situation?


_____ marginal people have difficulty making decisions and feel extreme pressure from both cultural groups they are a part of.


Yoon's mother is from North Korea and her father is from Taiwan. Yoon is a border dweller through _____.


Which type of virtual team would use videoconferencing to communicate with each other?

same-time, different-place

The three types of "pitfalls" of inauthentic communication include _____.

meaning denial

Which of the following groups fulfills the textbook's definition of a small group?

four classmates collaborating on a PowerPoint Presentation

A work team is different from a group in that a work team_____.

works within an organization on specific projects

The cultural value known as _____ is related to the subjective feelings of happiness, in which people report they feel happy or healthy when that may not be the case.

indulgence versus restraint

Conrad and Donald have been dating for a short time. They spend a great deal of time talking in order to learn about each other. They want to know how many shared interests they have. Which of Knapp's stages of romantic relational development are they exp


What percentage of American workers reported being bullied at some point in their careers in a 2014 study?

27 percent

Communicating with one's manager is an example of _____ communication.


Margie offers her employees _____ motivators such as bonuses to help them feel personally invested in their work.


Increasing employees' feelings of self-efficacy is referred to as _____.


Luna hates group projects in school because she always ends up doing most of the work. Luna is experiencing _____.


Natalie believes her husband would never deceive her because he loves her. This belief can be explained by _____.

truth bias

Cullen is in a small group focusing on a project for work. The group is currently cooperating and members are able to compromise while discussing the problem at length. Which decision-making phase is the group in?


A significant minority group within a dominant majority that does not share dominant group values or communication patterns is known as a(n) _____ group.


Enrique did not want to tell his manager that it was unlikely that his employees would meet the looming production deadline because he was fearful that he would be blamed. In terms of the semantic-information distance, this is an example of _____.

upward distortion

The idea that one develops relationships with people who are approximately as attractive as they are is called the _____ hypothesis.


_____ describes the number of different topics dyads willingly discuss.


Guidelines for ethical communication in small groups include _____.

those aimed at strengthening group relationships

Peter, a young man from South Africa, and Katlyn, a young woman from England, meet in a club in Baltimore. Katlyn cannot tell if Peter is flirting with her because of the cultural background differences. Which dialectic may help Katlyn understand this sit


_____ groups often attempt to settle together in communities in a new location while maintaining a strong ethnic identity and a desire to return home.
