communications final


The level of technocapital known as _____ access relates to motivation and acceptance of new media as meaningful.

a young man watching a warning about a hurricane nearing his hometown

Which of the following is an example of a rhetorical audience?


The Internet and cell phones are examples of "_____ media.


Some of the Hays Code regulations have become outdated since their inception.

media richness

_____ theory suggests that text-based communication has a lesser information-carrying capacity when compared to video communication because it removes most nonverbal cues.

inform; persuade; entertain

Cicero identified three objectives for public speaking: to _____, to _____, and to _____.

understand the audience

The second task of a public speaker is to _____.


Susan doesn't have time to go to many movies or to watch TV because of her school responsibilities. Consequently, she reads the magazine Entertainment Weekly so that she can stay on top of pop culture events. According to uses and gratifications theory, t

social media

Interactive media is _____ plus text messages and email.


According to one report, 52 percent of companies now check job applicants' social media profiles before hiring them.


Playing an MMORPG is an example of _____ communication because multiple players are interacting at the same time.


When one creates an intentionally deceptive social media profile, one is _____.

social position

One's _____ comes from the way society is structured.


The goal of _____ rhetoric is to set things right after an injustice has occurred.

connecting with others

Which of the following is the most important impact of interactive media?


Ronaldo is a well-known soccer player who recently posted his wedding photos on Facebook. Because of his numerous followers, his pictures were reposted quickly. This is an example of _____.

media immersion enculturates people into shared beliefs about the world

Cultivation theory argues that _____.

cultivation theory

_____ suggests that heavy TV viewers will have a distorted view of the world.

potentially stigmatizing information

Karissa added her place of worship to her Facebook profile. She has just disclosed what type of information?


According to media richness theory, which of the following is typically the "richest" medium?

moral thinking

When Anat posts on social media, she considers the consequences of what she is posting in terms of how it will affect her friends and family. Anat is showing which approach to online privacy, property, and participation?


Echo chamber syndrome" is when we tailor the material we access on interactive media to conform to our particular tastes and opinions.

social presence

_____ theory suggests that interactive media communication offers a diminished sense of psychological closeness or immediacy because it removes most nonverbal cues.


Writing a specific subject line gives your email _____.

agenda-setting capacity

Examining the correlation between an audience's perception of what's important and media coverage of those issues is the focus of _____.

V chip

-Owners of TVs with a _____ can identify and block objectionable programming.
-_____ are a desirable demographic group for advertisers because they are currently the largest generational group


You should be willing to speak out publicly if a rhetor communicates in a way that _____ others.


Anonymity can lead to irresponsible behaviors such as _____, which is the posting of Internet messages meant to intentionally anger or frustrate in order to provoke reactions.


One of the most important aspects of self-presentation is _____.

use relaxation techniques before you deliver your speech

Which of the following is an effective method for overcoming public speaking anxiety?


Just like face-to-face communication, mass media and interactive media are transmitted directly between people.


_____ are a desirable demographic group for advertisers because they are currently the largest generational group


When Liam uses social media, he is careful to consider the impression others will have of him. Therefore, he chooses profile pictures and posts that are consistent with his personal identity. Liam is demonstrating a concern with _____.


People who read, observe, but do not actively participate in online communication are _____.


According to the Socialnomics video we have the attention of ___ seconds.


When individuals make deliberate choices about the media they expose themselves to, they are considered _____ consumers.


In Greek city-states, _____ taught speakers to adjust their notions of right or wrong, true or untrue, depending on their speaking situation, their audience, and their goals.

rhetorical events

Unusual weather or natural disasters are examples of _____.


The _____ has been a traditional domestic site of transformative dialogue for many women.


Donna does not have access to the Internet and has rarely used a computer or other devices, so she doesn't have the skills to operate them effectively. She can be described as short on _____.


Cable TV stations are required to provide public, educational, and government-access channels.

the digital divide

Though only about 15 percent of Americans are not online, in many countries, only a tiny fraction of the population even has access to computers and the Internet. This gap is referred to as _____.

allowing more flexibility

Communication technologies have affected work relationships by _____.

promoting democracy

Which of these is traditionally viewed as the central social function of rhetorical communication?


The stereotype that older people tend to avoid technology is accurate.


In 2016, Nielsen reported that U.S. adults spent a little over _____ hours per week watching television.

collapsing contexts

Mahalia is a pop star with a large Twitter following. While she knows her fans like reading what she posts, she can't be certain that everyone will enjoy her posts or not be offended by them because she doesn't know them personally. This lack of knowledge


Active agents are active seekers but not resisters of mediated messages.


_____ messages are usually produced or distributed by large organizations or industries in the business of mass communication.


Less than 50 percent of Americans turned to television to learn the results of the 2016 presidential election.

uses and gratifications

According to the concept of _____, Mariana will choose to watch Dancing with the Stars over The Voice because she enjoys it more.


The movement to abolish slavery was an example of a _____ movement.

Stand up and deliver the speech to a friend.

Which of the following methods is most ideal for rehearsing a speech?

evaluate messages designed to influence them

By studying the strategies billboards and ads use to promote products, people can _____.

reduction in memory, intuition, or critical thinking skills

Armando is stuck on a level of a video game and, after a few minutes of trying, pulls up a video walkthrough to help him out. His reliance on interactive media corresponds with which issue?


_____ is the process by which media consumers submit to particular understandings put forth by the media, seen most clearly in how society understands masculinity and femininity through mediated images.


Those with the most power in a society decide what constitutes _____ capital, which are certain bodies of cultural knowledge and competencies that people need to function effectively in society.

posting a question to Yahoo! Answers for the online community to answer

Which of the following is an example of crowdsourcing?


_____ refers to the rhetorical use of emotions to affect audience decision making.


One who pursues sustained and detailed analyses of rhetorical discourse is a rhetorical _____.

do no harm

One general principle of ethical online communication might be "_____.

Jamal displays a large map and points to specific regions as he discusses them in his speech.

Which of the following students is displaying the best preparation and use of a visual aid for his or her presentation?


The abolitionist movement arose from those opposed to slavery, who constituted a _____.


A politician who uses an event like a mass shooting to mourn the victims and celebrate their lives while avoiding advancing any changes to gun laws is using _____ rhetoric.

selective exposure

If you believe that climate change is an environmental problem, _____ theories suggest that you will seek media messages that support that opinion.


During a murder trial, the prosecutor might argue that the defendant was motivated to murder the victim as he would benefit financially from the victim's death. This is an appeal to which artistic proof?


In order to promote its new beauty product, a company hires an Oscar-winning actress to model for their latest ad. The company is using which appeal?

serve as propaganda

When god and devil terms are used, they often _____.

personal identity

Paula started to watch The L Word because she thought, as a lesbian, she should watch that TV show. Her use and gratification is likely based upon _____.

media event

Hurricane Katrina is an example of a _____ because when it hit the Gulf Coast, regular TV programming was interrupted.

culture industry

Video game company Ubisoft is a _____ because it produces and distributes a specific type of cultural product for public consumption, in order to profit financially.


Face-to-face communication and telephone communication are synchronous.

video chatting

According to social presence theory, which of the following media would make Jonathan and Judy's long-distance relationship closer?

specific purpose

Anna knows she wants her persuasive speech to be about dogs, but then she narrows it down to persuading her audience to adopt a dog. Anna has found the _____ of her speech.


When legislators argue about raising taxes to pay for new roads, they are engaging in _____ rhetoric.


Aristotle considered which of the artistic proofs to be the most important?