High tempo music will physiologically arouse. This is an example of ______.


Joy stood 18 inches from you, while Qui stood 4 feet. They were representing which two types of distance?

Intimate and Personal Distances

Tests have been developed to determine if someone's nonverbals and verbals are in conflict and they may be lying. Which of the following are utilized as lie detectors?

All of the above

As Professor Nickels gives his lecture on happiness, he feels comfortable with the public distance he shares with the audience. What is this distance?

12 feet and beyond

Pats, pinches, strokes, slaps, punches, shakes, and kisses are all forms of communication. What area of study researches touch as communication?


Which sense best helps us to remember?


Jody jumps up and down after learning she's won the state's lottery. She's so happy, she can't speak. She just continues to jump and yell "Yes!" She's expressing herself in which way?


A(n) ______________ is a behavioral sequence with two or more participating organisms, in which there are standard steps for reaching a goal.

Action chain

Roman really likes Jeni, and he's asked her out to dinner. He knows she likes him, too, because when he asked her, ______.

He looked at her eyes and saw that her pupils were dilated

Lucinda seems highly upset with her husband Juan. Her body language, gestures, and facial expressions all indicate that there is a problem. However, when Juan asks Lucinda, "What's wrong?", she answers him by saying, "Nothing!" What is the relationship be

Conflicting relationship

Instead of thinking of a greeting as one event, communication scholars break it down to the verbal greeting, the handshake, and the small talk. If they all happen in this sequence, then they are known as _______.

Action Chains

Jihun believes that time can be interpreted as communication. She lives her life by viewing time as a cycle, similar to the seasons, rising and setting of the sun, birth and death. This concept is called _____

Circular time

The most important nonverbal category for a radio personality to be successful is ______.


Research has shown that humans are born with automatic nonverbal reactions to stimuli. What are these reactions called?

Innate neurological programs

Colors and music are part of the nonverbal category _______.


The students of Dr. Smith's class always feel as if he is looking very closely at their eyes then determining whether the class is interested in the topic he is teaching. Dr. Smith is utilizing what theory?


If your professor says to you that a project is due "soon" or "right away", what type of time is he utilizing?

Informal Time

The area of nonverbal communication that has more research to support it than any other is (the) _____.


Over which nonverbal category does the speaker have the most control?


Joy learned about neurolinguistic programming in class, and she would like to practice it. The professor asks Joy to describe Ling's eye contact and gestures in the speech she gave yesterday. To better access visual memory of what has been seen, Joy shoul

Up and to the left

On the first day of class, you new professor strides into the room. Her head is held high, her shoulders are back, and her jaw is set. You automatically perceive her to be confident. You've concluded this by her _____.

Body synchrony



Jerry is listening to a peer's speech about Roth IRA's, and he puts the information into what he knows about investing. Which step of listening is best represented by Jerry's placement?

Assignment of meaning

Which is the least preferable form of feedback?

Responding by starting another topic of conversation.

Which skill is the most critical for academic success?


Improvement of listening skill requires _____.

All of the above

When assigning meaning to messages which strategy can be utilized?

All of the above

Which of the following is NOT a key factor in listening concentration?


Javon is taking an advanced history class, which is challenging for her. Her strategy is to listen effectively in class to gain the information she'll need to pass the AP exam. Javon is using ______________ listening.


When using comprehensive listening a recommended technique is _____.

Both A and C

______ are to high-context, as _______ are to low-context

Japan and Saudi Arabia./ United States and Canada

Examples of high context cultures are _____/_____.

Japan and Saudi Arabia.

Which of the following is true about perception?

The perceptual filter strains the stimuli you receive and separates what makes sense from what doesn't.

Scripts for processing information are known as _____.


2008 was a record year for voters in the Presidential election. Barack Obama won the election, and it is logical to conclude that the type of listening voters used could best be characterized as _____


Kate attends a public speech in order to receive extra credit for class. She agrees with the speaker's arguments and evidence but does not find the speaker very motivational. Kate is using what type of listening?


Paraphrasing is summarizing the ideas you have just received. Which of the following is true regarding paraphrasing?

It allows you to determine whether you understand the material.

In a _______ culture, it is the speaker who is responsible for making sure the listener comprehends all.

Low context



Leo doesn't know the answer to an exam question and he notices that the person sitting next to him is answering the very question that has stumped him. He wants to look onto her paper to see the answer but his conscience is telling him, "Don't do that! It

Any of the above

Up until ______, most children do not have the ability of inner speech, so they must talk aloud.

First and second grade

The part of ourselves that we let others see is our _____.

Public self.

According to research, 1 in ____ people will develop an anxiety disorder.


Our convictions, such as "abortion should be legal" or "the death penalty should be abolished" are our _____.


Lupe is riding the the Miner Metro. When she enters, she sits in the aisle seat, leaving the window seat open. When others board the shuttle, she does not make eye contact in the hopes that they would not sit next to her. Lupe is exhibiting ________behavi


Which of the following is false about self-esteem?

Your level of self-esteem cannot be changed through your lifetime.

When we engage in self-talk, _____.

It affects our self-esteem and shapes our inner feelings.

Chris is going to an interview for a job that he really wants. When the interviewer asks him a question, he realizes that he is sweating and cannot think clearly. Chris does this every time that someone asks him a question that he is expected to answer. C

Communication apprehension

Irene does not like to go to parties where she doesn't know anyone. She is also nervous about coming into a classroom where she isn't familiar with the instructor. First dates cause her to get flustered. Irene is most clearly displaying reactions based on


The classic theory about self suggests that the self is made up of four aspects. They include ____

Spiritual, Material, Social, Physical

Reportedly, how many babies are born apprehensive as seen through their crying when exposed to unfamiliar things?


The ingredients in anxiety are a combination of _____

Biological reaction, Personality type, Normal stresses of life

Addie is the youngest child of five. At home, her oldest brother always appears to take the lead in planning the family's outings. However, at school, Addie is the captain of the basketball team. The difference in Addie is best characterized by which of t

One's self-concept is situational.

Our perceptions of positive and negative worth, such as the Protestant work ethic or the belief that family is more important than profession, are our _____.


Johanna is eight years old and her father has given her a puzzle to complete. Her father can hear her talking to herself about how she should start solving the puzzle. This is because ____.

She is too young to conceptualize internally

At what age does one usually move to the rhetorical stage where she/he can think in abstractions and have a large enough vocabulary to use communicative strategies?


In the basketball player research study on self-talk, which group(s) improved the most in their ability to make foul shots?

The group that used imagery, eliminated negative self-talk, and physically practiced.