Comm 103 first midterm SDSU


The process by which people use signs symbols, and behaviors to exchange information and create meaning.

Relational Needs

The essential elements people seek in their relationships with others.

Instrumental needs

practical, everyday needs.


A formal description of a process.

Action Model

A model describing a communication as a one-way process.


The originator of a thought or an idea.


to put an idea onto language or gesture.


a pathway through which messages are conveyed.


the party who interprets a message.


to interpret or give meaning to a message.


anything that interferes with the encoding or decoding of a message.

interaction mdoel

a model describing communication as a process shaped by feedback and context.


verbal and nonverbal responses to a message.


the physical or psychological environment in which communication occurs.

transaction model

A model describing communication as a one way process in which everyone is simultaneously a sender and a receiver.

channel-rich contexts

communication environments involving many channels at once.

channel-lean contexts

communication environments involving few channels at once.

content dimension

literal information that is communicated by a message.


a representation of an idea.

relational dimension

signals about the relationship in which a message is being communicated.


communication about communication.

explicit rules

rules that have been clearly articulated.

implicit rules

rules that have not been clearly articulated but are nonetheless understood.

intrapersonal communication

communication with oneself.

interpersonal communication

communication that occurs between two people in the context of their relationships.

small group communication

communication occurring within small groups of three or more people.(3-20)

public communication

communication directed at an audience that is larger than a small group.

mass communication

communication to a large audience that is transmitted by media.

communication competence

communication that is effective and appropriate for a given situation.


Awareness of one's behavior and how it affects others.


the ability to think and feels as others do.

cognitive comlexity

the ability to understand a given situation in multiple ways.


principles that guide judgements about whether something is morally right or wrong.


The process of making meaning from environmental experiences.

interpersonal perception

which helps us to make meaning about people from our own and others behaviors.


the process of paying attention to a certain stimulus.


the process of categorizing information that has been selected for attention.

perceptual schema

A mental frame-work for organizing information.(classify)


the process of assigning meaning to information that has been selected for attention and organized.


A generalization about a group or category of people that is applied to individual members of that group.

primacy effect

the tendency to emphasize the first impression over later impressions when forming a perception.

recency effect

the tendency to emphasize the most recent impression over earlier impressions when forming a perception

Perceptual set

A person's predisposition to perceive only what he or she wants or expects to perceive.


an explanation for an observed behavior.

self-serving bias

the tendency to attribute one's success to stable internal causes and one's failures to unstable external causes.

fundamental attribution error

the tendency to attribute other's behaviors to internal rather than external causes.


the set of perceptions a person has about who he or she is; also know as identity.


the set of perceptions a person has about who he or she is; also known as self-concept.

Johari Window

A visual representation of components of the self that are known or unknown to the self and to others.

Self-fulfilling prophecy

An expectation that gives rise to behaviors that cause the expectation to come true.


One's subjective evaluation of one's value and worth as a person


the way one wishes to be seen or perceived by others.

image management

the process of projecting one's desired public image.

life story

a way of presenting oneself to others that is based on one's self-concept but it is also influenced by other people.


a persons desired public image.


the behaviors people use to establish and maintain their desired public image with others.


important components of one's desired public image.

fellowship face

the need to be like and accepted by others.

autonomy face

the need to avoid being imposed upon by others

competence face

the need to be respected and viewed as competent and intelligent.

face-threatening act

any behavior that threatens one or more face needs.


A structured system of symbols used for communicating meaning.

denotative meaning

the literal meaning of a word.

connotative meaning

the ideas or concepts a word suggest in addition to its literal definition.

loaded language

words with strongly positive or negative connotations.