Communication Skills B #2

abortive (adj)

failing to accomplish an intended aim or purpose; only partially or imperfectly developed

absurd (adj)

contrary to reason, obviously inconsistent with truth or common sense

bedlam (n)

a state or scene of uproar and confusion

belie (v)

contradict; give false impression

cacophony (n)

harsh sounding, discordant

callous (adj)

emotionally hardened, unfeeling

debilitate (v)

to make weak or feeble

debutante (n)

young woman who just made her formal entrance to society

edifice (n)

a building, a structure, a large or massive builidng (church, palace)

eclectic (adj)

selective in choosing from a variety of sources

fabricate (v)

to make, manufacture, to make up, invent

gamut (n)

an entire range or series