Human Communication ch.8,9,10 revel


is defined as the movement, migration, or scattering of a people away from an established or ancestral homeland

The hispanic population will more than double in size by 2060

According to data from the 2010 U.S. census, which of the following statements is accurate?


working toward stability in a region to prevent conflicts from escalating into war is called


people often learn more about themselves and their own cultural background and identities by coming into contact with people whose cultural backgrounds differ from their own. this is known as ____


communication occurs between people who are culturally different


Jasmine is an African American freshman girl in college. Her English professor, Tom, is a middle-aged man from India. The conversations between Jasmine and Tom a ____ degree of "interculturalness


The text describes culture as being heterogeneous and ____


diverse is another word for ___

voluntary long-term

Ramiro has decided to migrate to the U.S. in hopes that he will be able to find a better paying job than he has been able to find in his home country of Guatemala. Ramiro is a(n) _____ type of border traveler

involuntary long-term

a(n) traveler is a person who is a border dweller permanently but not by choice

involuntary short-term

Hassan and his family left their home in southern Lebanon due to the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah. They are ____ type of border travelers.

culture shock

____ is a feeling of disorientation and discomfort due to the unfamiliarity of surroundings and the lack of familiar cues in the environment


another name for reverse culture shock is _____ shock


even though she has lived in the U.S. her entire life, Marisol's family also embraces all of the latino culture. Marisol is a border dweller through _____


James Carville, a liberal democrat, and Mary Matlin, a conservative republican, have been married for several years. They are border dwellers through _____.

cultural values

____ are beliefs so central to a cultural group that they are never questioned.

Individualist orientation

Jasmine, who is 16, often asserts herself over her parents and looks forward to the day when she can move out of her parents' home and live on her own. Which aspect of cultural values does she characterize?

preferred personality

In the U.S., it is common for people to work hard in order to have material things, even if it means sacrificing time with family and friends. Which aspect of cultural values does this demonstrate?


The _____ orientation stresses the Importance of possessing one fundamental truth


the term for belief in one god is

believes in more than one god

Portia considers herself polytheistic; this means that she


the ____ approach to thinking perceives things as either right or wrong


Juan, a 26 year old man from Puerto Rico, and Tara, a 25-year old woman England, meet in a bar in LA. Tara perceives Juan as flirty but cannot tell if this is his personality, his cultural habits, his behavior specifically toward her, or part of the loud,


Jen's new roommate is an international student from Budapest. After getting to know each other, the girls realize that while they come from different countries, they also like the same types of clothes and movies. Which of the dialectics does this demonst


which dialectic demonstrates how you must recognize both traditional and contemporary realities of a culture?


the _____ dialectic approach helps people resist making quick, stereotypical judgements about others and their communication behavior

societal forces

the way that some asian Indian-americans immigrants in the U.S. were treated after 9/11 is an ex. of how _____ can affect intercultural encounters


_____ differences affect intercultural interactions by determining whose cultural values will be respected and followed.


Native American, Mexican American, and Asian American individuals who choose not to assimilate to the dominant white U.S. culture are examples of a _____ group

resisting assimilation

____ or remaining apart from the dominant culture may result in isolation, marginalization, and exclusion from the discussions where important decisions are made

enmeshed in

one way to communicate more ethically across cultures is to remember that everyone, including you, is _____ a culture and thus communicating through a cultural lens


one must be aware of a person's ____ and avoid the temptation to view them as an exotic "other


communication scholar Bradford Hall cautions people about respecting the humanity of other cultures. His term is the _____ approach


without the _____ to be an effective communicator, no other skills will be relevant.


demonstrating ____ about the history, background, and values of people from other cultures is on way to communicate better.

improve your intercultural communication

increasing your motivation and your knowledge of self and others are ways to


stereotypes can become ____, meaning if you stereotype people and treat them in a prejudiced or negative manner, they may react in ways that reinforce your stereotype

is NOT an aspect of diaspora

being a part of 2 cultures based on relationship


it is estimated that the size of the hispanic population in the U.S. will ______ by 2060


Jamie's conversations with her parents represent a _____ degree of "interculturalness

voluntary short-term

Sandra's National Guard unit is being deployed to Iraq for 4 months. She is a ____ type of border dweller

involuntary short-term travelers

when the war began, Nigel sent his wife and children to live with his mother in another country. They returned home 6 months later when the fighting ceased. Nigel's wife and children are examples of _____


Kai's mother is from Thailand and his father is from Korea. Kai is a border dweller through ____

preferred personality

Which aspect of cultural values takes into account whether it is more important to "do" or to "be

power distance

during her year-long study with the Denmark government, Brita discovered that leaders emphasized equality and interaction with subordinates was less formal than in the U.S., which cultural value did she experience?

dialectic approach

the ____ approach to understand intercultural communication emphasizes that things may exist as 2 opposing concepts simultaneously


Vincent wouldn't eat Menudo if he didn't feel obligated to do so at family gatherings. HIs family thinks eating the soup is an important way for him to remember his heritage. which dialectic may help him understand this situation?


Lacey is a white lesbian who understand the benefits of her ethnicity, but sometimes feels passed over for opportunities at work because of her sexual orientation and because she is a woman. Which dialectic may help her understand this situation?

cocultural group

a ______ is a significant minority group within a dominant majority that does not share dominant group values or communication patterns

is NOT helpful in communicating ethically across cultures

relying on your beliefs as something to stand by


the most important component necessary to improve your intercultural communication skills is

a greater sense of well-being

people with even a few close relationships experience ___ than those who are lonely


which of the following is NOT a factor that distinguishes close relationships from other types of interpersonal relationships?
frequency, formality, diversity of contact, intensity

unique and irreplaceable

people in close relationships tend to see each other as


Isabelle met Max during their first year of college. A mutual friend introduced them. Isabelle became interested in Max the moment she saw him. She even commented on how tall, good looking, and muscular he was. This is an example of the ____ theory


____ is the degree to which people share the same values, interests, and background

predicted outcome

Phineas liked Ariel initially, but over time, as he learned more about her, he discovered that he didn't like Ariel at all. This development can be explained by the _____ theory


sarah and mark are on date number two. The date is going wonderfully. Both of them are being extremely charming and nice to one another. According to Knapp's step model, Sarah and Mark's relationship is at the ____ step


after dating for several months, Sarah and Mark keep getting into arguments over the littlest of things. To avoid getting into another argument, they are only engaging in small talk. According to Knapp's step model, Sarah and Mark's relationship developme

turning point model

_____ is a nonlinear model that best captures the fact that relationship development can be bidirectional- that is couples move both toward and away from commitment over the course of their relationship

The woman must send cues to the man that she is interested and available

According to research by Muehlenhard and others, in order for a heterosexual man to initiate interaction with a woman, what must occur first?

relational maintenance

_____ are behaviors that couples perform that help maintain relationships

passing away

the most typical way relationships end is through ______, which is when the relationship simply declines over time and the partners are aware that problems remain unresolved


the _____ disengagement strategy is characterized by friends that don't return phone calls

Machiavellian tactics

Michelle is in a relationship with John. She is having Carly communicate with John about her unhappiness about the relationship and her desire to end it. Michelle is using ____


___ combines anger, sadness, worry, embarrassment, and disappointment

sexual coercion

Physically nonviolent pressure to engage in unwanted sex is known as


a high degree of similarity is also known as


Many faiths have long prescribed whom their members should marry, how many supposes they could have, and even if they should date. This is an example of how specific _____ impact our communication and relationships


showing how friendship can exert a powerful influence on a person, your text notes that in the U.S., it is understood that friendship plays an extremely important role in the lives of ____


authentic communication is particularly important in close relationships because authentic communication is connected to ____


it is vital to _____ issues that are important to the relationship and to the other person to maintain an authentic relationship

not taking responsibility for what he says and means

James is angry and teases his roommate Mike because of it. This is inauthentic of James because he is


when you deny your partner the right to speak on a topic because of his or her sex or because you perceive yourself to be more expert on the topic you are _____ the person


____ messages occur when a person criticizes, teases, rejects, or otherwise causes an emotional injury to another.


the messages that are perceived as being designed specifically to cause harm to the recipient are called ____ messages


___ messages are not intended to hurt the recipient


the situation in which a message is delivered impacts the recipient's feeling of injury and is referred to as

psychological disorders

Researchers have found that a lack of close relationships is associated with


the attraction theory holds that there are 3 primary forces that draw people together to form relationships: interpersonal attractiveness, similarity, and _____

matching hypothesis

When Stacey says, "He's too attractive for me. He'd never go out with a girl like me" her thought process is correlating with the tendency called

uncertainty reduction

according to the ___ theory, when you first meet someone much of your interaction is dedicated to reducing uncertainty and determining whether you with to interact with this person again.

social exchange theory

in which theory do people seek relationships where perceived rewards outweigh perceived costs?


After spending several months dating, Ari and Ellen are no longer going on any dates or weekend excursions. In fact, they are both working Kate shifts are work to avoid having to spend too much time together. According to Knapp's step model, Ari and Ellen

social penetration

Which theory states that self-disclosure occurs across 3 dimensions: breadth, depth, and frequency?

sudden death

Stacey and James had been in a relationship for 3 years. James thought everything was fine. But one day, Stacey ends it, without giving any prior warning to James. This relationship ended by ____


Harry made an anniversary dinner for Lexi. He accidentally burned the meat and forgot to ass seasoning to most of the meal. At the end of the dinner, Lexi told him, "Dinner was wonderful." Which of the following best characterizes Lexi's behavior?

Marriages tend to occur between people of similar religious backgrounds

Your text notes that the vast majority of marriages in the U.S. are homogeneous, what best illustrates this concept?


inauthentic communication attempts to _____ the interaction or the other person for one's own goals


Your text describes three "pitfalls" of inauthentic communication. Which of the following is NOT one of them?
-meaning denial
-topic avoidance


people unintentionally wound others when they attempt to express dissatisfaction. When a person is doing this, they are conveying ____ messages.

intentional and unintentional

your text describes 2 types of hurtful messages. What are they?


the distaste and aversion that people feel toward working in groups is known as


the purpose of a ____ group is to provide members with a sense of belonging and affection


the most common example of a primary group would be your ____

solve problems

secondary groups meet to ____


book clubs are not an example of a ____ group

works harder when others are around to see him or her

social facilitation occurs when a person

social facilitation

When she is in a meeting with just her co-workers, Carla tends to joke around. When her manager is at the meeting, she makes sure to be involved and aware of everything that is going on. This is an example of


at least __ people are needed to constitute a small group

making sure the group has a clear purpose

As it relates to small group communication, which of the following is important and directly related To group productivity and increased team performance?

having positive contributions from all group members

in addition to having a common goal and a connection with each other, which of the following is also a characteristic of small group communication?

group roles

____ describe the shared expectations group members have regarding each individual's communication behavior in the group


___ roles are those that are directly related to the accomplishment of group goals


members who encourage others to talk or mediate disagreements are filling ___ roles

individual; dysfunctional

by focusing more on a person's own interests and needs than on those of the group, the ___ role tends to be ___ to the group process


the oldest theory concerning leadership in the communication field is the ____ theory


____ theory suggests that leaders can acquire communication skills and leadership behaviors over time


even though he is the office manager, Jerome thinks that anyone in his department can take the role of leader even if they are not seen as a leadership type. Which theory of effective leadership does this demonstrate?


according to the ___ theory, a leader's manner determines his or her success


a ___ leader gains considerable input from group members


of all the proposed leadership theories, the LEAST plausible appears to be ____ theory

moving toward a solution

when "analysis paralysis" occurs, it prevents a group from


when mike is preparing for his project, he is generating as many ideas as possible without critiquing them. This process is referred to as ___

identify alternative solutions

in which step of Dewey's problem-solving sequence would it be logical to use brainstorming?


when members of a group first meet and get to know each other, they are in the ___ phase of the decision-making process


in the ____ phase of the decision-making process, the group has worked through primary and secondary tensions and members act cooperatively.


when members of a group feel pressure to conform and so they Come to a decision before all of the alternatives have been realistically assessed, it is called ____

social facilitation

your text identifies how diversity influences 4 aspects of group communication. which of these is NOT one of those aspects?
-social facilitation
-group processes

group processes

the methods a group uses to accomplish a task are known as ____


___ diversity and deeper cultural differences in attitudes and values play an important role in group enjoyment


communication in groups occurs within ____ structures


doing your fair share of the group work is one way to be ____ ethical


one ethical guideline that can help strengthen small-group relationships is to foster ____ channels of communication


being ___ to your group members means being accurate and avoiding exaggerations


ethical group members should always work toward communicating ____


To improve your small group communication skills, you should cultivate a(n) ____ attitude


___ occurs when team members trust each other


when working on a virtual team, ____ is vital to the group's success


focusing on the ____ of all group members is an effective way to get everyone to contribute

group members rarely pull equal weight

which of the following is NOT a disadvantage to working in groups as noted in your text?
-groups can silence divergent opinions
-groups can become too close and become distracted
-group work can be time consuming
-group members rarely pull equal weight


James walks into his business meeting with 3 other colleagues. They are all chatting about the weekend and sipping coffee. However, it is 9:00 am, their agreed-upon start time, so James jumps up and says, "good morning everyone, let's get started. I think

trait theory

____ theory suggests that leaders are born with natural communication skills, personality characteristics, and physical characteristics that enable them to be better leaders

functional theory

the concept of shared leadership stems from the ____ theory of leadership


Empowering group members to work independently from the leader by encouraging group cohesion is the goal of a _____ leader


which of the following is NOT one of the five theories that explain effective leaders?
-servant leadership
-transformational leadership

communication skills

the servant leadership style is based on 10 characteristics, most of which focus on ____

members reach consensus

which of the following will happen during the reinforcement phase of the decision-making process?

encourage critical evaluation ideas

which of the following is a strategy to avoid groupthink?

maintaining harmony in the group

cultural diversity in small group communication shows that people from collectivist countries are most concerned with

relational ethics

______ ethics involve demonstrating commitment to the group

cultivate a collectivist attitude and strive for cohesion

in order to improve small group communication skills, your text offers two strategies: