Interpersonal Communication Chap.1


human interaction and human touch is critical for infants? T or F?


Social interaction does not keep us healthy T or F?


a characteristic that discredits a person, causing him or her to be seen abnormal or undesirable

stigmatized people

Who is more likely to suffer from negative physical effects of limited social interaction?

companionship, affection, relaxation, and escape

What are the four main relational needs as a human?

neighborhoods, schools, workplace, malls, theaters, internets and restaurants

Give some examples of structure's that are designed to promote social interaction?


What is the most important predictor of happiness in life?


Is it true that identity develops overtime? True or False?


involve's people's beliefs about the meaning of life

instrumental needs

practical every day needs

short or long term

instrumental needs can either be _________ or __________

physical, relational, identity, spiritual, and instrumental

What are the five needs served by communication?

Because we have so many and because many of them have to be met before other needs

What are two important reasons for meeting instrumental needs?


a formal description of a process

action, interaction, and transaction model

What are the three models developed by communication scholars?

the action model

Source--> Message --> communication channel --> receiver --> decode --> noise


the originator of a thought or idea


to put an idea into language or gesture that someone can understand

communication channel

a type of pathway


receives the message


interpret it


anything that interferes with a receiver's ability to attend to the message

physical, psychological, and physiological

What are the three types of noises?

interaction model

Feedback--> Context--> physical context


the various verbal and nonverbal responses to a person's message


the environment that you're in that includes both physical and psychological context

physical context

where a person is physically interacting with each other

transaction model

maintains that both people in a conversation are simultaneously sources and receives. Argues that conversation flows in both directions at the same time

channel rich contexts

meaning that they involve many different communication channels at once

channel lean contexts

a communication context involving few channels at once


symbol or representation of an idea

content dimension

literal information being communicated about the subject of the message

relational dimension

signals about the relationship in which a message is being communicated


communication about communication

explicit rules

a rule about behavior that has been clearly articulated

implicit rules

a rule about behavior that has not been clearly articulated but is nonetheless understood

Everyone is an expert at communicating, communication will solve any problem, communication can break down, communication is inherently good, and more communication is always better

What are the six myths about communication?

interpersonal communication

communication that occurs between two people within the context of their relationship and that, as it evolves, helps them to negotiate and define their relationship


between people

intrapersonal communication

communication with oneself

mass communication

communication from one source to a large audience

small group communication

communication occuring within small groups of three or more peopl


pair of people

interpersonal communication occurs between two people, within a relationship, evolves within relationships, and negotiates and defines relationships

What are the four characteristics of interpersonal communication?


Most of our day to day communication is impersonal or personal?

It's pervasive, can improve our relationships, and can improve our health

What are three reasons why interpersonal communication is important?

communication effectively

communicating in ways that are effective and appropriate for a given situation

communicating effectively and appropriately

Communicating competently involves two main things:


communication is governed by what?

self-awareness, adaptability, empathy, cognitive complexity, and ethics

What are the five characteristics of competent communicators?


awareness of one's behavior and how it affects others


a situation-specific


the ability to think and feel as other do

cognitive complexity

the ability to understand a given situation in multiple ways


a code of morality or set of ideas about what is right

high-self monitors

pay close attention to the way they look, sound, and act in social situations. Have high levels of social and emotional intelligence, qualities that allow them to understand people's social behaviors and emotions accurately

low-self monitors

oblivious to both their own behaviors and other's people's reactions to them


________ leads to cognitive complexity

physical needs

social capital, the value in the connections that people have

health, wealth, and happiness

social capital is connected to these three things

tangible assistance, healthy norms, organize politically, and the psychological/physiological treatment

social capital provides the following things:

socially constructed

language, culture, and words are always what?