Communication - Chapter 4

Christina's instructor talked about the concept of "filtration" during her chemistry class. If Christina needed to look up the meaning of this term in the dictionary, she would be assessing its:
A) denotative meaning.
B) contextual meaning.
C) operational

A) denotative meaning. (p.72)

General words or terms are called:
A) purr words.
B) jargon.
C) equivocal terms.
D) abstractions.

D) abstractions. (p.73)

Which of the following statements is the LEAST abstract?
A) "Let me know what you think."
B) "By the tenth, send me a memo listing the strengths and weaknesses as you see them."
C) "Send me a memo of your ideas."
D) "Send me a memo by the tenth of the mon

B) "By the tenth, send me a memo listing the strengths and weaknesses as you see them." (p.73)

Rebecca had a problem with her level of directness when communicating with others. According to research on male and female differences for communicating directness, which of the following is true?
A) Women tend to communicate powerlessness and discomfort

A) Women tend to communicate powerlessness and discomfort with their own authority. (p.73-74)

A _____ dictates the ways that people properly interact and function within a culture.
A) cultural rule
B) conversational maxim
C) confirmation
D) principle of directness

A) cultural rule (p.76)

The principle of cooperation has four subprinciples, or _____ . These elaborate on the culturally accepted assumption that in any interaction, both parties will make an effort to understand one another.
A) cultural rules
B) extensional devices
C) conversa

C) conversational maxims (p.76)

___________ is the subjective or emotional meaning that specific speakers or listeners give to a word.
A) Connotation
B) Denotation
C) Communication
D) Separation

A) Connotation (p.72)

Words that are highly negative, such as "She's an idiot," are sometimes called:
A) sappy words
B) snarl words
C) snark words
D) snappy words

B) snarl words (p.72)

Words that are highly positive, such as "She's a real sweetheart," are sometimes called:
A) snarl words
B) real words
C) purr words
D) comfy words

C) purr words (p.72)

All of the following are concrete words, except:
A) concept
B) tree
C) bicycle
D) film

A) concept (p.73)

All of the following are abstract words, except:
A) value
B) concept
C) process
D) vase

D) vase (p.73)

Sally and Shondra are coworkers. Sally treats Shondra as if her comments are of little value, as if her ideas aren't worth anyone's attention, and basically as if Shondra didn't exist. Sally is engaging in:
A) confirmation.
B) disconfirmation.
C) ableism.

B) disconfirmation. (p.78)

Ashid was ready to take the next step with Elizabeth and move toward an intimate relationship. To do this, Ashid interacted in such a way that showed how he accepted Elizabeth and her own self-definition. In this situation, Ashid is displaying which of th

C) confirmation (p.78)

Anthony often displays a number of disconfirmation behaviors during his interactions with others. What advice might you offer Anthony to become better at confirming rather than disconfirming when speaking with others?
A) Avoid asking questions or prying i

D) Demonstrate understanding of what the other person says and means. (p.78)

Gay bashing" and the use of certain language that can be construed as disparaging to gay men or lesbians is a form of:
A) individual heterosexism.
B) sexism.
C) sexual harassment.
D) institutional heterosexism.

A) individual heterosexism. (p.80)

Though they change over time, which of the following terms is currently an accepted and preferred cultural identifier?
A) "retiree"
B) "elderly person"
C) "senior citizen"
D) "older person

D) "older person" (p.81)

Language that disparages someone because of his or her gender is considered _______ language.
A) gendered
B) sexist
C) ageist
D) heterosexist

B) sexist (p.82)

_____________ sexism involves customs and practices that discriminate against people because of gender.
A) Institutional
B) Corporate
C) Non-conventional
D) Conventional

A) Institutional (p.82)

Ryan had always talked about Michelle in a positive way, describing her as a "great person" and a "free spirit". When William met Michelle for the first time, he immediately thought of her as "great person" and a "free spirit" because that's the way Ryan

C) intensional orientation. (p.85)

Gabriella found herself jumping to conclusions about people by the time she hears only half of the story or the event. Which of the following terms reflects the assumptions that Gabriella is making regarding other people?
A) beliefs
B) inferences
C) concl

B) inferences (p.86)

After talking with William for the first time, Danielle said to herself, "I doubt if he likes me. But then again it's hard to tell. It was our first date. It was loud in the restaurant so we couldn't talk much, and we didn't have a lot of time tonight, et

A) extensional orientation. (p.85)

Sabrina invited her friends from the elementary school faculty for Sunday brunch. Her husband, Lee, rolled his eyes and said, "Oh boy, a room full of school teachers, what a blast this will be." Lee's failure to distinguish between similar, but different

B) indiscrimination. (p.88)

This term is used to describe the fallacy of the "either/or" and explains the world in extremes.
A) Polarization
B) Accommodation
C) Bifurcation
D) Assimilation

A) Polarization (p.88)

When you retain judgment of a person, despite the inevitable changes in that person, you are engaging in ________ evaluation.
A) stereotyped
B) static
C) fluid
D) system

B) static (p.89)

This device is a mental subscript that helps guard against static evaluation.
A) date
B) time
C) space
D) place

A) date (p.89)