Understanding Human Communication (Twelfth Edition) Chapter 1


The process of creating meaning through symbolic interaction

Process, Relational, Symbolic

Communication is a (3 things):


used to represent things, processes, ideas, or events in ways that make communication possible

Linear Communication

The type of communication in which communication is like giving an injection. A sender encodes ideas and feelings int some sort of message and then conveys them to a receiver, who decodes them


The method by which a message is conveyed between two people

Mediated Communication

Channels that include the telephone, e-mails, instant messaging, faxes, voice mail, and even videoconferencing. (Through some form of communication medium)


Any forces that interfere with effective communication


Fields of experience that help them understand others' behavior (physical location, personal experiences, and cultural backgrounds)

Transactional Model

Shows a communication diagram where both parties sending and receiving simultaneously


The discernible response of a receiver to a sender's message


Putting thoughts into a symbolic form such as words


The term that refers to sending a message given an impetus

Intrapersonal Communication

Communicating with oneself


Two people interacting

Dyadic Communication

Describes communication between two people

Interpersonal Communication

Communication between two or more people

Small Group Communication

Every person can participate actively with the other members in communcication

Organizational Communication

Large, more permanent collections of people that collectively work to achieve goals

Public Communication

Occurs when a group becomes too large for all members to contribute

Mass Communication

Consists of messages that are transmitted to large, widespread audiences via electronic and print media: newspapers, magazines, television, radio, blogs, websites, and so on.

Web 2.0

Describes how the Internet has evolved from a one-way medium into a masspersonal phenomenon in which individual users interact in a host of ways

Social Media

Used for personal reasons, often to reach small groups of receivers


Transmitting messages without considering their consequences


Common term for outbursts through mediated communication

Physical Needs

Communication necessary for physical health

Identity Needs

Communication who reveals who we are

Social Needs

Communication that provides a vital link with others

Practical Needs

Communication that serves purposes in everyday life in random circumstances

Communication Competence

Achieving one's goals in a manner that, ideally, maintains or enhances the relationship in which it occurs.


No ideal way to communicate, Competence is situational, Competence is relational, Competence can be learned

Characteristics of a Competent Communicator

A wide range of behaviors, ability to choose the most appropriate behavior, skill at performing behaviors, empathy/perspective talking, cognitive complexity self monitoring, commitment to the relationship