CST 110 - Ch. 1 Intro to Human Communication

Something that represents something else and conveys meaning is a(n) _____.


____ communication is composed of nonlinguistic symbols such as smiles, laughter, heads nods, and hand gestures.

Non Verbal

You _____ a message when you interpret the meaning that is being sent.


Thinking about what you will be doing this weekend while you are studying is an example of _____, because it interferes with the communication process.


______ meaning describes what the message conveys about the relationship between the two people communication.


Communication is a _____ process in which people generate meaning through the exchange o verbal and nonverbal messages in specific contexts and embedded in culture.


Which of the following creates ethical codes to reflect beliefs and values?

- All of the above

If you fail to mention to your roommate that you accidently scraped the bumper of her car when you pulled into the garage, you have engaged in______


If you believe some circumstances call for stretching the truth or being deceptive because of the circumstances, you likely adhere to a(n) _____ ethical standard.


The manner in which you discipline your children may be different versus at your home because of this component of human communication.


When Louisa interprets her boyfriend's thumbs up to mean that he approves of her action, she is encoding this message.

False - Decoding

The linear model of communication is much simpler than the transactional model.


Our values have a large influence on the way we communicate with others.


Homogenous" is the term used to describe how all individual members of the same culture do not think and behave in the same manner.

False - is the way we DO think in the same manner. Duh

A professor using words that students don't understand is an example of noise.
