Chapter 1 Contexts of Communication

What is communication?

sharing of meaning by transmitting messages;; speech communication uses verbal messages

What is context?

social situation, place, or set of circumstances affecting communication Examples: family, peers, school, work, community, generational, multicultural

What is group communication?

hree or more people communicating, often to solve a problem

What ability is involved in group communication?

being aware of the dynamics involved; being able to work together

What is interpersonal communication?

communicating with another individual

What is intrapersonal communication?

internal dialogue with oneself

What is a generation?

people born within a 25-year time span

What is nonverbal communication?

communicating without words

What is multicultural context?

coming together of groups with different ways of doing things; people with different ethnic backgrounds

What is mass communication?

one person or a small group sending messages to a large number of people, usually using the media

Meanings are in _________________ _________________ , not the messages themselves.

message _senders

What causes people to associate certain emotional meanings with words?

Their different personal experiences

What would eliminate all misunderstandings?

meanings were in words, then knowing the words would eliminate all misunderstanding.

List 3 nonverbal messages (school appropriate please :o) )

hand gestures like a peace sign or an okay sign, facial expressions like raising an eyebrow or frowning and moving your body like leaning to one side with a hip popped out would indicate some sass.

What must you do with your listener in order to be an effective formal and/or informal speaker?

You have to establish a relationship with them and know them.

What does the meaning of a signal depend upon?

the context; a social situation, place, or set of circumstances; the situation and the behavior that accompanies it

What most affects communication in the workplace?

The roles everyone is in; authority, tasks to perform, respect

What is important for communication in a multicultural context?

It is important to be sensitive to fundamental differences and to be patient. We need to know that misunderstanding may occur do to different backgrounds.

What type of communication involves giving an oral report or speaking to the community?

Public communication

What type of communication often finds that the speaker and the listener change roles?

Interpersonal communication