ch. 28 comm. theory

Instead of asking, "What does media do to people?" Katz suggested the question to ask is

What do people do with media?

The ______________ model assumes that a media message affects most consumers in the same way.

uniform effects

Which of these conclusions reflects a "straight-line" effect of media?

Since it was a "feel good" movie, both Caroline and Ralph enjoyed it.

What position do uses and grats researchers take regarding self-reported data?

Consumers are capable of discerning their own reasons for media consumption

Katz suggests that _____________ must be uncovered to understand people's media choices.

underlying needs

Emma is overwhelmed with the amount of work she has to do in the next 48 hours. When she thinks about it, her blood pressure rises and she feels rather sick to her stomach. She finds that even 10 minutes of Angry Birds helps to diffuse the situation. What


A _____________________ relationship develops when viewers become attached to media personalities and characters.


Bradley Greenberg suggested that, in addition to the eight categories given by Rubin, people may consume media because of __________.

habitual usage making it hard to stop

If people can't accurately report their own motives for media usage, which evaluation criteria is in question?


According to the chapter, why might uses and grats have limited practical utility?

It fails to reinforce some people's concerns about the negative effects of media

uniform-effects model

the view that exposure to a media message affects everyone in the audience in the same way; often referred to as the "magic bullet" or "hypodermic-needle" model of mass communication

straight-line effect of media

a specific effect on behavior that is predicted from media content alone, with little consideration of the differences in people who consume that content

8 reasons for tv use causing gratificaiton

passing time, companionship and community, escape, enjoyment, social interaction, relaxation, information, excitement


classification scheme that attempts to sort a large number of specific instances into a more manageable set of categories

parasocial relationship

a sense of friendship or emotional attachment that develops between tv viewers and media personalities