Chapter 1 Art History

What are some criteria we should consider when evaluating a piece of art?

Craftsmanship, design and aesthetic qualities, and the work's ability to reflect the culture in which it was created

List the art elements.

Elements - line, shape, value, form, texture, space, color, mass

Principles of art

Principles - balance, movement, rhythm, contrast, emphasis, pattern, unity

What is the relationship between these sensory and formal properties of art?

They are related because formal properties are how you apply sensory properties.

What are the technical properties used to create art?

Media (medium), tools, equipment

What are some of the factors in a piece of art that can indicate when or where it was created?

The images depicted, the materials used and the style of the piece of art can indicate when or where it was created.

Define paradigm.

A paradigm is a classic example.

Define Craftsmanship in relation to fine art.

A quality of aptitude, skill, and manual dexterity in the use of tools and materials that produces works of high quality.

List six reasons why people create art. Give an example of art created for each reason.

Utility (storage jar), religion (upper cover of the Lindenau Gospels), politics (Crush the Gang of Four! political poster), information/history (Door from the king's palace), aesthetics (Untitled), and humanity's inborn desire to create (all art).

Define aesthetics.

Aesthetics is the term used to sum up the search for beauty.

What is Art Criticism?

Analyzing works of art.

What is the difference between Art History and Art Criticism?

Art History is the academic study of art objects historically, geographically, culturally, and stylistically and Art Criticism is just analyzing works of art and trying to determine what the artist is trying to convey.

How does art communicate to the viewer?

Visual communication

Why are museums concerned about controlling the humidity, temperature, and light inside their buildings?

To preserve the art

In studying a work of art, why is it helpful to understand the history of that piece and others like it?

To know where it came from and why it was made

What role does Connoisseurship have in placing value on a work of art?

A connoisseur has special knowledge or training in a particular field of the fine or decorative arts.