The Art of the Islamic Empire

Figure 13-1; The Dome of the Rock; central plan

a shrine located on the Temple Mount in the Old city of Jerusalem/ completed in 692 CE (started in 687 CE)/ the domed octagon resembles San Vitale in Ravenna/ Dome of the Rock is situated in the center of the Temple Mount, a place holy to Muslims, Christi

Figure 13-7; Great Mosque, Kairouan; based on the House at Medina

one of the finest hypostyle mosques, still in use today, is the mid- eight century Great Mosque at Kairouan in Abbasid Tunisia/ 836-875/ it still houses its carved wooden minbar of 862, the oldest known/ minbar=in a mosque, the pulpit of which the Imam (l

Figure 13-8; Plan of the Great Mosque; function

after the many years of civil war, the Abbasids, who claimed to be descendants from Muhammad's uncle, overthrew the Umayyad caliphs/ the new rulers moved the capital to a site near Baghdad (city of peace)/ 836-875/ city's plan was round (mile and a half i

Figure 13-9; Malwiya Minaret; largest in the world

Samarra Mosque is the largest in the world, covering more than 45,000 square yards/ it was erected by the Abbasid caliph al- Mutawakkil/ 848-852/ the minaret, more than 165 feet tall, is known as the Malwiya, which means snail shell in Arabic/ it is made

Figure 13-11; Prayer Hall, Cordoba, Spain; hypostyle

Abd-al Rahman I, the only Umayyad notable to escape the massacre of his clan by the Abbasid in Syria, fled to Spain in 750/ 8th to 10th centuries/ there the Arabs had overthrown the Christian kingdom of the Visigoths, and he founded the Spanish Umayyad dy

Figure 13-20; Sinan, Mosque of Selim II; massive

Background: the Ottomans, founded under Osman the First, expaned for two and a half centuries through vast areas of Asia, Europe, and North Africa, becoming by the middle of the 15th century one of the great world powers/ 1568- 1575/ Ottoman emperors were

Figure 13-25; Mihrab, Isfahan, Iran

masterworks of Arabic calligraphy are found on the walls of the 14th century mihrab/ 1354/ the mihrab from the Madrasa Imami in Isfan exemplifies the perfect aesthetic union between the calligrapher's art and arabesque (consisting of flowing lines) orname


Muslim ruler, regarded as successors of Muhammmad


a member of a Muslim dynsaty that ruled the Islamic world from AD 660(661) to 750 and Moorish Spanish from 756-1031; claimed descent from Umayya, a distant relative of Muhammad


as an 88 year old, he designed the Mosque of Selium II (he was the architect)


a flowing, intricate pattern derived from stylized organic motifs, usually floral; generally, an Islamic decorative motif

mosaic tilework

an Islamic decorative technique in which large ceramic panels are fired, cut into smaller pieces, and set in plaster


Greek fro "beautiful handwriting" handwriting or penmanship, especially elegant writing as a decorative art