5.3 Set AP World History


Writer who fought for tolerance, reason, freedom of religious belief, and freedom of speech
video link:


was a period of institutional reforms initiated during the late Qing Dynasty following a series of military defeats and concessions to foreign powers, Believed people in their natural state were basically good but that they were corrupted by the evils of


Religious belief that says God created the world and lets it run itself by natural law


People are born with natural rights. People exchange obedience for protection of those rights (SOCIAL CONTRACT with the government). [gov duty is to protect people; right of people to overthrow; inspires U.S. Decl of Indep]
Video Link (Yale University)


(1689-1755) wrote 'Spirit of the Laws', said that no single set of political laws was applicable to all - depended on relationship and variables, supported division of government
Video Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkPkNLlK0lo

Declaration of Independence

the document approved by representatives of the American colonies in 1776 that stated their grievances against the British monarch and declared their independence.

Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

one of the fundamental documents of the French Revolution, defining a set of individual rights and collective rights of all of the estates as one. Influenced by the doctrine of natural rights, these rights are universal: they are supposed to be valid in a

Bolivar's Jamaica Letter

Bolivar says that Latin America must break from a parasitic Spain and outlines his principles in the context of his recent failures at uniting and republicanizing the governments of Latin America.

Enlightenment Ideals

- popular sovereignty
- individual freedom
- political and legal equality
for more reading: http://www.mybigcampus.com/library/items/elightenmentideals-pdf---5327192

Influence of Enlightenment ideals

- new ways of understanding the natural world with an encouragement of observation
- critiqued the role of religion in public life, emphasized reason
- developed new political ideas about natural rights and social contracts
- inspired resistance to existi


Political ideology that stresses people's membership in a nation-a community defined by a common culture and history as well as by territory. In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, nationalism was a force for unity in western Europe

rebellions/revolutions leading to new independent states

- American Revolution
- French Revolution
- Haitian Revolution
- Latin American Independence Movements

American Revolution

Political revolution in the British North American Colonies starting in 1776 that removed the colonies from Great Britain's control, and established an independent nation know as the United States of America.
more reading: http://www.mybigcampus.com/libra

French Revolution

the revolution that began in 1789, overthrew the absolute monarchy of the Bourbons and the system of aristocratic privileges, and ended with Napoleon's overthrow of the Directory and seizure of power in 1799.
for more reading: http://www.mybigcampus.com/l

Haitian Revolution

Toussaint l'Ouverture led this uprising, which in 1790 resulted in the successful overthrow of French colonial rule on this Caribbean island. This revolution set up the first black government in the Western Hemisphere and the world's second democratic rep

Latin American Independence Movements

restive colonists from Mexico to Argentina rebelled taking advantage of the upheavals in Spain and Portugal that began under Napoleon (Haiti first to be independent)
for more reading:

example of a challenge to a centralized imperial government

Marathas war of Independence

Maroon societies

runaway slaves in the West Indies, Central America, South America, and North America, who formed independent settlements together., allowed the perpetuation of African culture.

Indian Revolt of 1857

was caused by Indian rulers seeing their power erode under British rule, and above all, the Indian people were annoyed with the domination of the British East India Company, and they were (this is really strange, but true) also annoyed that Indian soldier

Boxer Rebellion

1899 rebellion in Beijing, China started by a secret society of Chinese who opposed the "foreign devils". The rebellion was ended by British troops

Taiping Rebellion

The most destructive civil war in China before the twentieth century. A Christian-inspired rural rebellion threatened to topple the Qing Empire. Leader claimed to be the brother of Jesus.

The Ghost Dance

was a religious ritual that was suppose to resurrect fallen warriors and rid the Indians of white intruders.

Xhosa Cattle-Killing Movement

Tell that the whole community will rise from the dead; and that all cattle now living must be slaughtered..." (1). This message became the potent prophecy central to the Xhosa Cattle-Killing Movement of 1856-57, one of the "most extraordinary [stories] i

Tanzimat Movement

(ottoman reform movement) reforms that took place in the Ottoman empire in imperial policy. -- basically declared that all subjects of the Ottoman Empire were guaranteed equal rights (in life, liberty, and property) no matter what religion they were. The

The Self-Strengthening Movement

-sought to blend Chinese culture with European industrial technology
-built shipyards, railroads etc
-no significant change


a political orientation that favors progress and reform
for more reading: http://www.mybigcampus.com/library/items/liberalism-pdf---5327183


a political or theological orientation advocating the preservation of the best in society and opposing radical changes
for more reading:


a political theory advocating state ownership of industry


a form of socialism that abolishes private ownership

Vindication of the Rights of Woman

Written by Wollstonecraft, it advocated equality between men and woman and equal education for boys and girls. Many feminists of the time distanced themselves from this work due to the author's personal controversy.

Declaration of the Rights of Women and the Female Citizen

Olympe de Gouges/Marie Gouze in 1791 detailing that the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen should apply to women as well

Seneca Falls Conference

This conference was created by Stanton to speak about woman rights. This conference was also during the time of the anti-slavery movement, and woman thought that they should have rights similar to what anti- slavery ideas held.