History ch 4 KBAT

Culture, Cultural geography, culture regions

Culture is the characteristics of a particular group of people
Cultural geography is the study of different cultures and their locations on Earth
culture regions are areas that have a definite, specific culture or ethnic group.

identify macrocultural regions and identify major religion and language

USA= Catholic/Christian, speak english
UK= Catholic speak english

compare and contrast aspects of folk and popular culture

Folk culture form from isolated areas usually with one specific group of people all with the same culture
Popular cultures originate in urban areas with a lot of diversity and Industrialization
Methods of diffusion:
Folk uses mostly relocation di

Provide specific example of folk and popular cultures

folk culture would be people like the Amish in Massechusets who ride horse back, do not wear modern clothes, make their homes by what type of environment is around them
Popular cultures regions would be New York where you have a big blend of diverse cultu

Provide specific examples of specific popular cultural traits and discuss their diffusion

Music: created by one individual to sell to a large number of people. Diffusion= hierarchical
Fashion: created by a fashion designer sold in stores all over the world
Diffusion= hierarchical

discuss ways in which cultural traits are affected by and affect

Natural environment: can change cultural traits in folk culture drastically in ways of how and what they gather food, from and where.
Popular culture traits wont change that much mostly because they dont have that great of a need for the environment unles

Discuss way in which communication technologies differ in terms of

Diffusion and distribution:
Tech in LDC= low diffusion and low distribution because of a poor economy and the fact that not everyone can afford this tech
Tech in MDC= High diffusion and high distribution because of a rich economy and because of the fact t