AP Art History Vocab #4*


a series of arches supported on piers or columns.
an arched, roofed-in gallery.


-Architecture. a series of regularly spaced columns supporting an entablature and usually one side of a roof.

Hypostyle Hall

-An interior space whose roof rests on pillars or columns. The word means literally "under pillars," and the design allows for the construction of large spaces�as in temples, palaces, or public buildings�without the need for arches. It was used extensivel


-A colonnade surrounding a building or an open space.
-An open space, as a courtyard, surrounded by a colonnade.





Clerestory Lighting



-An assemblage of horizontal moldings and bands supported by and located immediately above the columns of Classical buildings or similar structural supports in non-Classical buildings.


-An assemblage of horizontal moldings and bands supported by and located immediately above the columns of Classical buildings or similar structural supports in non-Classical buildings.




-The part of a classical entablature between the architrave and the cornice, usually decorated with sculpture in low relief.
-Any decorative band on an outside wall, broader than a stringcourse and bearing lettering, sculpture, etc.

Bark Shrine

A type of boat used from Egypt's earliest recorded times and are depicted in many drawings, paintings, and reliefs that document the culture. Transportation to the afterlife was believed to be accomplished by way of barques as well, and the image is used




-A monumental gateway of an Egyptian temple
- It consists of two tapering towers, each surmounted by a cornice, joined by a less elevated section which enclosed the entrance between them.
-The entrance was generally about half the height of the towers. Co

Fresco Secco

Fresco on dry plaster

Axial Plan
