Apollo 11 stones

-Named after the Apollo Moon Landing
-In profile
-Several fragments (7)
-From Huns mountains (Africa)
-Charcoal, ocher, and white
-Radio Carbon dating
-Oldest known work until recently
-Excavated by Erich Wolfgang Wendt

Great Hall of the Bulls

-Earliest surviving example of artistic expression
-Rock contours suggest volume
-Cows, bison, bulls, deer, horses
-Overlapped images
-Caves=birth canal (life from within)
-Guarantees plentiful herds and good hunting
-Replace animals killed
-In profile

Camelid Sacrum in the shape of a canine

-Bone sculpture
-Sacrum triangular bone at the base of the spine
-Looks like an image of a dog or wolf (skull)
-Use of contours

Running horned woman

-More than 15,000 drawings/ engravings found at this site
-Area was once grasslands, now desert
-Natural and abstract figures
-Some Negroid and some Caucasian
-Depicts livestock (cows/sheep)
-Wildlife (giraffes, lions)
-Composite view of the body

Bushel with ibex motifs

-Found near a burial site, but not with human remains
-Found with baskets, bowls etc.
-Potter's wheel
-Thin walls
-On top: Frieze of aquatic birds
-Below: Stylized running dogs with long narrow bodies
-Middle: Goat horns (symbol of family ownership)

Anthropomorphic stele

-Earliest known works of art from Arabia
-Area had extensive trade routes
-Religious or burial purpose
-Belted rope- hangs a double bladed knife or sword
-Anthropomorphic- resembling the human form, but not in itself human
-Network of roads

Jade Cong

-Circular hole in a square
-Jade= high rank funerals
-Linked with durability, subtlety, and beauty
-Abstract designs
-Main decoration- Face Patterns (spirits)
-Four corners- carry mask like images (pronounced eyes, fanged mouth)
-Placed in a burial around


-Took a long time to build
-Post and lintel construction
-Megaliths over 20 ft tall
-They form a horseshoe surrounding a central flat stone
-May predict eclipses
-Maybe a center of ceremonies concerning death and burial

Ambum Stone

-Stone Age work
-Composite human/ animal figure
-Anteater head and human body
-Masked human
-Anteater embryo in a fetal position
-Anteaters have large fat deposits
-Perhaps a ritual purpose

Tlatilco female figurine

-Many shapes and forms: male, female, animals, creatures, etc.
-Female figurines- elaborate details of hair styles, clothing, and body
-Deformities (Siamese twins)
-First example of defects
-May have shamanistic function
-Flipper arms, huge thighs, pronou

Terra cotta fragment

-Lapita culture known for pottery
-Used curved, stamped patterns
-Outlined forms: comb-like tool
-One of the oldest human faces in Oceanic art

White Temple and its ziggurat

-Large settlement at Uruk
-Based on agriculture and specialized labor
-Deity Anu- God of the sky
-Mud brick building
-Buttresses spread across surface
-Creates a light and shadow pattern
-White washed
-Taper down-rainwater falls off
-Top temple- reserved

Palette of King Narmer

-Relief sculpture depicting King Narmer uniting Upper and Lower Egypt
-Hathor, a god as a cow with a woman's face, depicted 4 times in the top register
-Figures stand on a ground line
-Hierarchy of scale
-Front: Narmer (largest) wears a cobra crown of Low

Statues of votive figures, from the Square Temple at Eshnunna

-Figures are different heights
-Hierarchy of scale
-Hands are folded in gesture of prayer
-Huge eyes in awe, spellbound, perhaps staring at the deity
-Men-bare upper chest, skirt from waist down; beard-ripple patterns
-Wearing a belt
-Women-dress draped o

Seated Scribe

-Created for a tomb at Saqqara as a provision for the Ka
-Not a pharaoh
-Realistic- sagging chest
-Color still remains
-Lifelike, conventional image of a scribe
-Attentive expression, thin face
-Contrasts with ideally portrayed pharaoh
-Holds papyrus in h

Standard of Ur from the Royal Tombs at Ur

-Two sides: war and peace side
-Maybe a sound box for an instrument
-War side: Sumerian King (tallest) inspecting captives, some debased by nakedness
-Low register- chariots ride over dead
-Peace Side: Food brought in procession to a banquet, musician pla

Great Pyramids of Giza and Great Sphinx

-Giant monuments to dead pharaohs
-Each pyramid has an enjoining mortuary temple
-Huge pile of limestone with minimal interior for the dead
-Pharaoh buried in the pyramid
-Each side oriented toward a point on the compass
-Faced with stone
-Funerary comple

King Menkaura and Queen

-Figures attached to the stone, arms and legs not cut free
-Figures stare out into space
-Wife's gesture- presenting husband to the Gods
-Menkaura's powerful stride symbolizes his kingship
-Women- ankle length and tightly draped gown
- Same height- indica

The Code Stele of Hammurabi

-Found in Susa, Iran
-Top- bas-relief image that portrays Shamash, the Sun God in the Akkadian, Assyrian, and Babylonian pantheons
-Cuneiform script
-282 laws
-Punishments depending on the class of the accusers and the accused
-Punishment never worse than

Temple of Amun-Re and Hypostyle Hall

-Huge columns, tightly packed together
-Little light
-Columns elaborately painted
-Massive lintels
-Axial Plan
-Tallest columns have papyrus capitals
-Clerestory allows some light
-Lower columns have bud capitals
-Columns carved in sunken relief
-Enter co

Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut

-3 colonnaded terraces and 2 ramps
-Visually coordinated with the natural setting; long horizontal and verticals of the terraces and colonnades repeat the patterns of the cliffs behind (dark and light patterns of cliff)
-Terraces were originally planted a

Akhenaton, Nefertiti, and three daughters

-Akhenaton holds eldest daughter
-Nefertiti holds two daughters- one on shoulder
-State religion changed by Akhenaton from Amun to Aton
-Symbolized by sun-disk with a cobra
-End of the sun rays- ankhs- symbol of life to King and Queen
-Smoother, curved su

Tutankhamun's tomb, innermost coffin

-Discovered by Howard Carter
-Mummified body of King Tut buried with 143 objects on his head, neck, abdomen, and limbs
-Golden mask overhead
-6'7 long
-Idealized features
-Holds a crook and flail, symbols of Osiris
-Father and mother were siblings
-His wi

Last judgment of Hu-Nefer, (Book of the Dead)

-Illustration from the Book of the Dead
-God of embalming (Anubis-jackals head)
-Anubis leads the deceased (Hu-Nefer) into a hall where his soul is weighed against the feather
-If the sins were more than the feather he would be condemned

Lamassu from the citadel of Sargon II, Dur Sharrukin

-Carved in the 8th century
-Guardian figures for gates of the city
-Winged bulls with the heads of men
-Expression of the power of the Assyrian king
-Single pieces of stone
-Would have stood in between arches
-Double horns, crowns with rosettes, feathers

Athenian Agora

-Plaza at the base of the Acropolis
-Contained commercial, civic, religious, and social buildings
-Setting for Panathenaic festival
-Ceremonies and parades to honor Athena
-Panathenaic Way- cuts through plaza from northwest to southeast corners
-Tholos- r

Anavysos Kouros

-Grave marker, replacing huge vases
-Not a real portrait
-Ideal warrior
-Rigidly formal
-Emulates stance of Egyptian sculpture
-Nude- arms and legs free of stones
-Freestanding- legs stride forward
-Hair is knotted- braided rows
-Eyes wide open
-Squared s

Peplos Kore from the Acropolis

-Broken hand held an attribute, may have been a goddess
-Hand emerges into our own space
-Breaks out of mold of Static Archaic statues
-Tightened waist
-Breasts reveled beneath drapery
-Kore- young woman
-May be an offering to the goddess Athena
-May have

Sarcophagus of the Spouses

-Ceramic- Terra-Cotta
-Very lifelike
-Extending their arms into our space
-Sense of intimacy between the couple
-Burnished to make it shine
-Were likely holding banquet objects, perfume, etc.
-Archaic smile
-Stylized features
-Was broken into 400 pieces

Audience Hall (apadana) of Darius and Xeres

-Columned hall used for receptions by the King
-Contained 72 columns and two massive staircases
-Designed by Darius I
-Relief sculptures on the stairs show representations of different nations in the Achaemenid Empire
-When someone came to the apadana the

Temple of Minerva (Veii near Rome, Italy), sculpture of Apollo

-Did not used Greek order (Doric, Ionic, Corinthian)
-Deep porches, more square
-Sculptures lined the rooftop
-The Third Labor of Hercules
-Sent out to capture a deer with golden horns- wants to annoy Artimus
-sense of movement
-Apollo and Hercules

Tomb of the Triclinium

-Sunken rock-cut chamber
-Contains remains of the dead and goods/ offerings
-Single chamber
-Wall decorations painted in fresco
-Named after the three couch dining room called the Triclinium
-Main scene: a banquet/ dinner party with a Triclinium

Niobides Krater

-Large bowl to mix water and wine
-Niobe had 14 children- bragged about them to Leto
-Leto's children Apollo and Artimus wanted revenge
-They murdered all 14 children
-Red figure painting
-Profile and frontal views
-Figures occupy different levels

Doryphoros (Spear Bearer)

-Proportions perfect (Canon)
-Missing Bronze spear
-Not about warfare
-About the perfection of the human form
-Placed where athletes would work out
-Contrapposto- stands on right leg
-S curve
-Seems fully alive


-Dedicated to Athena
-Built under the instruction of Pericles
-Persians destroyed the Acropolis
- Fortified citadel and state sanctuary of the ancient city of Athens.
-Stone Doric temple- Ionic elements (frieze)
-Built on a hill
-Symbol of the birth of De

Grave Stele of Hegeso

-Funerary sculpture
-Stele-upright slab
-Marble and paint
-Hegeso is opening a box of jewelry and looking at a necklace
-Women and ancient Greece were defined by their husbands
-Elaborate folds in drapery

Winged Victory of Samothrace

-Stood on a stone ship
-Goddess of victory
-Full of motion and emotion
-Grounded by her legs, torso lifts up
-Can almost feel the wind around her
-Responding to the environment

Great Altar of Zeus and Athena at Pergamon

-Sense of expression
-One of Alexander the Great's generals believed the Pergamon would be a good defensive position
-Battle between Giants and Olympian Gods for the supremacy of the Earth and Universe
-Athena in the center (graceful-in control)

House of the Vettii

-A Roman townhouse located in Pompeii, Italy
-Preserved by volcanic eruption
-Owners were brothers who were freed slaves- rose up in society as merchants (Aulus Vettius Conviva and Aulus Vettius Restitutus)
-Decline of moral standards- sexual nature of ar

Alexander Mosaic from the House of the Faun, Pompeii

-Darius (ruler of Persia) flees from Alexander the Great
-Looks fearful and surprised
-Wounded on the ground
-3 dimensional forms
-Very chaotic

Seated Boxer

-Made out of bronze
-Greek Hellenistic sculpture (After Alexander the Great)
-Chased- cut into the surface
-Not young or beautiful
-He's defeated- pathos
-Inlaid copper- to show wounds- we can see him bleeding
-Boxing- blows to the head and face

Head of a Roman Patrician

-Wrinkled, toothless, sagging face
-Conveys a seriousness of mind and virtue
-No emotion
-Verism- super realism in sculpture- features are even exaggerated
-Age was respected and desired in Rome
-With age comes wisdom

Augustus of Prima Porta

-Found in his wife's villa
-Probably a copy of a bronze sculpture used in a public environment
-It's important for the emperor to distribute his image throughout the Empire
-Wants to be seen as God-like
-Shows himself like the famous scu

Colosseum (Flavian Amphitheater)

-Arena- gladiators would fight
-Sand floor
-Flavian family paid for the building of the Colosseum
-Used arches and concrete
-Seats assigned according to status
-Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian columns
- Emperor Vespasian commissioned the project
-100 days of

Forum of Trajan

-A civic, commercial, political, and social space
-Apollodorus of Damascus- his architect
-Removed the hill that was in the way
-Ceremonial entrance way
-Equestrian sculpture of Trajan
-Basilica Ulpia- columns on all sides
-2 libraries
-Middle- column of


-Originally a temple to the Gods
-Later made into a church
-Once was framed by a colonnade
-Corinthian capitals-imported from Egypt
-Central plan
-Perfect geometric shapes- concerned with ideal geometry
-Concrete supports the dome
-Open space
-Earthy sphe

Ludovisi Battle Sarcophagus

-Romans portrayed as good guys- look serious
-Features are more ideal
-Enemies are seen as barbaric - Ostrogoth's
-Piled on top of one another
-Marble- Relief
-Dense tangle
-Top center- hero on horse- looks calm
-Figures get smaller towards the bottom

Catacomb of Priscilla (Greek Chapel, Orant, Good Shepherd frescos)

-Places where the earliest Christians and Jews were buried
-Narrow passageways, low ceilings, shelf like slots (loculi)
-Tufa- soft material
-40,000 tombs
-Cubiculum- small burial rooms
-Constantine issued Edict of Milan- Christianity becomes tolerated

Santa Sabina

-Looked back to large scale buildings of the ancient Romans
-Could large amounts of people
-Sense of imperial authority
-Focus on the altar
-One aisle on either side
-No transept
-Light comes in through the clerestory
-Spolia- columns were reused from a P

Vienna Genesis

- Fragment of a Greek copy of the Book of Genesis/the Bible
-Illustrations at the bottom of pages
-Purple parchment- associated with royalty and empire
-Very Rare
-Pages made from animal skin
a. Rebecca and Eliezer at the Well
-Shown twice
-Leaves her tow

San Vitale (including Justinian and Theodora panels)

-small domed church in the Byzantine architectural style
- Octagonal plan, with a two-story ambulatory enclosing a central space beneath a great cupola.
- Attached at an angle to the west side is an entrance porch or narthex while a small choir and apse e

Hagia Sophia

-The great church of the Byzantine capital Constantinople
-Built 3 times in the same location
- Combined the three traditional basilical plans with the central dome plan
- The structure has three nefi, one apse, and two narthex (internal and external)

Merovingian looped fibulae

-Merovingian looped fibulae
-Early medieval Europe. Mid-sixth century C.E. Silver gilt worked in filigree, with inlays of garnets and other stones.
-It is normal for similar groups to have similar artistic styles, and for more diverse groups to have less

Virgin (Theotokos) and Child between Saints Theodore and George

-Early Byzantine Europe. Six or early seventh century C.E.
-Encaustic on wood.
-The composition displays a spatial ambiguity that places the scene in a world that operates differently from our world.
-Icon placed in a medieval monastery
-Virgin and child

Lindisfarne Gospels, St. Matthew, cross-carpet page; St. Luke incipit page

-written by Eadrith, bishop of Lindisfarne
-unusual in that it is the work of an individual artist and not a team of scribes
-written in Latin, with annotations in English between the lines
-English added around 970 and is the oldest surviving manuscript

Great Mosque, C�rdoba, Spain

-double-arched columns, brilliantly articulated in alternating bands of color; voussoirs
-a light and airy interior
-horseshoe shaped arches have a tradition in Visigothic Spain and Roman architecture
-Hypo style mosque; no central focus, no congregationa

Pyxis of al-Mughira

-Pyxis of al-Mughira
-c. 968 C.E.
-among the best surviving examples of the royal ivory carving tradition in Al-Andalus (Islamic Spain).
-It was probably fashioned in the Madinat al-Zahra workshops and its intricate and exceptional carving

Church of Sainte-Foy and Reliquary

-church built along the pilgrimage road to Santiago de Compostela
-church built to handle the large number of pilgrims; wide transepts, large ambulatory with radiating chapels
-massive heavy interior walls, unadorned
-no clerestory
-light provided by wind

Bayeux Tapestry

-tapestry a misnomer; actually an embroidery
-commissioned by Bishop Odo, half-brother of William the Conqueror
-Tells the story (in latin) of William's conquest of England at the Battle of Hastings in 1066
-Probably designed by a man; executed by a women

Chartres Cathedral

-Maybe a Roman temple converted
-Most unified Gothic Church
-Focused on Geometry
-Organized into the Golden Ratio
-Jamb figures attached to the columns (spiritual beings, no sense of weight, occupy heavenly and physical realm)
-Houses the tunic of Mary

Dedication Page with Blanche of Castile and King Louis IX of France, and Scenes from the Apocalypse

Dedication Page:
-moralized bible
-top left: Blanche of Castile, mother and regent to the king
-top right: teenage king Louis IX
-bottom: older monk dictates to younger scribe
-luminosity of stained glass windows
-strong black outlining forms
-modeling is

R�ttgen Piet�

-Very emotional
-Mary holding her dead son
-Wounds in his feet, hands, and sides
-Wears the crown of thorns
-Mary looks confused
-She doesn't foresee that his death is temporary
-Reflection of changing ideas
-Worm holes in Mary's headpiece

Arena (Scrovegni) Chapel, including Lamentation

-The Scrovegni father charged interest on money (usury)
-Worried about fathers sins
-Enrico-patron of the chapel
-Seen presenting a model of the church to the angels
-Blue ceiling-very expensive/ applied as a dry fresco which didn't last
-3 registers

Golden Haggadah

-illustrates the story of the Jewish exodus from Egypt under Moses and its subsequent celebration
-to be read at pass-over Seder
-Haggadah means "narration"; fulfills the Jewish requirement to tell the story of the Jews' escape from Egypt as a reminder of


-whitewashed adobe stucco
-Palace of the Nasrid sultans of Southern Spain
-Light, airy interiors; fortress-like exterior
-built on a hill overlooking the city of Granada
-contains palaces, gardens, water pools, fountains, courtyards
-small, low bubbling f

Annunciation Triptych (Merode Altarpiece)

-left panel: donors, middle-class people kneeling before the holy scene; wife added later perhaps because of the donor's marriage
-center panel: annunciation taking place in an everyday Flemish interior
-Humanization of traditional themes: no halos, domes

Pazzi Chapel, Filipo Brunellschi

-rectangular chapel attached to the church of Santa Croce, Florence
-two barrel vaults on the interior, small dome over crossing
-interior has a restrained sense of color, muted tones, punctuated by glazed terra-cotta tiles
-Chapter house: a meeting place

The Arnolfini Portrait, Jan van Eyck

-by Jan van Eyck
-oil on wood
-assumed to be a wedding portrait of Giovanni Arnolfini and his wife
-maybe a memorial to his dead wife
-maybe represents a betrothal
-theory that Arnolfini is conferring legal and business privileges on his wife
signs of a w

David, Donatello

-No Armour- shows strength
-1st freestanding nude since classical antiquity
-respect for the body
-finished with metal opposed to marble
-David's standing on the head of a giant with Gods help
-break from a miraculous event
-would ha

Palazzo Rucellai, Leon Battista Alberti

-3 horizontal floors of equal height separated by a strongly articulated string course
-pilasters rise vertically and divide the spaces into squarish shapes
-strong classical cornice caps the building
-rejects rustication of earlier Renaissance palaces; i

Madonna and Child with Two Angels, Fra Filippo Lippi

-Mary is very youthful
-Pearls represent the conception
-Angels look like children
-Thin halo above Mary's head
-Looks like shes sitting at a window
-Atmospheric perspective
-We can relate to Mary
-Focus on details
-Translucent fabric

Birth of Venus, Sandro Botticelli

-Venus emerges fully grown from the foam of the sea; faraway look in her eyes
-roses scattered before her; roses created at the same time as Venus, symbolizing that love can be painful
-Left; zephyr (west wind) and chloris (nymph)
-Right: handmaiden rushe

Last Supper, Leonardo da Vinci

-commissioned by Sforza of Milan for the refectory, or dining hall, of a Dominican abbey
-relationship between the friars eating and a biblical meal
-in situ
-linear perspective
-orthogonals point to Jesus
-apostles in groupings of three; Jesus is alone b

Adam and Eve, Albrecht D�rer

-Influenced by classical sculpture, Adam looks like the ancient Greek sculpture called The Apollo Belvedere, Eve like Medici Venus, Italian massing of forms
-Ideal image of humans before the fall of man
-contrapposto of figures from the Italian Renaissanc

Sistine Chapel ceiling and altar wall frescos, Michelangelo

-Sistine Chapel erected in 1472 and painted by quattrocento masters including Botticelli and Perugino, as well as Michelangelo's teacher Ghirlandaio
-Function of Sistine Chapel: the place where new popes are elected
-Michelangelo chose a complicated arran

School of Athens, Raphael

-commissioned by Pope Julius II to decorate his library
-painting originally called "Philosophy" because the pope's philosophy books were meant to e housed on shelving below
-one painting in a complex program of works that illustrates the vastness and var

Isenheim Altarpiece, Matthias Gr�newald

-placed in a monastery hospital where people were treated for "Saint Anthony's Fire," or ergot-ism-a disease caused by eating a fungus that grows on rye flour
-St. Anthony's Fire explain the presence of St. Anthony on the 1st and 3rd views
-Ergot-ism caus

Entombment of Christ, Jacobo da Pontormo

-center of the circular composition is a grouping of hands
-elongation of bodies
-high-keyed colors, perhaps taking into account the darkness of the chapel it is placed in
-no ground line for many figures; what is Mary sitting on?
-hands seem disembodied

Allegory of Law and Grace, Lucas Cranach the Elder

-Protestantism: faithful achieve salvation by God's grace, guidance can be achieved using the Bible
-Done in consultation with Martin Luther, a leader in the Protestant movement
Left: Last Judgement
-Moses holds Ten Commandments
-Ten Commandments represen

Venus of Urbino, Titian

-we don't really know who she is
-protective title
-Painting is about the beauty of the physical
-softness from paint
-almost translucent layers from oil paint
-figure glows
-canvas divided in two
-emergence of a female nude
-sets up the recli

Frontispiece of the Codex Mendoza

-named after Antonio de Mendoza, viceroy of New Spain
-intended as a history of the Aztecs for Charles V of the Holy Roman Empire
-created 20 years after the Spanish conquest
-shows Aztec rulers and daily life in Mexico
-uses pictograms created by Aztec a

Il Ges�, including Triumph of the Name of Jesus ceiling fresco

-brick and marble
-principal church of the Jesuit order
-column groupings emphasize central doorway
-tympana and pediment over central door
-slight crescendo of forms towards center
-two stories separated by cornice; united by scrolls
-framing niche acts

Hunters in the Snow, Pieter Bruegel the Elder

-oil on wood
-1 in a series of paintings representing the months-this is November/December
-alpine landscape, winter scene
-strong diagonals lead the eye deeper into the painting
-figures are peasant types, not individuals
-landscape has high horizon line

Mosque of Selim II

-brick and stone
-extremely thin soaring minarets
-abundant window space makes for a brilliantly lit interior
-decorative display of mosaic and tile work
-inspired by Hagia Sophia but a centrally planned building
-octagonal interior, with 8 pillars restin

Calling of Saint Matthew, Caravaggio

-oil on canvas
-1 of 3 paintings illustrating the life of Saint Matthew in a chapel dedicated to him by the Contarelli family
-light comes in from 2 sources on right, creating a tenebroso effect on the figures
-diagonal shaft of light points directly to S

Henri IV Receives the Portrait of of Marie de'Medici, from the Marie de'Medici Cycle, Peter Paul Rubens

-oil on canvas
-heroic gestures, demonstrates spiraling figures
-mellow intensity of color, inspired by Titan and Caravaggio
-sumptuous full-fleshed women
-21 huge historical paintings allegorically retelling the life of Marie de' Medici, Queen of France,

Self-Portrait with Saskia, Rembrandt van Rijn

-only image of Rembrandt with his wife together in an etching
-30-year old Rembrandt with his new bride
-not wearing contemporary dress; fanciful dress
-images of Saskia abundant in Rembrandt's output, a source of inspiration for him
-Marital har

San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane, Francesco Borromini

-stone and stucco
-so named because its on a square in Rome with four fountains
-unusually small site
-alternating convex and concave patterns and undulating volumes in ground plan and facade
-facade higher than the rest of the building
-interior si

Ecstasy of Saint Teresa, Gian Lorenzo Bernini

-marble, stucco, and gilt bronze
-a sculptural interpretation of Saint Teresa's diary in which she tells of her vision of God, many involving an angel descending with an arrow and plunging it into her
-natural light redirected onto the sculpture from a wi

Angel with Arquebus, Asiel Timor Dei, Master of Calamarca

-by Asiel Timor Dei
-oil on canvas
-angel depicted with an arquebus (a form of a rifle) instead of traditional sword
-military poses derived from european engravings of military exercises
-probably one in a series of angel drummers, buglers, standard bear

Las Meninas, Diego Velazquez

-painted by Diego Velazquez
-leading artist of the court of King Phillip V and during the Spanish Golden Age
-oil on canvas
-portrait of the Velazquez royal family
-gives you access to a real moment
-princess looking at us
-a way for the artist to promote

Woman Holding a Balance, Johannes Vermeer

-oil on canvas
-small number of Vermeer's works in existence
-except for 2 landscapes, Vermeer's works portray intimate scenes in the interior of Dutch homes
-viewer looks into a private world in which seemingly small gestures take on a significance great

The Palace at Versailles

-masonry, stone, wood, iron, and gold-leaf
-reorganization and remodeling of a hunting lodge into an elaborate palace
-center of the building was Louis XIV's bedroom, or audience chamber, from which all aspects of the design radiate like rays from the sun

Screen with Siege of Belgrade and hunting scene

-screen commissioned by Jose Sarmiento de Valladares, viceroy of New Spain
-displayed in Viceregal Palace in Mexico city
-only known ex. of an art work that combines biombos and enconchados
-two faces of the screen: one has hunting screen; other has a war

The Virgin of Guadalupe (Virgen de Guadalupe), Miguel Gonz�lez

-painting describes an event in which Mary appeared to Native Americans on a hill called Tepeyac, a shrine sacred to a pre-Columbian goddess
-Mary ordered a Native American convert, Juan Diego in 1531, to tell the local archbishop to build a sanctuary on

Fruit and Insects, Rachel Ruysch

-oil on wood
-not a depiction of actual flowers, but a construct of perfect specimens all in bloom at the same time
-asymmetrical arrangement; artful arrangement
-probably used illustrations in botany textbooks as a basis for painting
-her father was a pr

Spaniard and Indian Produce a Mestizo, attributed to Juan Rodr�guez Ju�rez

-panel from the first known series of casta paintings; may have not been a completed set
-spanish social hierarchy with the European ancestry at the top; sixteen different graduations of social scale
-spanish blood linked to civilizing forces; wearing lav

The T�te � T�te, from Marriage a la Mode, William Hogarth

-1 of 6 scenes in a suite of paintings called Marriage a la Mode
-Narrative paintings; later turned into a series of prints
-highly satiric paintings about aristocratic English society like those who would like to buy their way into it
-The Tete a Tete: s

Portrait of Sor Juana In�s de la Cruz, Miguel Cabrera

-Sor Juana Ines (Sister Juana Agnes), a child prodigy (1651-1695)
-creole woman, became a nun in 1669
-feminist culture survived in Mexican convents where privileged nuns lived in comfort with servants and households
-literary figure, published books that

A Philosopher Giving a Lecture on the Orrery, Joseph Wright of Derby

-influenced by the meeting o a provincial group of intellectuals called the Lunar society, who met once a month to discuss current scientific discoveries and developments
-orrery is an early form of a planetarium, imitating the motion of the solar system

The Swing, Jean-Honor� Fragonard

-figures are small in a dominant garden-like setting
-atmospheric perspective
-puffy clouds, rich vegetation, abundant flowers, sinuous curves
-patron in lower left looking up at the skirt of a young lady who swings flirtatiously, boldly kicking off her s

Monticello, Thomas Jefferson

-"Little mountain" in Italian
-chief building on Jefferson's plantation
-symmetrical interior design
-brick building, stucco applied to trim to give the effect of marble
-tall French doors and windows to allow circulation in hot Virginia summers

The Oath of the Horatii, Jacques-Louis David

-exemplum virtutis
-story of 3 Roman brothers (the Horatii) who do battle with 3 other brothers (the Curiatii-not painted) from a nearby city; they pledge their fidelity to their father and to Rome
-1 of 3 women on right is a Horatii engaged to one of the

George Washington, Jean-Antoine Houdon

-Washington dressed as an 18th century gentleman
-military associations minimized: epaulettes on shoulder and word cast to the side
-naturalistic details: missing button on his jacket; tightly buttoned vest around a protruding stomach
-seen as a man of vi

Self-Portrait, Elisabeth Louise Vig�e-LeBrun

-40 self-portraits exist, all highly idealized
-looks at the viewer as she paints a portrait of Marie Antoinette, who is rendered from memory since she was killed during the French Revolution; subject in painting looks admiringly upon the painter
-light r

Y no hai remedio (And There's Nothing to Be Done), from Los Desastres de la Guerra (The Disasters of War), plate 15, Francesco de Goya

-80 etching and aquatints
-published in 1863, 35 years after the Artist's death
-art work was critical of the French occupation of Spain and the subsequent Spanish rulers
-influenced by Spain's continuous warfare
-original title: "Fatal Consequences of Sp

La Grande Odalisque, Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres

-Raphael-like face
-Turkish elements: incense burner, peacock fan, tapestry-like turban, hashish pipe, hence the name "odalisque"
-inconsistant arrangement of limbs: rubbery arm, elongated back, placement of leg, one arm is longer than the other

Liberty Leading the People, Eug�ne Delacroix

-July Revolution of 1830
-Liberty with French tricolor marches over the barricades to overthrow gov. soldiers
-Red/white/blue echo throughout the painting
-strong pyramidal structure
-child with pistols symbolizes the role of students in the revolt; middl

View from Mount Holyoke, Northampton, Massachusetts, after a Thunderstorm�The Oxbow, Thomas Cole

-founder of the Hudson River School
-actual view in Massachusetts
-Cole's division of landscape into two clearly contrasting areas: the Romantic on the left and the Classical landscape on the right
-Cole's self-portrait in the foreground amid a dense fore

Still Life in Studio, Louis-Jacques-Mand� Daguerre

-still life inspired by painted still lifes, like vanitas paintings
-variety of textures: fabric, wicker, plaster, framed print, metal, wood, and so on
-new art form inspired by older art forms
-Daguerreotypes have a shiny surface with great detail

Slave Ship (Slavers Throwing Overboard the Dead and Dying, Typhoon Coming On), Joseph Mallord William Turner

-exhibited at the Royal academy in 1840,, with an excerpt from Turner's own poem called "the Fallacies of hope"
-"Aloft all hands, strike the top-masts and belay;
Yon angry setting sun and fierce edged clouds
Declare the Typhon's coming.
Before it sweeps

Palace of Westminster (Houses of Parliament), Charles Barry, A.W.N. Pugin

-In London
-limestone, masonry, and glass
-competition held in 1835 for new houses of Parliament after the old one burned down
-97 entrants in the contest;91 in the Perpendicular Gothic, 6 in the Elizabeth style; thought to be native English styles

The Stonebreakers, Gustave Courbet

-oil on canvas
-Submitted to the Salon of 1850-1851
-Breaking stones down to rubble to be used for paving
-Poverty Emphasized
-Figures were born poor, will remain poor their whole lives
-Reaction to labor unrest of 1848; demanding better working condition

Nadar elevating Photography to Art, Honor� Daumier

-Nadar was famous for taking Aerial photos of Paris beginning in 1858
-Presents Nadar as a quaky photographer; in his excitement to get a daring shot he almost falls out of his balloon and loses his hat
-Every building has the word "photograph

Olympia, �douard Manet

-created a scandal at the salon of 1865
-traditional subject of a reclining nude; inspired by Titan's Venus of Urbino
-figure is cold and uninviting, no mystery, no joy
-maid delivers flowers form an admirer
-Olympia is a common name for prostitutes at th

The Saint-Lazare Station, Claude Monet

-oil on canvas
-Exhibited at the Impressionist exhibition of 1877
-One of a series depicting this train station
-Monet famous for painting series of paintings on the same subject at different times of day and different times of year
-Originally meant to b

The Horse in Motion, Eadweard Muybridge

-photography now advanced enough that it can capture movements the human eye cannot
-cameras snap photos at evenly spaced points along a track, giving the effect of things happening in sequence
-these motion studies bridge the gap between still photograph

The Valley of Mexico from the Hillside of Santa Isabel, Jos� Mar�a Velasco

-oil on canvas
-primarily an academic landscape painter
-specialized in broad panoramas of the Valley of Mexico
-keen observer in nature: rocks, foliage, clouds, waterfalls
-rejected realist landscapes of Courbet; romantic landscapes of Turner
-Settled in

The Burghers of Calais, Auguste Rodin

-6 burghers offer their lives to the English king in return for saving their besieged city during the Hundred Years' War
-English king insisted the burghers wear sackcloth's and carry the keys to the city
-parallels between Paris besieged during t

The Starry Night, Vincent van Gogh

-oil on canvas
-thick short brushstrokes
-mountains in the distance that Van Gogh could see at his hospital room in St-Remy, steepness exaggerated
-Composite landscape: Dutch church, crescent moon, Mediterranean cypress tree
-at one with the forces of nat

The Coiffure, Mary Cassatt

-dry-point and aquatint
-Cassatt's world is filled with women; women as independent and not needing men to complete themselves; women who enjoy company of other women
-no posing or acting; figures possess a natural charm
-decorative charm influenced by Ja

The Scream, Edvard Munch

-figure waling along a wharf, boats are at sea in the distance
-long thick brushstrokes swirl around the composition
-Figure cries out in a horrifying scream, the landscape echoes his emotions
-said to have been inspired by an exhibit of a Peruvian mummy

Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going?, Paul Gauguin

-oil on canvas
-painted during his 2nd stay in Tahiti between 1895-1901
-Suffered from poor health and poverty; obsessed by thoughts of death
-He learned of the death of his daughter, Aline, in April 1897; was deeply shaken; determined to commit suicide a

Carson, Pirie, Scott and Company Building, Louis Sullivan

-iron, steel, glass, and terra-cotta
-Horizontal emphasis symbolizes continuous flow of floor space
-Maximum window areas to admit light, also to display store wares
-Non-supportive role of exterior
-Cast iron decorative elements transformed the

Mont Sainte-Victoire, Paul C�zanne

-oil on canvas
-1 of 11 canvases of this view, series dominates Cezanne's mature period
-Had contempt for flat painting, wanted rounded and firm objects, but ones that were geometric constructions made form splashes of undiluted color
-used perspective th

Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, Pablo Picasso

-1st cubist work, influenced by late Cezanne, and perhaps African masks
-represents five prostitutes in a bordello on Avignon Street in Barcelona, each posing for a customer
-poses are not traditionally alluring but awkward, expressionless, and uninviting

The Steerage, Alfred Stieglitz

-Stieflitz photographed the world as he saw it, arranged little and allowed people and events to make their own compositions
-Interested in com-positional possibilities of diagonals and lines acting as framing elements
-diagonals and framing e

The Kiss, Gustav Klimt

-little of the human form is actually seen: 2 heads, 4 hands, 2 feet
-the bodies are suggested under a sea of richly designed patterning
-male figure as large rectangular boxes; female figure has circular forms
-suggests all-consuming love; passion; eroti

The Kiss, Constantin Brancusi

-Symbolic, almost Cubic, rendering of the male and female bodies
-Intertwined and enveloped figures
-Two eyes become one, almost Cyclops-like
-Interlocked forms
-Brancusi worked in Rodin's studio; cf. Rodin's The Kiss
-This is the fourth stone

The Portuguese, Georges Braque

-Analytical cubism; worked in concert with Pablo Picasso to develop this style
-Rejected naturalistic and conventional painting
-fractured forms; breaking down of objects into smaller forms
-clear-edged surfaces sit on the picture plane, not recessed in s

The Goldfish, Henri Matisse

-oil on Canvas
-still life painting
-violent contrasts of color
-thinly applied colors; white of canvas shows through
-energetic painterly brushwork
-may have been influenced by the decorative quality of Asian art
-Broad patches of color anticipate Color-

Improvisation 28 (second version), Vasily Kandinsky

-movement toward abstraction; representational objects suggested rather than depicted
-title derived from musical compositions
-strongly articulated use of black lines
-colors seem to shade around line forms
-felt that sound and color were linked
-gave mu

Self-Portrait as a Soldier, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner

-oil on canvas
-Kirchner was an "unwilling volunteer" driver in the artillery in WWI, rather than be drafted into the infantry
-Declared unfit for service; lung problems and weakness; mental breakdown-scholarly debate as to whether or not he faked these t

Memorial Sheet of Karl Liebknecht, K�the Kollwitz

-themes of war and poverty dominate over oeuvre
-theme of women grieving over dead children; her son died in WWI, then she became a socialist
-Karl Liebknecht among the founders of the Berlin Spartacus
-in 1919 Liebknecht shot to death during a Communist

Villa Savoye, Le Corbusier

-steel and reinforced concrete
-3 bedroom villa with servant's quarters
-Boxlike horizontal quality; an abstraction of a house
-Main part of the house lifted off the ground by narrow pilotis-thin freestanding posts
-Turning circle on bottom floor

Composition with Red, Blue and Yellow, Piet Mondrian

-only primary colors used: red, yellow, blue and the neutrals, white and black
-severe geometry of form, only right angles; grid-like forms
-no shading of colors
-asymmetrical composition

Illustration from The Results of the First Five-Year Plan, Varvara Stepanova

-photo montage
-Stepanova one of the main figures in the Russian avant-garde movement
-Graphic art for political and propaganda purposes
-Influenced by Cubism and Futurism
-5 year plan- Soviet practice of increasing agricultural and industrial output in 5

Object (Le D�jeuner en fourrure), Meret Oppenheim

-Said to have been done in response to Picasso's claim that anything looks good in fur
-Combination of unlike objects: fur-covered teacup, saucer, and spoon
-Erotic overtones
-An assemblage
-Combined traditionally female and gentle objects vs. masculinity

Fallingwater, Frank Lloyd Wright

-reinforced concrete, sandstone, steel, and glass
-Bear Run , Pennsylvania
-Cantilevered porches extend over waterfall; accent on horizontal lines; architecture in harmony with site
-Living room contains glass curtain wall around three of the four sides;

The Two Fridas, Frida Kahlo

-oil on canvas
-Juxtaposition of two self-portraits
-Left: Kahlo dressed as a Spanish lady in white lace
-Right: Kahlo dressed as a Mexican peasant- the stiffness and provincial quality of Mexican folk art serves as a direct inspiration for the artist

The Migration of the Negro, Panel no. 49, Jacob Lawrence

- tempera on hardboard
-A series of 60 paintings that depicts the migration of African Americans from the rural South to the urban North after WWI
-Overall color unity in the series unites each painting
-Forms hover in large spaces
-Flat simple shapes

The Jungle, Wilfredo Lam

-gouache on paper mounted on canvas
-Cuban-born artist whose career took him to Europe and the US
-Interested in Cuba's mixture of Hispanic and African cultures
-Influenced by African sculpture; Cubist works; Surrealist paintings
-This work "intended to c

Dream of a Sunday Afternoon in Alameda Central Park, Diego Rivera

-50 ft long fresco; 13 ft high
-Originally in lobby of the Hotel Del Prado
-After 1985 earthquake that destabilized the hotel it was placed in Almeda Park, Mexico City's first city park; built on the grounds of an Aztec marketplace
3 eras of Mexic

Fountain, Marcel Duchamp

-china with black paint
-ready made sculpture, actually a found object that Duchamp deemed to be a work of art
-entered in an unjuried show, but the work was refused
-signed by the "artist" R. Mutt, a pun on the Mutt and Jeff comic strip and Mott iron wor

Woman I, Willem de Kooning

-oil on canvas
-Ferocious woman with great fierce teeth and huge eyes
-large bulbous breasts are a satire on women who appear in magazine advertising; smile said to be influenced by an ad of woman selling Camel cigarettes
-Slashing of paint onto canvas

Seagram Building, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Philip Johnson

-steel frame with glass curtain wall and bronze
-a reflection of the minimalistic movement in painting
-Mies's saying "Less is more" can be seen in this building with its great simplicity, geometry of design, and elegance of construction
-set back from th

Marilyn Diptych, Andy Warhol

-oil, acrylic, silkscreen, enamel on canvas
-screen printing photographic images onto backgrounds of rectangular shapes
-repeated imagery drains the image of Monroe of meaning
-50 images from a film still from a movie, Niagara
-Reproduction of many denies

Narcissus garden, Yayoi Kusama

-installation of mirrored balls
-Internationally renowned Japanese born artist
-Got her start showing large works of art featuring huge polka dots
-one of the foremost innovators of Happenings
-Works in a wide variety of media, including installat

The Bay, Helen Frankenthaler

-painted directly on unprinted canvas; canvas absorbs paint more directly
-uses a runny paint, sometimes thinned with turpentine
-uses landscape as a starting point; basis for imagery in the works
-accentuates the two dimensionality of the canvas

Lipstick (Ascending) on Caterpillar Tracks, Claes Oldenburg

-cor-ten steel, aluminum, and cast resin, painted with polyurethane enamel
-first installed on Beinecke Plaza, New Haven, in 1969
-intended as a platform for public speakers; rallying point for anti- Vietnam era protests
-Erected secretly
-tank shaped pla

Spiral Jetty, Robert Smithson

-mud, salt crystals, rocks, water coil
-Great Salt lake, Utah
-Coil of rock in a part of the Great Salt Lake; located in an extremely remote and inaccessible area that features abandoned mines and mining equipment
-upon walking on the jetty, the twisting

House in New Castle County, Robert Ventura, John Rausch and Denise Scott Brown

-house designed for a family of 3
-wife: musician; hence music room with 2 pianos, an organ, and a harpsichord
-husband: bird watcher; large windows facing the woods
-post-modern mix of historical styles
-Venturi's comment on the International Style: "Les

Chav�n de Hu�ntar

-a religious capital
-temple was 60 meters tall adorned by a jaguar sculpture, a symbol of power
-hidden entrance to the temple led to stone corridors

Mesa Verde Cliff Dwellings

-pueblo built into the sides of the cliff, housed about 250 people
-clans moved together for mutual support and defense
-top ledge stores all supplies, cool and dry area out of the way, accessible only by ladder
-plaza in front of ado

Yaxchil�n lintel 25, structure 23

-Chiapas, Mexico
-city set on a high terrace; plaza surrounded by important buildings
-flourished c.300-800 c.e.
-lintel originally set above the central doorway of structure 23
-building dedicated to Lady Xoc
-Lady Xoc (bottom right) invoking

Great Serpent Mound

-southern Ohio
-many mounds were enlarged and changed over the years, not built in one campaign
-effigy mounds popular in Mississippian culture
-influenced by comets? Astrological phenomenon? Head pointed to summer solstice sunset?

Templo Mayor, Main Aztec temple

-Tenochtitlan laid out on a grid; city seen as the center of the world
-Two temples atop pyramid, each with separate staircase
-North: dedicated to Tlaloc: god of rain and agriculture
-South: dedicated to Huitzilopotchli: god of sun a

Ruler's feather headdress (probably of Moctezuma II)

-feathers and gold
-400 long green feathers are the tails of the sacred quetzal birds; male birds produce only two such feathers each
-400 symbolizes eternity
-only known feather headdress in the world
-Headdress probably part of a collection of artifacts

City of Cusco

-Historic capital of the Inkan Empire
-In the shape of a puma, a royal animal
-Modern plaza is in the place where the puma's belly would be
-Head a fortress; heart a central square
Cross cultural comparisons:
-Athenian Agora
-Forum of Trajan

Maize cobs

-sheet metal, gold and silver alloys
-Maize was the principal food source in the Andes
-Maize was celebrated by having sculptures fashioned out of sheet metal
-Black maize common in Peru; oxidized silver reflects that
-May have been part of a garden in wh

City of Machu Picchu

-originally functioned as a royal retreat
-estate of 15th century Inkan rulers
-so remote that it was probably not used for administrative purposes in the Inka world
-buildings built of stone with perfectly carved rock rendered in precise shapes and groov

All-T'oqapu Tunic

-camelid fiber and cotton
-rectangular shape; a slit in the center for the head, then the tunic is folded in half an the sides are sewn for the arms
-composition is comprised of small rectangula shapes called t'oqapu
-individual t'oqapu may be symbolic of

Bandolier Bag

-beadwork on leather
-bandolier bag has a large heavily beaded pouch with a slit on top
-bag held at hip level; strap across chest
-bag constructed of trade cloth: cotton, wool, velvet, or leather
-beadwork not done in the Americas before European contact

Transformation mask

-wood, paint, and string
-masks worn by native people of the pacific northwest, western Canada, and Alaska
-worn over the head as part of a complete body costume
-during a ritual performance the wearer opens and closes the transformation mask using string

Painted elk hide, attributed to Cotsiogo (Cadzi Cody)

-painted elk hide
-worn as a robe over the shoulders of the warrior
-warrior's deeds are celebrated on the hide
-conveyed biographical details; personal accomplishments; heroism; battles
-men painted hides to narrate an event
-eventually painted hides for

Black-on-black ceramic vessel, Maria Mart�nez and Julian Mart�nez

-black on black ceramic vessel
-highly polished surfaces
-contrasts of shiny black and matte black finishes
-comes from the 100 year old tradition of pottery making in the Southwest
-at the time of production, pueblos were in decline; modern life replacin

Conical tower and circular wall of Great Zimbabwe

-Zimbabwe derives from a Shona term meaning "venerated houses" pr "houses of stone"
-prosperous trading center and royal complex
-stone enclosure, probably a royal residence
-walls: 800 ft long, 32 ft tall, 17 ft thick at base
-conical tower mode

Great Mosque of Djenn�

-3 tall towers, one in the center is a mihrab
-crowning ornaments have ostrich eggs: symbols of fertility and purity
-torons: wooden beams projecting from walls
cross cultural comparisons
-great mosque, cordoba
-mosque of selim II
-great mosque, Is

Wall plaque, from Oba's palace

-900 brass plaques produced; between 16 and 18 inches
-decorated walls of royal palace in Benin
-part of a sprawling palace complex; wooden pillars covered with brass plaques
-shows aspects of court life in the Benin culture
-Oba (king) believed to

Sika dwa kofi (Golden Stool)

-gold over wood
-symbol of the Ashanti nation; held in Ghana
-contains the soul of the nation
-never actually used as a stool; never allowed to touch the ground
-new king is raised over the stool
- carried to the king on a pillow; he alone is allowed to t

Ndop (portrait figure) of King Mishe miShyaang maMbul

-Ndop figures are commemorative portraits of Kuba rulers, presented in an ideal state
-not an actual representation of a deceased king, but his spirit
-made after death of the king
-each king is commemorated by symbols on the base of the figure; thi

Nkisi n'kondi

-wood and metal
-spirits are embedded in the images
-spirits can be called upon to bless or harm others, cause death, or give life
-in order to prod the image into action, nails and blades are often inserted into the work or removed from it
-medical prope

Female (Pwo) Mask

-wood, fiber, pigment, and metal
-female masks used by men in ritual dances
-male dancers are covered with their identities masked; dressed as women with braided hair
-ritual in which men move like women
-chokwe a matriarchal society
-depicts female ances

Portrait mask (Mblo)

-wood and pigment
-presented at Mblo performances in which an individual is honored by having ritual dances and tributes are performed in someone's honor
-Honoree receives mask as gift that reflects an artistic double
-Masks commissioned by a group of adm

Bundu mask

-wood, cloth, and fiber
-only African wooden masks worn by women
-idealized female beauty
-elaborate hairstyle symbolizes wealth; worn by women of status
-large forehead
-small eyes in the shape of slits
-tight lipped mouth symbolizing secrets not reveale

Ikenga (shrine figure)

-Ikenga means "strong right arm," thus physical prowess
-Honors the right hand, which holds tools or weapons, makes sacrifices, conducts rituals, and alerts to speak at public forums
-Traditional masculine associations of strength and potency

Lukasa (memory board)

-wood, beads, and metal
-Memory board, or lukasa, helps the user remember key elements in a story for example:
-Court ceremonies
-Lists of kings
-carved from wood in an hourglass shape; then adorned with shells, bea

Aka elephant mask

-wood, woven raffia, cloth, and beads
-only important people in society can own or wear an aka, or elephant mask; used in the royal court
-Elite Kuosi masking society owns and wears the masks; worn on important ceremonial occasions
-beadwork a symbol of p

Reliquary figure (byeri)

-figures placed on top of cylinder-like containers made of bark that hold skulls and other bones of important clan leaders
-feet dangling over the rim in a gesture of protecting contents
-The reliquary figure guards the head box against the gaze of

Veranda post of enthroned king and senior wife (Opo Ogoga)

-wood and pigment
-Olowse of Ise carved posts for the rulers of the Ekiti-Yoruba kingdom in Nigeria
-1 of 4 carved for the palace at Ikere
-Negative space creates an openness in the composition
-King is the focal point in relationship between his figure a

Petra, Jordan: Treasury and Great Temple

-cut rock
-Petra as central city of the Nabataeans, a nomadic people
-City built along a caravan route
-Buried their dead in the tombs cut out of the sandstone cliffs
-500 royal tombs in the rock, but no human remains found; burial practices are unknown

Buddha, Bamiyan

-cut rock with plaster and polychrome paint
-Bamiyan at the western end of the silk route; trading and religious center
-Two huge standing Buddhas, one 175 ft tall, the other 115 ft tall
-First Colossal Buddhas
-Niche shaped like a halo-or mandorla-around

The Kaaba

-granite masonry, covered with a silk curtain, gold and silver thread
-Mecca is the spiritual center of Islam
Said to have been built by Ibrahim and Isamel for God
-Existing structure encases the Blackstone of the eastern corner, the only part of the orig

Jowo Rinpoche, enshrined in the Jokhang Temple

-gilt metal with semiprecious stones and paint
-Enshrined in Jokhang Temple; Tibet's earliest and foremost Buddhist temple
-Temple founded in 647 by the first ruler of a unified Tibet
-Jowo means "lord," khang means "house"
-Statue thought to have been bl

Dome of the Rock

-stone masonry and wood roof decorated with glazed ceramic tile
-Domed wooden octagon
-Influenced by centrally planned buildings
-Columns taken from Roman monuments
-Sacred rock where Adam was buried, Abraham nearly sacrificed Isaac, Muhammad a

Great Mosque (Masjid-e Jameh), Isfahan

-brick, wood, plaster, ceramic tile
-Isfahan, Iran
-Large central rectangular courtyard surrounded by a two story arcade
-Each side of courtyard has a centrally placed iwan; may be first mosque to have this feature
-One iwan is an entry for a private spac

Folio from a Qur'an

-ink and gold on parchment
-Arabic read right to left
-Kufic script: strong uprights and long horizontals
-Great clarity of text importance because several readers read book at once, some at a distance
-Consonants are scripted, vowels are indicated by dot

Basin (Baptist�re de Saint Louis), Mohammed ibn al-Zain

-brass inlaid with gold and silver
-artist signed 6 times
-Original use: washing hands at official ceremonies
-Later use: baptisms for French royal family (association with St. Louis fictional)
-Hunting alternate with battle scenes along side
-Mamluk hunt

Bahram Gur Fights the Karg, folio from the Great Il-Khanid Shahnama

-ink and watercolor, gold and silver on paper
-Iranian manuscript
-Large painted surface area; calligraphy diminished
-Areas of flat color
-Spatial recession indicated by the overlapping planes
-Atmospheric perspective seen in the light bluish background

The Court of Gayumars, folio from Shah Tahmasp's Shahnama

-ink, opaque watercolor, gold on paper
-The Shahnama (Book of Kings) is a Persian epic poem by Firdawsi (940-1025) telling the ancient history of Persia
-Whole book contains 258 illustrated pages
-This excerpt shows the first king, Gayumars, enthroned bef

The Ardabil Carpet

-silk on wool
-Huge carpet, one of a matching pair, from the funerary mosque of Shayik Safial-Din; probably made when shrine was enlarged
-A prayer carpet
-Medallion in center perhaps represents the inside of a dome with 16 pendants
-Mosque lamps hang fro

Great Stupa at Sanchi

-stone masonry, sandstone on dome
-A Buddhist shrine, mound shaped, and faced with dressed stone
-3 umbrellas at the top representing Buddha, Buddha's Law, and Monastic orders
-Railing at crest of mound surrounds the umbrellas, symbolically a sacred tree

Terracotta warriors from mausoleum of the first Qin emperor of China

-painted terra cotta
-about 8,000 terra-cotta warriors, 100 wooden chariots, 2 bronze chariots, 30,000 weapons buried as part of the tomb Emperor Shi Huangdi
-soldiers are 6 ft tall, some fierce, some proud, some confident; taller than the average person

Funeral banner of Lady Dai (Xin Zhui)

-painted silk
-Lady Dai died in 168 B.C.E in Hunan province; Han Dynasty
-Tomb found with over 100 objects in 1972
-T-shaped silk banner covering the inner coffin of the intact body
-Probably carried in a procession to the tomb then placed over the body t

Longmen caves

-Luoyang, China
-Caves along the banks of the Yi River
-Sculptures and reliefs carved from the existing rock; some colossal, some small
-Documents attest that 800,000 people worked on this site; 110,000 Buddhist stone statues; more than 60 stup

Gold and jade crown

-Uncovered in Gyeongju, Korea from a royal tomb
-Symbolizes geometric trees
-Antler forms influenced by Shamanistic practices in Siberia
-Very light weight: had limited use; maybe for ceremonial occasions, perhaps only for burial


-wood with ceramic tile roofing
-Great Eastern Temple, refers to its location on the eastern edge of the city of Nara, Japan
-noted for its colossal sculpture of the seated image of the Vairocana Buddha
-Temple and Buddha have been razed several times dur


-volcanic stone masonry
-Java, Indonesia
-Massive Buddhist monument contains 504 life size Buddhas, 1,460 narrative relief sculptures on 1300 panels 8200 ft long; there are 1500 stupas and one million carved blocks of stone
-Iconographically complex and i

Angkor, the temple of Angkor Wat, the city of Angkor Thom, Cambodia

-stone masonry, sandstone
-Capitol of medieval Cambodia built by Suryavarman II
-Main pyramid is surrounded by 4 corner towers, temple-mountain
-corbelled gallery roofs
-dedicated to Vishnu, most sculptures represent Vishnu's incarnations

Lakshmana Temple

-Khajuraho, India
-placed on a high pedestal
-a series of shapes that build to become a large tower; complicated intertwining of similar forms
-in the center is the "embryo" room containing the shrine, very small, only space enough for the prie

Travelers among Mountains and Streams, Fan Kuan

-ink on silk
-Artist isolated himself away from civilization to be with nature and study it, for his landscapes; Daoist philosophy
-produced very complex landscapes
-different brushstrokes describe different kinds of trees: coniferous, deciduous, etc.

Shiva as Lord of Dance (Nataraja)

-cast bronze
-Vigorously dancing with one foot on a dwarf, the demon of ignorance; often depicted in a flaming nimbus
-Flying locks of hair terminate in rearing cobra heads
-One hand sounds the drum that he dances to, another has a flame
-Shiva has four h

Night Attack on the Sanj� Palace

-hand scroll
-ink and color on paper
-painted 100 years after the civil war depicted in the scene
-elevated viewpoint
-strong diagonals emphasizing movement and action
-swift active brushstrokes
-narrative reads from right to left as the scroll is unrolle

The David Vases

-white porcelain with cobalt blue underglaze
-one of the most important examples of blue and white porcelain in existence
-made for the altar of a Daoist temple, along with an incense burner which has not been found; a typical altar set
-dedication on the

Portrait of Sin Sukju

-ink and color on silk
-Korean prime minister and soldier
-Portrait made when he was a second grade civil officer: insignia designed with clouds and a wild goose
-Korean portraits emphasize how the subject made a great contribution to the country and how

Forbidden City

-stone, masonry, marble, brick, wood, ceramic tile
-Beijing China
-Largest and most complete Chinese architectural ensemble in existence
-9,000 rooms
-walls 30 ft high to keep people out and those inside in
-Forbidden city so named because only the royal


-rock garden
-garden as a microcosm of nature
Zen dry garden
-gravel acts as water; gravel racked in wavy patterns
-rocks are mountain ranges
-meant to be viewed from a veranda in a nearby building
-15 rocks arranged in 3 groups
-interpreted as islands in

Jahangir Preferring a Sufi Shaikh to Kings, Bichitr

-watercolor, gold, and ink on paper
-Jahangir had many artists follow him wherever he went; wanted everything recorded
-He sought to bring together things from distant lands
-Seated on an hourglass throne; sand of time run out; Janhangir near the end

Taj Mahal

-stone, marble, and semiprecious stones
-translated in English as "Crown Palace"
-Named for Mumtaz Mahal, deceased wife of Shah Jahan; she died while giving birth to her 14th child
-Built to serve as Mumtaz Mahal's tomb, centrally placed under dome. Shah

White and Red Plum Blossoms, Ogata Korin

-watercolor on paper
-Japanese rinpa style named for Ogata (meaning "school")
-Influenced by the yamato-e style of painting
-Stream cuts rhythmically through the scene; swirls in paint surface indicate water currents
-White plum blossoms on left; red on r

Under the Wave off Kanagawa (Kanagawa oki nami ura), also known as The Great Wave, from the series Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji, Katsushika Hokusai

-poly chrome woodblock print; ink and color on paper
-First time landscape is a major theme in Japanese prints
-Last of a series of prints called 36 views of Mount Fuji
-Personification of nature, it seems intent on drowning the figures in the boats

Chairman Mao en Route to Anyuan

-color lithograph
-based on an old painting by Liu Chunhua
-Painted during the Cultural Revolution of 1966-76; high art was dismissed as feudal or bourgeois
-Poster like; vivid colors, dramatic and obvious political message
-Dominated by pictorial represe

Nan Madol

-basalt boulders and prismatic columns
-Pohnpei, Micronesia
-Ancient city that acted as the capital of the Saudeleur Dynasty of Micronesia
-92 small artificial islands connected by canals, about 170 acres in total
-Built out into the water on a lagoon; si

Moai on platform (ahu)

-volcanic tuff figures on basalt base
-about nine hundred statues in all, mostly male, almost all facing inland; fifty tons apiece
-erected on large platforms of stone mixed with ashes from cremations; the platforms are as sacred as the statues on them

Ahu 'ula (feather cape)

-feathers and fiber
-Coat made of thousands of bird feathers; worn by men
-500,000 feathers; some birds that had only 7 usable feathers
-red considered a royal color in Polynesia
-Coconut fiber used as a base; feathers tied to it
-Cloak created by artists

Staff god

-wood, tapa, fiber and feathers
-Large column like wooden shaft placed upright in a village common
-Large head placed on top; several smaller heads carved below it
-Shaft in the form of an elongated body
-Central carved wooden shaft around which a roll of

Female deity from Nukuoro

-many kept in religious buildings belonging to the community
-represent individual deities
-sometimes dressed in garments; may have been decorated with flowers
-simple geometric forms
-erect pose; long arms; broad chest
-chin drawing to a point

Buk mask

-turtle shell, wood, fiber, feathers, and shell
-Torres Strait is the water passageway between Australia and New Guinea
-Turtle shell masks unique to this region
-Used with grass costumes in ceremonies about death, fertility, or male initiation

Hiapo (tapa)

-tapa or bark cloth, freehand painting
-Hiapo is the word used in Niue for "tapa" or "bark cloth"
-Tapa is cloth made from tree bark; the pieces are beaten and pasted together
-using stencils, the artists dye the exposed parts of the tapa with paint

Tamati waka Nene, Gottfried Lindaur

-oil on canvas
-New Zealand painter
-Famous for portraits of Maori chieftains
-Journeyman painter-tradesman who worked on commission
-Subject is Tamati Waka Nene, Maori chief and convert to the Weseyan faith
-Painting is posthumous based on a photograph b

Navigation chart

-wood and fiber
-Marshall islands
-Marshall islands are low-lying and hard to see from a distance
-Charts composed to steer through the many islands to get to a destination
-Horizontal and vertical sticks support the chart
-Diagonal lines indicate winds a

Malagan display and mask

-wood, pigment, fiber, and shell
-Malagan ceremonies send the soul of the deceased on their way to the other world
-Sometimes ceremonies begin months after death, and can last an extended period of time
-Ceremonies free the living of the obligation of ser

Presentation of Fijian mats and tapas cloths to Queen Elizabeth II

-multimedia performance, photographic documentation
-enormous tapa cloth made for the visit of Queen Elizabeth II in 1953 to Fiji, on the occasion of her coronation as Queen of England
-Presentation to the Queen is an example of performance art
-imagery o

The Gates, Christo and Jeanne-Claude

-Christo is Bulgarian born; Jean-Claude is of French descent, born in Morocco
-7,503 gates of free hanging saffron colored fabric panels
-framed all the pathways of central park, nyc
-16-foot tall gates formed a continuous river of color
-covered 23 miles

Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Maya Lin

-artist an Ohio born Chinese american
-V-shaped monument cut into the earth with 60,000 casualties of the Vietnam War listed in the order they were killed or reported missing
- one arm of the monument points to the Lincoln memorial, the other to the Washi

Horn Players, Jean-Michel Basquiat

-acrylic and oil paint stick on canvas panels
-artist born in Brooklyn, NY, of Puerto Rican and Haitian parents
-Artist rebelled against the middle class upbringing he was born into
-some traditional forms: triptych, canvas, oil paint
-modernist expressio

Summer Trees, Song Su-nam

-ink on paper
-Korean artist using traditional ink on paper
-large vertical lines of various thickness
-subtle tonal variations of ink wash
-one of the leaders of the "Sumukhwa," a new type of ink painting in the 1980s
-ink painting a traditional form of

Androgyne III, Magdalena Abakanowicz

-burlap, resin, wood, nails, and string
-Polish artist
-since 1974 artist makes figures often without heads or arms in large groups or singly
-figure sits on low stretcher of wooden legs, substituting for human legs
-figure sits on a low stretcher of wood

A Book from the Sky, Xu Bing

-variable number of scrolls hanging from the ceiling, and variable number of wall panels
-Chinese born artist; US resident
-Original title "An Analyzed Reflection of the End of This Century"
-Originally in the National Museum of fie arts in Beijing; fille

Pink Panther, Jeff Koons

-by Jeff Coons
-glazed porcelain
-commentary on celebrity romance, sexuality, commercialism, stereotypes, pop culture, and sentimentality
-artificially idealized female form ; overly yellow hair, bright red lips, large breasts, pronounced red fingernails;

Untitled (#228), from the History Portraits series, Cindy Sherman

-New jersey born, American artist
-artist appears as the photographer, subject, costumer, hairdresser, and makeup artist in each work
-artist's work comments on gender, identity, society, and class distinction
-this series sheds a modern light

Dancing at the Louvre, from the series, The French Collection, part 1; #1, Faith Ringgold

-acrylic on canvas
-NY born African american artist
-artist uses the American slave art form of the quilt to create her works
-quilts were originally meant to be both beautiful and useful; works of applied art
-quilting seen as a traditionally female art

Trade (Gifts for Trading Land with White People), Jaune Quick-to-See Smith

-Member of the Salish and Kootenai American Indian tribes of the Flathead Nation
-Work meant as the "Quincentenary Non-Celebration" of European occupation of North America
-Collage elements and abstract expressionist brushwork
-red paint symbolic of shedd

Earth's Creation, Emily Kame Kngwarreye

-Australian aborigine artist
-simulates the color and lushness of the "green time" in Australia after the rains when the outback flourishes
-Dump dot technique using the brush to pound the color into the canvas and create layers of color and movement

Rebellious Silence, from the Women of Allah series, Shirin Neshat (artist); photo by Cynthia Preston

-Iranian-born artist, raised in the US
-Chador: a type of outer garment, like a clock, that allows only the face and hands of Iranian women to be seen
-Chador keeps women's bodies from being seen as sexual objects
-poem on face written in Farsi, the Persi

En la Barberia no se Llora (No Crying Allowed in the Barbershop), Pepon Osorio

-Puerto-rican-born artist living in NY
-large installation recreating the center of Latino male culture; the barber shop
-challenges the viewer to question issues of identity, masculinity, culture, and attitudes
-interior of a barbershop in which "no cryi

Pisupo Lua Afe (Corned Beef 2000), Michel Tuffery

-Artist born in New Zealand of Samoan, Cook Islands, and Tahitian descent
-Intrest in Polynesian heritage
-Life-size sculpture of a bull made from flattened cans of corned beef
-canned corned beef a favorite food in Polynesia; exported from New Zealand

Electronic Superhighway, Nam June Paik

-Korean-born artist who lived in New York City
-Neon lighting outlines fifty states and district of Columbia (Alaska and Hawaii on side walls)
- Each state has a separate video feed; total of 313 moniters
-a camera is turned on the spectator and its TV fe

The Crossing, Bill Viola

-Artist born in Queens, New York
-Promoted video as an art form
-Video installations are total environments
-two channels of color video projections from opposite sides of large dark gallery onto two large back-to-back screens suspended from ceiling and m

Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, Frank Gehry

-Canadian American Architect based in Los Angeles
-Swirling forms and shapes mark a contrast with the industrial landscape of Bilbao
- from river side, the building resembles a boat, referencing Bilbao's past as a shipping and commercial center
-curving f

Pure Land, Mariko Mori

-Japanese artist
-artist uses a creative interpretation of traditional Japanese art forms
-romanticized views of popular culture
-Mori herself appears as if in a vision in the guise of the Heian deity Kichijoten
-K is the essence of beauty and harbinger o

Lying with the Wolf, Kiki Smith

-American artist, born in Germany, lives in NYC
-nude female figure; theme of Smith's work is the human body
-large wrinkled drawing, pinned to a wall; reminiscent of a table cloth or bed sheet
-female strength emphasized in the woman lying down with the

Darkytown Rebellion, Kara Walker

-California born, NY based, African American artist
-draws image with a greasy white pencil or soft pastel crayon on large pieces of black paper; cuts paper with a knife
-images adhered to gallery wall with wax
-traditional silhouette forms

The Swing (After Fragonard), Yinka Shonibare

-artist is British born of Nigerian descent; lives and works in London
-Inspired by Fragonard's The Swing
-Life size headless mannequin
-dress made of African print fabric
-flowering vines cast to the floor
-two men in the fragonard painting are not inclu

Old Man's Cloth, El Anatsui

-by el anatsui
-aluminum liquor bottle caps and copper wire
-artist born in Ghana, spent much of his career in Nigeria
-1000 drink tops joined by wire to form a cloth-like hanging
-bottle caps from a distillery in nigeria
- artist uses power tools like ch

Stadia II, Julie Mehretu

-by Julie Mehretu
-ink and acrylic on canvas
-artist born in Ethiopia, lives and works in New York city
-paints large scale paintings
-although paintings done with abstract elements, titles allude to meaning
-stylized renderings of stadium architecture

Preying Mantra, Wangechi Mutu

-by Wangechi Mutu
-mixed media on mylar
-Kenya born, New York based artist
--Collaged female figures composed of human, animal, object, and machine parts
-commentary on the female persona in art history
-Cyborg; a person whose function is aided by a mecha

Shibboleth, Doris Salcedo

-by Doris Salcedo
-Colombian sculptor
-installation that features a large crack that begins as a hairline and then widens to two feet in depth
-floor of the museum was opened as a cast of columbian rock faces was inserted
-stresses the interaction between

MAXXI National Museum of XXI Century Arts, Zaha Hadid

-Iraqi-born, British-based artist
-two museums (MAXXI Art and MAXXI Architecture)
-a library, auditorium, and cafeteria
-internal spaces covered by a glass roof; natural light admitted into the interior, filtered by louvered blinds
-walls flow and melt in

Kui Hua Zi (Sunflower Seeds), Ai Weiwei

-by Ai Weiwei
-Chinese artist
-Installation containing millions of individually handcrafted ceramic pieces resembling sunflower seeds
-They symbolically represent an ocean of fathomless depth; each seed is made in Jingdezhen, a city known for its porcelai