What was the "Salon," and why was it important to 19th century European painters?

-was the state-sponsored exhibition of paintings -acceptance was the mark of an artist's success
-artists would submit their work for consideration by an official jury

In what ways does Ingres represent Academic ideals?

believed that the great art could only be made from great subject matter, and the greatest subject matter of all was history. He also had a highly detailed and polished style. His beliefs became what is known as academic art.

According to your book, what were the goals of the formal European Academies?

To maintain official standards of skill and taste by perpetuating models of greatness from the past.

What subject matter did the Academies deem most important?

Humans, History, Literally Work

How did the Impressionists break with Academic traditions?

*subjects= everyday life things
* freq. depicted modern urban scenes-Paris when painting landscapes
* worked outside
*broken color
*darker shades of color were seldom used
*emphasized play of natural light on object and way colors reflected


paste" in Italian, it is a thick application of paint

broken color

paint is applied in short thick strokes usually in sketch like form

alla prima

all at once" completing a painting in a single session ex; Morisot--"Girl Arranging Her Hair

Least Important subject matter of Academies

Genre, Still Life, Landscapes

When describing the formal elements of a work, what does "value" mean?

varying degrees of light and dark; the lighter=higher value; the darker=lower value

For two-dimensional art, what does "modeling" mean?

simulating the effects of light and shadow to portray optically convincing masses

Primary Colors

red, yellow, blue

Secondary Colors

violet, orange , green


name of the color


result of adding white to a color


result of adding black to a color


purity of the color

What aspect of color does saturation describe?

its value how light/how dark

which hue has the highest value


which hue has the lowest value

blue violet

Are black and white colors? Why or why not?

No, white= absence of color
black= all pigments mixed together

By what characteristics could you identify Kathe Kollwitz's mature works? Why is she considered an Expressionist?

her medium is black and white, works are dark (due to time period she lived through)
-Expressionist bc she wanted to convey her emotions through her artwork


the technique of using values to record light and shadow, esp. as they provide info about three dim. form


closely spaced parallel lines that mix optically to suggest values; linear technique for modeling forms


layers of hatching superimposed to achieve darker values; with each new layer set at angle to the ones beneath

contour hatching

A meaning of shading and modeling by following the shape of the form with parallel lines.


pattern of closely spaced dots or small marks used to create a sense of three-dim. on flat surface

local color

The identifying color perceived in ordinary daylight.


painting executed entirely in gray scale values, often as foundation for colored glazes

what is meant by limited or restricted palettes

limited options for color

diff. b/w a monochromatic and analogous color scheme

Monochromatic- one color -Analogous- 2 colors- eliminating one primary color- controlling the color and making it unified

warm colors

red, oranges, yellows

cool colors

blues, greens, purples

what did the public find offensive about Manet's 'luncheon on the grass'

The nude woman looks right at you and she is known Prostitute in London.

from what source did the name "impressionism" come

manet's painting

how did impressionists break with academic traditions

The impressionists use blobs of color and very little detail, the academic traditions uses a lot of detail.

distinguish b/w monet & manet. how did their work differ

Manet- He is not an impressionist because uses details in his painting
Monet- He is an Impressionist, meaning he uses blobs of color and no detail

simultaneous contrast

the perceptual phenomenon where by complementary colors appear most brilliant when set side by side.

how do you identify complementary color pairs

they sit across from each other on the color wheel

what are complementary colors of each of the primary hues

Red - Green, yellow - purple, Blue - orange

what happens when you mix complementary colors together

complimentaries react with each other more vividly than with other colors. Areas of complementary color placed next to or near each other make both hues appear more intense.

what is meant by "expressionism

express emotion, when a person looks at the work they will understand and feel the emotion

which of the artists we discuss can be described as "expressionist

vincent van gogh

what's the difference between impressionism and expressionism

impressionism: In subject matter, it followed the realism in portraying daily life, especially the leisure activities of the middle class. They favored alla prima painting, landscapes and outdoors.
expressionism: claimed the right to distort visual appear

who was the first expressionist

Vincent Van Gogh

what nationality was vincent van gogh


what effect did the impressionists work in paris have on van gogh's painting

he began to use lighter colors such as reds, oranges, greens, and light blues

what is meant by the term optical color mixing

When small patches of different colors are close together the eye may blend them to produce a new color.

what did seurat call his experiments in optical color mixing


what contemporary american painter also applies the principles of optical color mixing in his work

chuck close

what characteristics distinguish gauguin's works

his experimental use of color, he had a very diff style from the impressionists

where did gauguin create his most famous paintings

the seed of arcoi?? Tahiti

in relief printing, what part of the block prints black

un-carved part

where did printing begin

europe?? check notes

where was paper invented


in the fractional number at the bottom left of a limited edition print, what does the top number indicate? the bottom?

top: # of which it was printed
bottom: total # printed


design prepared before being transferred through pressure to a receiving surface


individual print


series of the same picture/print


alignment of impressions made by two or more printing blocks on the same sheet of paper in several colors

what is the source for Durer's "four horsemen


pay special attention to the way Durer signs his work

A inside a D

what was the earlier name of the modern capitol of Japan


post impressionists

van gogh
seurat--optical color mixing

analogous colors

groups of 3 colors next to each other on the color wheel

impressionist art

* subjects were everyday life
* paintings depicted modern day scenes
* artist worked outdoors when painting
* paint applied in short thick strokes
* darker shades made by mixing comp. colors
* emphasized natural light on an object
* wet paint was painted