
Persons who are 12 to 18 years of age.

Anxious-avoidant attachment

A bond between an infant and his or her parent or caregiver in which the infant is repeatedly rejected and develops an isolated lifestyle that does not depend on the support and care of others.


A disorder in which cholesterol and calcium build up inside the walls of the blood vessels, forming plaque, which eventually leads to partial or complete blockage of blood flow.


Injury resulting from pressure disequilibrium across body surfaces,.


The formation of a close, personal relationship.

Conventional reasoning

A type of reasoning in which a child looks for approval from peers and society.

Early adult

Persons who are 19 to 40 years of age.


Areas where the infant's skull has not fused together; usually disappear at approximately 18 months of age.


Person who are from 1 month to 1 year of age.

Late adults

Persons who are 61 years or older.

Life expectancy

The average amount of years a person can be expected to live.

Middle adults

Persons who are 41 to 60 years of age.

Moro reflex

An infant reflex in which, when an infant is caught off guard, the infant opens his or her arms wide, spreads the fingers, and seems to grab at things


Person who are birth to 1 month of age.


The basic filtering units in the kidneys.

Palmar grasp

An infant reflex that occurs when something is placed in the infant's palm; the infant grasps the object.

Postconventional reasoning

A type of reasoning in which a child bases decisions on his or her conscience.

Preconventional reasoning

A type of reasoning in which a child acts almost purely to avoid punishment to get what he or she wants.


Persons who are 3 to 6 years of age.

Rooting reflex

An infant reflex that occurs when something touches the infant's cheek, and the infant instinctively turns his or her head toward the touch.

School age.

A person who is 6 to 12 years of age.

Secure attachment

A bond between an infant and his or her parent or caregiver, in which the infant understands that his or her parents or caregivers will be responsive to his or her needs and take care of him or her when he or she needs help.

Sucking reflex

An infant reflex in which the infant starts sucking when his or her lips are stroked.

Terminal drop hypothesis

The theory that a person's mental function declines in the last 5 years of life.


Persons who are 1 to 3 years.

Trust and mistrust

A phrase that refers to a stage of development from birth to approximately 18 months of age, during which infants gain trust of their parents or caregivers if their world is planned, organized, and routine.

Kidney function declines by _____ between the ages 20 and 90 years.


An adolescent is a person between the ages of:

12 and 18 years.

Stealing money from a parent's wallet and denying it when caught is an example of ______________ reasoning.


One consequence of the loss of neutrons among elderly persons is a(n):

A change in sleep patterns.

Maturation of the reproductive system usually takes place during:


From birth to 1 month old, a person is called a(n):


The maximum life expectancy for humans is estimated to be _____ years.


What do middle adults tend to focus their time and energy on?

Achieving life goals.

When encountering a patient with a depressed fontanelles, you should suspect:


What is "vital capacity"?

The volume of air moved during the deepest points of respiration.

Clingy behavior and the fear of unfamiliar people or places are normal among 10 to 18 month old children and are commonly caused by __________ anxiety.


Diastolic blood pressure tends to _________ with age.


In what age range do toddlers and preschoolers fit into?

1 to 6 years.

Work, family, and stress best describe the life stage known as:

Early adulthood.

At what age can an infant normally start tracking objects with his or her eyes and recognizing familiar faces?

2 months.

True or False
Toddler should have pulse rates between 90 and 150 beats/min.


True or False
Infant respirations should be counted by watching for abdominal rise.


______ adults are those who are age 19 to ___ years.

Early, 40.

In toddlers, the pulse rate is __ to ___ beats/min and the respiratory rate is __ to __ breaths/min.

90 - 150, 20 - 30

An infant's lungs are _______, and providing bag-mask ventilations that are too forceful can result in trauma from pressure, or __________.

Fragile, barotrauma.

Which of the following is an anatomic difference between children and adults?
A. an infant's head accounts for less body weight than an adult's
B. the ribcage of an infant is less flexible than an adult's
C. the trachea of an infant is proportionately lon

An infant's tongue is proportionately larger than an adult's.

An infant or small child's airway can be occluded if it is overextended or overflexed because:

The occiput is proportionately large and the trachea is flexible.

In contrast to secure attachment, anxious-avoidant attachment occurs when a child:

Shows little emotional response to a parent or caregiver following repeated rejection.

A 16-year-old female complains of vaginal bleeding and abdominal cramping that began several hours ago. During your assessment interview, you should:

Inquire about the possibility of pregnancy in private, if possible.

When assessing an 80-year-old patient in shock, it is important to remember that:

Age-related changes in the cardiovascular system may make the patient less able to compensate for decreased perfusion.